Are not you doing exactly what you are criticizing homosexuals for doing. Maybe if you are sick of hearing it, you should stop your whining and just ignore us. Just accept the fact that this is part of life, because sweetheart we are not going anywhere, and we are not shutting up.
I have no problem with homosexuals in general. I would never advocate for the majority of homosexuals to just shut up and be gone. And I have no problem with homosexuals seeking their equal rights, or for standing up for what they believe in. The majority of homosexuals, in my opinion, do not whine about these issues or make things seem more than they really are.
I'm speaking about a specific group, who in my opinion, has blown things grossly out of proportion. I'm talking about a group who show the same hatred and prejudice against Christians as they claim Christians are showing them. I'm talking about a group who believes the world is out to get them, and that somehow, their struggle is more than it really is (I am not downplaying the struggle the homosexuals have had to face, and still do. I'm simply stating that they are not the most persecuted people who have lived, which I think most people would agree with. That is not to justify what is happening to homosexuals by stating others have had it worse).
I personally think that homosexuals should be glad that they didn't have to face what blacks did a few decades ago, what women had to face a few decades ago, simply because now they don't have such a long way to climb to gain the same equality. What I mean is that the U.S. has a long history of persecuting groups, and those groups rising up and gaining their equality. Each group is able to stand on the shoulders of the previous groups. New problems are faced with each group, because they are discriminated against in some different ways. But they do gain from the previous groups as well.
And one of the problems that I personally think is harming the homosexual community are the individuals who are making the problem into something it is not. They may be a minority within the minority, but I believe they are harming the cause much more than they are helping. For instance, to demonize all of Christianity, or even a substantial branch is doing nothing more than making people angry, and making those people less willing to help. This is not to say that Christianity, at least sects of it, shouldn't be criticized for their intolerant beliefs, because they should. However, it should be done in a way that opens up discussion, instead of blocking any hope that an understanding may occur.