Do evolution and bigbang always have to be in conflict with religion/spirituality/Philosophies?
Considering evolution and Big Bang are ultimately philosophies, I'm not sure what is the inherent conflict, other than two (or more) parties showing up and sharing disagreement about the proposed ideas/assumptions.
With religion, the obvious conflict is whether that religion has stories / understandings of origin and change up to this moment, and how firm it is in those understandings. Arguably, a new religion could fully embrace either concept, then be in perfect harmony.
With spirituality, I personally don't see the fundamental value in rehashing an origin of physical phenomenon. And barely see a need in understanding the ongoing changes in physical phenomenon as it relates to a bastardized understanding of Life. So, I guess the conflict (for me) could be found if I ever encounter ideology that suggests these 2 concepts are paramount to understanding existence. Since science would never inherently doing this, then would seem to take a religion that embraces these two and is demanding conversion, for such a conflict to ever arise.