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Do You Believe In God, Why? Don't You Believe In God, Why?


Well-Known Member
Actually, living together before marriage should be encouraged. It leads to happier and healthier relationship unless those involved are programmed by some religion. Lying and stealing are simple violations against society.

But recall that slavery is endorsed in the Bible. But people today would say it is immoral. In this, I would say that people today are correct and the Biblical rules are wrong.

Living together before marriage takes away from the sacredness and meaning of marriage. People who live together before marriage are also more likely to be divorced.

Lying and stealing are not respectful of oneself and others.

I believe that having a relationship with God, not religion and pastors and priests, shows us that certain behaviors are not healthy.


Veteran Member
If there is no God, why is there a sense of right and wrong and a creation all around us? The creation declares the majesty of God. A building reveals that there was a builder.

And what does a crystal reveal?
A house does not build itself.

The things of "nature" build themselves.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
Do you think that the evidence that Sodom and Gommorah was found is a fabrication? I don't think the people who said it had much to gain They were already archaeologists.

Except of course that the *date* of the destruction simply doesn't match the Biblical narrative. The site has every indication of being 'discovered' by the later Israelites and 'explained' by the Biblical story.

Once again, I expect the writers of the Bible to be familiar with the places around them and the events of their time. I also expect them to make up stories for things they can't explain.

For example, the whole Exodus story is almost certainly fabricated. It is only from the time of the kings and later that any actual historical accuracy is found.


Active Member
Care to describe exactly what you mean by a 'canonical number'?

Or why they have anything to do with a deity?
Canonical numbers are the sets of numbers that are used to create our balanced, harmonic universe. They are embedded into the geometry of the universe. The "surface" numbers, those which are the most obvious, come in two sets that interact. The first, nearly unnoticeable, is the "twos" or doubling, with 12 being the most important. Then there are the "threes", starting with the cubed three, or 27. This number is then doubled in a progression, 27, 54, 108, 216, 432, 864 and beyond. These most obvious numbers are embedded in geometry, the solar system, etc. They are found in the platonic solids (example, the total number of angles in the cube is 2160) and the same number is found in the diameter of the moon(2160 miles). Also in the nautical miles of the Earth's circumference (216, 000) And again in an age of precession of the equinoxes (2160 years). These numbers are found in holy texts, beliefs and rituals, showing the ancients had at least some knowledge of the holy canon.

Then it gets deeper and more complicated, with special numbers like the square roots of 2, 3 and 5, phi, pi, and the trinity of 33-153-273. These numbers begin to show how they relate to life. If you want more, I will go on.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
All religious scripture is subjective, not objective. If we treat it like the latter, we're barking up the wrong tree.


Active Member
The structures are orderly. That doesn't mean they are designed. There are other ways to get orderly structures than design by an intelligence.

Once again, MOST of the universe has spontaneously formed structures. Those produced by humans are the exception, not the rule. So 'design' is very much the exception.
What are the other ways?


Active Member
We expect resonances between planets to involve the ratios of small integers. Gravity tends to drive systems to such.

The square root of 2 is, again, something to be expected because of 1:2 resonances and the inverse square law of gravity.

Can you give some specifics that are NOT easily explained without the need of a deity?
Please explain why these ratios would be expected. I am willing to learn.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
If there is no God, why is there a sense of right and wrong...

Why would a sense of right and wrong require there to be a deity.
For that matter, why would it even provide more than weak support
for the notion that there was a deity?

The creation declares the majesty of God.

God capitalized is a proper name, a specific god. Assuming there
is a god, do you have reason for believing that god is God?

A building reveals that there was a builder.

Because we have prior knowledge there was a builder. What
prior knowledge do we have that the universe had a creator?


Veteran Member
Subduction Zone said: How does one separate the false from the true in the gospels?

Trailblazer said: One way to know is by looking at how the Book was unsealed, separating truth from falsity.

So, here is the further explanation:

The "Book" is the Bible that was intended to be sealed up until the time of the end, until the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days came. Being sealed up means we could not fully understand the Bible.

Daniel 12
King James Version

4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

8 And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things?

9 And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end.

10 Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.

11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.

12 Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.

The 2,300 years came in 1844 and the book was unsealed by Baha’u’llah. That math is explained in Some Answered Questions, 10: TRADITIONAL PROOFS EXEMPLIFIED FROM THE BOOK OF DANIEL

We do not have to run to and fro anymore. Unsealing the Book means knowledge has been increased so we can now understand the true meaning of the Bible. By reading the Baha’i Writings that explain the true meaning of the Bible, we can understand what much of the Bible means that could never be understood before.

Christians have misinterpreted much of the Bible because they did not have the key to unlock the meaning. Because of the way the Bible was written, misunderstanding and misinterpretation of the Bible has been a big problem since the very beginning. Christians disagreed as to what the Bible meant and none of them clearly understood much of what it meant, and that is why there are so many different sects of Christianity. That is understandable because it was prophesied by Daniel that the Book would be sealed up until the time of the end, meaning nobody would really understand it.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
How do things of nature build themselves?

In many different ways, depending on the interactions involved. I would suggest you study a little bit of science to see just how much can spontaneously form.

But this has been answered multiple times: things in the universe have properties. Among those properties are the ways they attract and repel other things. When structures spontaneously assemble, it is because the parts are inherently attracted to each other and repelled by other things.

Water will form spontaneously from hydrogen and oxygen given a bit of UV light.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Probably more than most.

Me too! I know more than most! Most scientists don't
know my innermost thoughts and exceedingly beautiful and
unique feelings that make me so very special. How about
you? Do many scientists know why you are so very
special? I'm guessing not. Durn scientists! They never
know anything important. It's easy to see how you and I
can know more than them!


Active Member
Me too! I know more than most! Most scientists don't
know my innermost thoughts and exceedingly beautiful and
unique feelings that make me so very special. How about
you? Do many scientists know why you are so very
special? I'm guessing not. Durn scientists! They never
know anything important. It's easy to see how you and I
can know more than them!
I am not special in any way, in fact I am pretty stupid. That is why it has taken ten years just for me to learn the basics.


Active Member
In many different ways, depending on the interactions involved. I would suggest you study a little bit of science to see just how much can spontaneously form.

But this has been answered multiple times: things in the universe have properties. Among those properties are the ways they attract and repel other things. When structures spontaneously assemble, it is because the parts are inherently attracted to each other and repelled by other things.

Water will form spontaneously from hydrogen and oxygen given a bit of UV light.
That is a belief, not a truth. You don't know. Neither do I.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I am not special in any way, in fact I am pretty stupid. That is why it has taken ten years just for me to learn the basics.

In that case, I genuinely applaud your persistence and wish you the best in your continuing efforts to inform yourself. Honesty. That's admirable.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
That is a belief, not a truth. You don't know. Neither do I.

What? that water will form spontaneously from hydrogen and oxygen when exposed to UV light?

No, that is a truth.

We know of many situations where order spontaneously forms because of the properties of the parts involved.