Hi ArtieE sorry I was a little cross in my response to your question, you see I was talking to 99 hostile people and you just happened to be my 100th customer for the day where I gave you a less than kind response.Thanks. I just wish that people who have NDEs could come back with some useful, valuable and scientifically verifiable information and evidence instead of just the standard fare. What if the military could train soldiers and send them on fact finding missions across? Imagine how many questions we might get answered.
In regards to you question about bringing back some type of proof about the knowledge of a great mystery of life, I was shown an incredible revelation to the perceptions of reality in conduciveness to the never ending riddle of solving the Theory of Everything, but are people ready for the truth? Perhaps not but I am just a humble person with limited mathematical abilities that can barely understand the Pythagorean theorem blunder the scarecrow made in the Wizard of Oz who proudly proclaimed the square root of the hypotenuse of an isosceles triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. It's kind of funny because what he should have said was Right Triangle and not Isosceles Triangle.
So what revelation did I have to link the micro universe of Quantum Mechanics with the Macro Universe governed by the Laws of Physics that has a unifying link to solve the great mysteries to the Quirky sense of Nature that seems to contradict the 2 disciplines? The key lies in understanding the Quantum Entanglement Link between sub particle A with Sub Particle B. This link which is impossible to understand from a Laws of Physics point of view is simply explained by the vibrational energies of Super String Theory which suggest the availability of higher dimensions then the 4 dimensions we are familiar with.
When one observes the extremely small 5th dimension that is conjoining the 2 sub particles of matter as a single and yet separate unit one can see how the infinitely small dimension is linked with the normal dimensions of Space/Time we are familiar with.
This revelation clearly shows the linkage between the 2 fields of nature that seems to behave differently according to the Laws of Physics. In our world Space/Time is a verb and a noun that are co-dependent on one another for reality to exist, but in the micro world of Sub Particles and vibrational frequencies of matter Space and time are separate and both must be understood as nouns, and not verbs or action. Imagine that time is frozen and you are able to walk all over it just like you are walking on the fabric of space you are familiar with. This revelation is just mind boggling when you consider the realities of the situation you are in. In this state of existence you can be Here, There, Everywhere and Nowhere simultaneously in a place that does not exist!
This new technology and revelation I am referring to is not new at all, there is evidence of passages in the bible where God states Quantum quandaries of His existence. In Revelations there are many passages where God states He is Alpha and Omega, Simultaneously being beginning and end of existence. The amazing thing about the religious references concerning Quantum quandaries is not limited to Christianity. In Wicca there is a similar saying as one cast a spiritual circle in a religious ceremony which states: "We are in a world that is between worlds and in a time that is not a time, between worlds and between time we enter through the veil in peace and harmony." I find it interesting how ancient religions have such revelations to the information I saw when I passed over to the other side.
So how does if feel to be a 3 dimensional Hologram, that is also part of a vibrational string of energy where the universe is not only around you, it is you. This is a little too much overwhelming information for an average person to take so I must ask are we really ready for revelations like this to change our way of thinking? Thanks for letting me to respond to your question.
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