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Do You Know Why You Don't Believe?


Super Universe said:
And, once again, my argument is that you believe in all kinds of things (people, places, theories) that you have no direct experience with, you simply trust what others tell you or you trust what you have read.

So why is God different?

Why don't you trust that the Bible accurately portrays God? Why don't you believe in the God of the Qur'an or in the Oddessy and Illiad. Once you understand why I don't believe in those things, you will understand why I do not believe in the Urantia Book either.

Super Universe

Defender of God
The wave function of the universe explains why the universe is the way it is without introducing any mythical beings. But I'm sure you can explain where Stephen Hawking went askew.

The wave function of the universe huh? Wow, that's neat stuff. I guess that explains it then. This wave not only created itself it created gravity and all the other physical laws in precise amounts, it created time, oh, and it created life.

Certainly an amazing and extremely precise thing, this WFU. It must be intelligent to make all of it work together. WFU is your God then.

If you worship a human you will only be disappointed.

Ask Hawking about dark matter. Ask him about the type of energy that gravity is. Ask him about a Unified Field Theory.


Super Universe

Defender of God
And yet you did not even do that.
You question was answered numerous time through out this thread.
One wonders why you refuse to address my simple questions...

The original question hasn't been answered at all. Lack of evidence is not an honest answer unless a person requires absolute undoubtable proof for every other thing they believe in. They don't so, I'm still waiting.

Anyway, YOU did not answer the OP. Why would I address your questions when you haven't even attempted to answer the OP?


Super Universe said:
Lack of evidence is not an honest answer unless a person requires absolute undoubtable proof for every other thing they believe in. They don't so, I'm still waiting.

So you believe in Unicorns, fairies, and the Borg?

Super Universe

Defender of God
Why don't you trust that the Bible accurately portrays God? Why don't you believe in the God of the Qur'an or in the Oddessy and Illiad. Once you understand why I don't believe in those things, you will understand why I do not believe in the Urantia Book either.

Why don't I trust that the bible accurately portrays God? Because I am a student of humanity.

Study tribal religions and you'll understand where the claims in the Old Testament come from. Ancient and ignorant tribal man did not understand that firey rocks could fall from the sky so ignorant man blamed these unknowns on Zeus or Apollo, Great Mystery or Yahweh. Once Jewish Rabbi's began writing things down they could not abandon their entire history taught to them by their elders so they wrote the old stories down.

Ancient Rabbi's have even lied in their writings in an effort to scare the populace, give them power, and to provide themselves with gain. Why would God need to be paid a ransom on the census? Funny how this money went into the temple coffers and then the priests pockets instead of being burned or melted as a true sacrifice would be.

Oh and, I do believe in God of the Koran.


Super Universe said:
Can you prove a one horned horse has never been born?

No, but that is no reason for me to believe in it. It is the same with God.

Darkness said:
Can you prove God exists? That is the moral of this story.

Super Universe said:
Why would I prove God to you? Why are you worth it?

It is not if I am worth of it or not. It is a matter of if you can do it or not.


Well-Known Member
The wave function of the universe huh? Wow, that's neat stuff. I guess that explains it then. This wave not only created itself it created gravity and all the other physical laws in precise amounts, it created time, oh, and it created life.
In effect, yes, it did do all of this since, like your God concept, it explains how the universe could come to be as it is. But the point is, unlike your God concept, the WFU is internally consistent.
Super Universe said:
Certainly an amazing and extremely precise thing, this WFU. It must be intelligent to make all of it work together.
If you think that mathematical equations are intelligent, then yes, the WFU is intelligent. I would consider you intelligent too, if I thought you actually understood any of it.
Super Universe said:
WFU is your God then.
Since you apparently define God as the first cause of the universe, then yes, the WFU would qualify in that regard, but that doesn't mean that I worship it.
Super Universe said:
If you worship a human you will only be disappointed.
Speaking of disappointment, why are you so intent on worshiping something that doesn't even appear to be aware of your existence?
Super Universe said:
Ask Hawking about dark matter. Ask him about the type of energy that gravity is. Ask him about a Unified Field Theory.
Ask him what? He's probably forgotten more about these subjects that either you or I know.

Super Universe

Defender of God
No, but that is no reason for me to believe in it. It is the same with God.

It is not if I am worth of it or not. It is a matter of if you can do it or not.

Right, you need some benefit before you will give something your almighty approval.

It's not whether I can prove God to you or not, it's about you continuing to avoid answering the OP.

Why even post at all if you never intend to answer the OP?

Super Universe

Defender of God
In effect, yes, it did do all of this since, like your God concept, it explains how the universe could come to be as it is. But the point is, unlike your God concept, the WFU is internally consistent.

If you think that mathematical equations are intelligent, then yes, the WFU is intelligent. I would consider you intelligent too, if I thought you actually understood any of it.

Since you apparently define God as the first cause of the universe, then yes, the WFU would qualify in that regard, but that doesn't mean that I worship it.

Speaking of disappointment, why are you so intent on worshiping something that doesn't even appear to be aware of your existence?

Ask him what? He's probably forgotten more about these subjects that either you or I know.

Hmm, except this Wave thingy doesn't explain how it could come to be because it doesn't explain how it . The wave thingy is internally consistent? Yeah, when you take out all the things that just don't fit it is. Try squeezing life out of it, and try getting it to explain gravity.

God isn't aware of my existence? Think again...

Hawking has forgotten more about gravity, dark energy, and the GUT than either you or I know? Well he probably hasn't forgotten, he just doesn't know the answers.


Admiral Obvious
The original question hasn't been answered at all. Lack of evidence is not an honest answer unless a person requires absolute undoubtable proof for every other thing they believe in. They don't so, I'm still waiting.

Anyway, YOU did not answer the OP. Why would I address your questions when you haven't even attempted to answer the OP?
Just because you dislike and or disagree with the answers you claim it has not been answered?
Who's ego are we dealing with now?

Thank you.
You have actually answered many of my questions already.


Intentionally Blank
The original question hasn't been answered at all. Lack of evidence is not an honest answer unless a person requires absolute undoubtable proof for every other thing they believe in. They don't so, I'm still waiting.

Anyway, YOU did not answer the OP. Why would I address your questions when you haven't even attempted to answer the OP?

As I said earlier, like many apologists, Super has divided all knowledge into two categories: absolute proof (hardly ever happens) and no clue (everything else.) Therefore you're justified in believing any old thing, even the Urantia book, because after all you believe other things without absolute proof. In reality knowledge is not binary; there is a range of certainty, from highly unlikely by no clue through possible to probably to highly likely to virtually certain. I believe in things that are highly likely, but not those that are highly unlikely, although I am not virtually certain of either. Antarctica--virtually certain. Pluto--highly likely. God--IMO highly unlikely, or at best no clue. Super is ignoring this point, because it obliterates his entire annoying, arrogant argument.


This is me answering the OP:

Super Universe said:
What is the reason you don't believe in God? Or the reason you're not absolutely positively sure God exists?

I see no evidence for God's existence.

Super Universe said:
Now the key question, where would you rate your own ego as a reason and do you realize it's the main reason?

Ego has nothing to do with it. In fact, you have more ego than me on this matter. You pronounce ("God exists") while I "humble" say ("I do not believe God exists, but I could be wrong").

Autodidact said:
I believe in things that are highly likely, but not those that are highly unlikely, although I am not virtually certain of either. Antarctica--virtually certain. Pluto--highly likely. God--IMO highly unlikely, or at best no clue. Super is ignoring this point, because it obliterates his entire annoying, arrogant argument.

That is a great point autodidact. For example, the odds of George Bush being non-existent are highly unlikely. Faking George Bush's existence makes no sense and is totally uncomparable to the existence of God. Sure I believe in George Bush. People have seen George Bush and have taken pictures of him. You can say, "Well, look at all the encounters people had with God." Ah, but there is one fatal flaw. Everybody's personal experience of the One True God is different. God is Yahweh... no He is Jesus... no He is Allah... no He is Brahman... no He is the Universal Father on the Isle of Paradise. George Bush is George Bush. We don't have different people proclaiming, George Bush is Black... no George Bush is Asian... George Bush is an Arab. Super Universe is playing games to make it seem like it is illogical to not believe in God and believe Russia is a real country.

Super Universe

Defender of God
This is me answering the OP:

I see no evidence for God's existence.

Ego has nothing to do with it. In fact, you have more ego than me on this matter. You pronounce ("God exists") while I "humble" say ("I do not believe God exists, but I could be wrong").

That is a great point autodidact. For example, the odds of George Bush being non-existent are highly unlikely. Faking George Bush's existence makes no sense and is totally uncomparable to the existence of God. Sure I believe in George Bush. People have seen George Bush and have taken pictures of him. You can say, "Well, look at all the encounters people had with God." Ah, but there is one fatal flaw. Everybody's personal experience of the One True God is different. God is Yahweh... no He is Jesus... no He is Allah... no He is Brahman... no He is the Universal Father on the Isle of Paradise. George Bush is George Bush. We don't have different people proclaiming, George Bush is Black... no George Bush is Asian... George Bush is an Arab. Super Universe is playing games to make it seem like it is illogical to not believe in God and believe Russia is a real country.


I have more ego than you on this matter? I have quite the ego at times but it definately has it's place in line behind many other things.

And I have news for you, God is Yahweh and Jesus and Brahma and the Universal
Father in heaven and more.

Instead of simply answering the OP you respond with questions four or five times and then finally you just repeat the same answer as everyone else. Seems like you are the one who is playing games.


Super Universe said:
Instead of simply answering the OP you respond with questions four or five times and then finally you just repeat the same answer as everyone else. Seems like you are the one who is playing games.

I tried answering the OP but that didn't satisfy you. My first post in this thread was and I quote:

Darkness said:
I do not believe in God because I see no positive evidence of His existence. I do not deny the existence of God.

Super Universe said:
And I have news for you, God is Yahweh and Jesus and Brahma and the Universal Father in heaven and more.

I take it then you believe God murdered innumerable people in Egypt, that God told the Israelites to slaughter the inhabitants of Palestine, and that God kills people for picking up sticks on the Sabbath?


Well-Known Member
I can't believe this thread has gone on so long.

I can't believe it's not butter.

I can't believe Fabio has a career.

I'm getting delusional.



Well-Known Member
Hmm, except this Wave thingy doesn't explain how it could come to be because it doesn't explain how it . The wave thingy is internally consistent? Yeah, when you take out all the things that just don't fit it is. Try squeezing life out of it, and try getting it to explain gravity.

And you think "God did it" answers any of these questions?