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Do you really think you are helping anyone?


Premium Member
The thing about teaching the word, is that Jesus didn't go door to door- the people came to Him. When I see a Billy Graham crusade at a sport's arena (they show reruns on TBN), it is never empty. So you really don't need to go door to door. Even when an evangelist charges money, they places are packed. ;)


Rogue Theologian
how presumptuous of you...no i'm not. i'm figuring out for myself...meaning there is movement, progress.

but isn't that statement coming from and angle of control?
it's either your way...or no way?
for your information, i am proceeding..just not in your direction
(oh i opened the door for another snooty remark i imagine... ;))

you want to buy some land? send me some cash... :rolleyes:
otherwise where is your faith if you don't send me the cash..

another assumption on your part.... :D

sorry, i will not be bullied into believing (not by you), that is what this belief system stands on...and i'm not buying into it

must have hit a nerve

sky dancer

Active Member
Sit back...relax...and prepare to "encounter it": hamster :

YouTube - ‪John Safran Atheist door knocking skit‬‏
I'm just telling you the truth. I've never encountered a militant atheist. I have encountered militant Christians. I've encountered Christians who play games. They badger me about being Buddhist and when I get annoyed about it they used my annoyance as proof that Buddhism is the wrong path for me.

I guess they think Buddhists have no feelings.
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Rogue Theologian
hardy har har
is that how you convince yourself?

btw, happy rapture day...

You boo-hoo about assumption!....then toss a poor assumption on my head?
I don't buy the 'rapture' idea.
It was just a little girl's dream.

If I'm not mistaken...you have seen my postings..about the last breath?


Admiral Obvious
You boo-hoo about assumption!....then toss a poor assumption on my head?
I don't buy the 'rapture' idea.
It was just a little girl's dream.

If I'm not mistaken...you have seen my postings..about the last breath?
Nice assumption...:rolleyes:


Veteran Member
You boo-hoo about assumption!....then toss a poor assumption on my head?

no. it was a question....
care to answer it...?

I don't buy the 'rapture' idea.
It was just a little girl's dream.

If I'm not mistaken...you have seen my postings..about the last breath?

i didn't think you would, just tryin' to have some fun, thats all.


Well-Known Member
As I pointed out, it the post in question didn't appear to address anybody specific.

So I quite reasonably took it as a general statement and responded accordingly.

I trust we can now move on.




Admiral Obvious
As I pointed out, it the post in question didn't appear to address anybody specific.
The thing is...
The OP most certainly did specify a certain group... People who "evangelize and preach" their religion to others.

So I quite reasonably took it as a general statement and responded accordingly.
I disagree.
You either were looking for a reason to whine, did not actually read the OP, have a guilty conscience, failed to understand what the OP said before replying, or some combination of the above.

I trust we can now move on.
Feces Happens.
No big deal.


Veteran Member
The thing is...
The OP most certainly did specify a certain group... People who "evangelize and preach" their religion to others.

I disagree.
You either were looking for a reason to whine, did not actually read the OP, have a guilty conscience, failed to understand what the OP said before replying, or some combination of the above.

Feces Happens.
No big deal.



It was on fire when I laid down on it.
We ALL believe what we believe because we think it's true - and therefore, we think that others who do not believe as we do hold untrue ideas as truth - and therefore they are wrong and we are right. Whether we admit that or not, that's what our strong beliefs imply. So - call that arrogance if you will, but if that's the right word for it, we're all arrogant.

Personally, I don't think that's the right word. Sure, some people can express their views arrogantly, but others manage to be humble in spite of their firm beliefs which differ from others they interact with.

I've known arrogant, self righteous Christians, and I've known arrogant, self righteous atheists. It's not the belief system which creates arrogance - it's the character of the person embracing those beliefs.

sky dancer

Active Member
I don't think Christians are 'wrong' but many Christians think Buddhists are wrong. I think Christianity is personally 'wrong' for me, but I don't say that the religion of Christianity is invalid. Obviously, it's beneficial to many people.

Believing that YOUR faith is the only truth path for ALL people is arrogant.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Hold up - so you believe that Christianity is just as valid a belief system as Buddhism?

sky dancer

Active Member
Yes, I do. I wouldn't choose Christianity for myself, (I was raised a Catholic), but I believe that Christianity is as valid a path to Christians as Buddhism is for Buddhists.

The Christians I call friends feel the same way. We respect each other.

The Christians that rub me the wrong way keep telling me I'm going to eternal hell because I won't take Jesus as my personal savior.

Christianity has a different goal. Buddhism is about seeking enlightenment in order to benefit all sentient beings. I'm not the slightest bit interested in eternal heaven or Jesus.
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It was on fire when I laid down on it.
So what do you think the goals of Christianity are? You say they are different from the goals of Buddhism, so you must have a pretty clear idea of the goals of Christianity.

And you believe that Christianity's path is a path leading where? Where does your Buddhist path lead?

sky dancer

Active Member
The Buddhist path leads to enlightenment and no god is required. Christians want eternal life in heaven, personal salvation.

sky dancer

Active Member
Christian goals are eternal life, personal salvation, being 'saved'. Christian goals are converting others to Christianity, as the 'one true path'. I was raised in a Catholic home and went to Catholic school. I have a pretty thorough idea of what Christian goals are.
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It was on fire when I laid down on it.
So you don't believe that Christians seek enlightenment in order to be better people and better citizens in in this world? Better parents, spouses, employees, business owners, etc?

Also - (and these are sincere questions by the way), you believe that seeking enlightenment is a better choice than seeking eternal life and salvation?

sky dancer

Active Member
No, Christians are not seeking enlightenment. They seek eternal life and salvation. I agree most Christians want to be good people, and they think Christianity will make them better people.

Yes, for me, seeking enlightenment is a better choice than seeking eternal life and 'salvation'.

It's possible you use the term, 'enlightenment' differently from how a Buddhist, at least, this Buddhist, uses it.
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