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Do you really think you are helping anyone?


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Why does it matter what I think about Christianity, Kathryn?

You've chosen something that seem like truth to you, and I've chosen something that seem like truth to me.

I have many reasons for choosing Buddhism, just as I'm sure you have many reasons for choosing Christianity.

May I remind you that this is a debate forum? If you don't want to debate your beliefs, then you probably should not be posting in this section of the site.

Don't take all this so personally. If you post on a section of the site that's specifically for debating ideas and concepts, please be prepared to defend your position without trying to make all challenges some sort of personal attack. I'm not attacking you.

sky dancer

Active Member
Yes, you are attacking me. You are trying to badger me into saying that Christianity is not a true path.

That's not my position. My position is that Christianity is not the path for me, Buddhism is.

If what you're telling me is that I don't belong here in this forum, you may be right. Your position seems to be that your faith is the only one true path for ALL people. That's not my position. YOUrs sounds like proselytizing to me, which is against the rules.

May I remind you that the topic is not about me, but about whether anyone thinks they are helping anyone else by proselytizing.

You're not going to convert me to Christianity, no matter how hard you try.
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It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Yes, you are attacking me. You are trying to badger me into saying that Christianity is not a true path.

That's not my position. My position is that Christianity is not the path for me, Buddhism is.

If what you're telling me is that I don't belong here in this forum, you may be right.

I'm not attacking you. You are the one making personal remarks, not me. That's pretty obvious.

So - are you saying that Christianity could be truth? Are you saying that Christianity is just as valid a path as your chosen path?

Where Christianity and Buddhism disagree, is one right and one wrong? Can both be right where they disagree? When the teachings disagree, are they both equally valid, or does one hold more truth than the other? If one is "more true" does that mean one is "less true?"

As for your statement "If what you're telling me is that I don't belong here in this forum, you may be right," STOP trying to put words in my mouth. You are continually trying to tell me what I'm saying, rather than keeping things clean and objective.

I never said, nor implied, that you don't belong here in this forum. I said, this is a debate forum, so be prepared to defend and challenge beliefs.

That being said, I do wish you would stick to objectivity rather than continually trying to take things to a personal level.
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sky dancer

Active Member
I have said repeatedly that Christianity is as valid a path to Christians as Buddhism is to Buddhists. You refuse to believe me.


I don't debate Christian doctrine. I no longer study it. I study Buddhist meditation. It seems your goal is to discredit Buddhism. Why?

I continually am asked why I'm a Buddhist and I share that story openly.


Well-Known Member
I have answered the question, you just don't like my answer. You want to fight. I don't. The first teaching I ever heard in Buddhism, was the Four Noble Truths. I immediately heard the truth in it.

I did not hear the truth in the Catholic catechism I was raised on.

So then Christian doctrine isn`t "true" for you.

Judging by your previous posts in this thread that state both religions are equally valid I can only believe that you consider "Truth" and "Falsity" to have equal validity...

sky dancer

Active Member
Since you'd rather make up what I think, and put words in my mouth, instead of reading what I've written, I find this conversation tedious.

Why not just make up my position? You seem to be doing it anyway.

Christianity and a belief in God are not the true path to liberation for me. It is the true path for Kathryn, and I respect that.

I was raised a Catholic. Catholic teachings NEVER made sense to me. The Four Noble Truths do.

sky dancer

Active Member
Yes, I've said that Christianity is as valid and true for Christians as Buddhism is for Buddhists. How many times do I have to repeat myself? You really want to fight. I don't. Why is it Christians feel so challenged by non-chrisitans? Can you not bear that we breathe the same air you do?
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It was on fire when I laid down on it.

Yes, you are attacking me. You are trying to badger me into saying that Christianity is not a true path.

No, I am asking you if you believe that Christianity is just as true as Buddhism.

That's not my position. My position is that Christianity is not the path for me, Buddhism is.

Do you believe that Buddhism holds more truth?

Your position seems to be that your faith is the only one true path for ALL people. That's not my position. YOUrs sounds like proselytizing to me, which is against the rules.

Where are you getting this idea? Please show me where I have stated or implied that my Christian faith is the only true path for all. Please show me where I have proselytized.

You're not going to convert me to Christianity, no matter how hard you try.

Please show me where I have tried to do so. And you can relax, I'm not trying to convert you, and not going to try. However, if you ask me for advice, or want to discuss options regarding life choices, or situations, or ask me why I am so content and joyful, I will gladly share how my faith interacts with my life choices and why I believe as I do.

Also, in a debate forum, I will defend my personal beliefs objectively, albeit passionately.

Some people call that proselytizing. I call it being honest and forthright.

sky dancer

Active Member
That's right. I did not find truth in Catholicism. I found it in Buddhism. Other people find it in Catholicism, I do not. That's why I'm a Buddhist. Buddhism is as valid and true for me as Christianity is for Christians. That's what I've said. There is nothing deceptive in that.

Now, you call me a bad Buddhist, and you think you know more about Buddhism than I do.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Yes, I've said that Christianity is as valid and true for Christians as Buddhism is for Buddhists. How many times do I have to repeat myself? You really want to fight. I don't. Why is it Christians feel so challenged by non-chrisitans? Can you not bear that we breathe the same air you do?

So - Christianity is just as true as Buddhism?


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
That's right. I did not find truth in Catholicism. I found it in Buddhism. Other people find it in Catholicism, I do not. That's why I'm a Buddhist. Buddhism is as valid and true for me as Christianity is for Christians. That's what I've said. There is nothing deceptive in that.

Now, you call me a bad Buddhist, and you think you know more about Buddhism than I do.

Did someone call you a bad Buddhist? Dang it, I missed it!

So - you believe that Catholicism is just as true as Buddhism? That it holds just as much truth?

Where Catholic and Buddhist beliefs are in opposition, which is right and which is wrong? Or are both right? Or both wrong?

sky dancer

Active Member
No, I am asking you if you believe that Christianity is just as true as Buddhism.

Do you believe that Buddhism holds more truth?

Where are you getting this idea? Please show me where I have stated or implied that my Christian faith is the only true path for all. Please show me where I have proselytized.

Please show me where I have tried to do so. And you can relax, I'm not trying to convert you, and not going to try. However, if you ask me for advice, or want to discuss options regarding life choices, or situations, or ask me why I am so content and joyful, I will gladly share how my faith interacts with my life choices and why I believe as I do.

Also, in a debate forum, I will defend my personal beliefs objectively, albeit passionately.

Some people call that proselytizing. I call it being honest and forthright.
I'm not in the slightest bit interested in your advice. I haven't solicited it. If you are so content and joyful why are you so intent on fighting with me?

For at least the third time, Christianity is as true for Christians as Buddhism is for Buddhists.

sky dancer

Active Member
Did someone call you a bad Buddhist? Dang it, I missed it!

So - you believe that Catholicism is just as true as Buddhism? That it holds just as much truth?

Where Catholic and Buddhist beliefs are in opposition, which is right and which is wrong? Or are both right? Or both wrong?
Again. I did not personally find truth in Catholicism. I find it in Buddhism. I accept that others, other Catholics find truth in Catholicism.

For them, Catholicism is as true as Buddhism is for me.

I give up. You win. Think whatever you wish of me.
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It was on fire when I laid down on it.
I'm not in the slightest bit interested in your advice. I haven't solicited it. If you are so content and joyful why are you so intent on fighting with me?

For at least the third time, Christianity is as true for Christians as Buddhism is for Buddhists.

You know I wasn't imploring that you ask me for advice. I was simply clarifying my position, since you seemed fearful that I was trying to convert you to Christianity. I base that on your words in black and white on this screen.

So - Christianity holds just as much truth as Buddhism? You yourself have stated that truth isn't confined to any one religion. But - there is such a thing as truth, right?

Where two belief systems don't agree - is one true and one untrue? If truth transcends religious beliefs, then it doesn't matter what religion one espouses - truth is truth regardless. That seems to mean that regardless of religion, one person may understand truth and one person may not.

I mean, truth is out there. We can't all be right, if one person's understanding of truth directly contradicts another person's understanding of truth.

sky dancer

Active Member
The Four Noble Truths was the first Buddhist teaching I ever heard, and it struck me as true. It felt true in my heart.

Catholicism never fit for me.

It is personal. A spiritual path is more personal than a relationship with your spouse and family.

Here we are discussing the most personal topic and we're not even friends. I don't usually discuss Buddhism with total strangers unless they're interested.


Veteran Member
As I stated before, many Christians, myself included, don't believe that we are right about everything. You go on further to state this:

but isn't jesus the answer to everything?
would it be fair to say you reached your enlightenment when you accepted jesus?

i think sky is saying everyone has their truth. you argue that truth is is objective...either you are right and he is wrong or the other way around. obvioulsy he has accepted the truth you have is for YOU.
if you are trying to impose your truth on others you are diminishing the others truth...and that's the truth