Veteran Member
Well, do you think that ordering ripping apart pregnant women with a sword, dashing kids against walls, etc. Is good, or bad?
Not at all. I asked if a God that is into slicing pregnant women in two is good or bad. That is a simple question. Many believe it was good, and many believe that that God is not the real one.
I can't prove to you anything about a God, who is into "slicing humans", because God seems to not have the habit to show up, let alone slice
I can prove to you that there is a man in Australia who enjoyed slicing men and raping women, and show the wives their sliced up husbands
The man just got released after 30+ years, totally no remorse, allowed to live among humans; click here to see the chainsaw at work
So, now we live in 2021, and there are men into slicing up other humans
Around 0400-0900 there were people called barbarians (just 1100-1600 years ago)
Asuming evolution makes people improve their "slicing pregnant women habits"
I think it is safe to assume, that around year "0000" it was not better than "0400"
It is known that people used to believe in Thor god of thunder
When around year 0000 they saw scenarios of slicing barbarians or worse
They must have shouted "Oh my God, no, don't slice my pregnant wife" etc
That is how such stories might have originated, or a storyteller with imagination
Anyway there is plenty of prove that there are humans slicing up other humans/animals
That is a fact. Talking about a God slicing up humans, seems more like a fairy tale to me
I have never been into fairy tales very much. I always try to understand how these originated
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