Veteran Member
That is true, and I just explained in the previous post why God does not want to be overwhelmingly convincing. God does not want us to be “compelled” to believe in Him because it is obvious that He exists. God wants it to be our free choice.You've said before that if God did a better communicating to us, it would deny our free will. IOW, if the case for God was the slightest bit better, it would be so overwhelmingly convincing that we would be compelled to accept it as true.
First, not many people have actually looked at the evidence.If this is really where we are in terms of the evidence, why do so many people see that evidence as completely lacking and underwhelming?
Second, if they do look at the evidence they usually find it wanting, and below I will explain the reasons they find it wanting, which are related to the slow growth of all new religions.
One reason people do not accept the new messenger because he brings new teachings that are diametrically opposed to the status quo, Baha'u'llah was a radical, just as was Jesus a radical to the Jews who were entrenched in their religious traditions. That is why the new messenger is not accepted by those to whom He presented himself initially. But even after that, for centuries, the followers of the older religions cling to their older religions and older messengers as being the only truth from God, making it impossible for them to recognize and accept a new messenger, because they have a bias against anything that is “different” from what they already believe. The rest of the world population is nonbelievers and they already do not like the whole idea of messengers of God or that God should/would communicate that way.
The biggest obstacle to the growth of the Baha’i Faith is the fact that about 84% of people in the world already have a religion and they are happy with their religion. So there you have 84% of the world’s population, the vast majority of which are not even willing to consider the Baha’i Faith in order to determine if it is true or not. Then we have the rest of the world’s population who are agnostics or atheists or people who believe in God but dislike any religion...
In short, even if they are willing to look at the evidence, there is a lot of prejudice before even getting out the door to look at the evidence.
Besides that, we are all very different because ofa combination of factors such as childhood upbringing, heredity, education, adult experiences, and present life circumstances, so no two people will ever interpret the same evidence the same way.
I know you do not believe that Jesus even existed, but since we are talking about Messengers, it is important to note how patterns of history repeat themselves. What we saw when Jesus appeared on earth and in the early days is exactly what we see today with Baha’u’llah
“When Christ appeared He manifested Himself at Jerusalem. He called men to the Kingdom of God, He invited them to Eternal Life and He told them to acquire human perfections. The Light of Guidance was shed forth by that radiant Star, and He at length gave His life in sacrifice for humanity.
All through His blessed life He suffered oppression and hardship, and in spite of all this humanity was His enemy!
They denied Him, scorned Him, ill-treated Him and cursed Him. He was not treated like a man—and yet in spite of all this He was the embodiment of pity and of supreme goodness and love……..
It was not until many years after His ascension that they knew who He was, and at the time of His ascension He had only a very few disciples; only a comparatively small following believed His precepts and followed His laws. The ignorant said, ‘Who is this individual; He has only a few disciples!’ But those who knew said: ‘He is the Sun who will shine in the East and in the West, He is the Manifestation who shall give life to the world’.