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Do you think the Bible could be the word of G-d? /for atheists & agnostics

Could the Bible be the word of G-d?

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You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
Freewill. Eve didn't help matters.:thumbsup:
But evil must exist in the God of Eden mustn't it......if that is the one we are created in the Image of. Or does your image take out some attributes but not others? Surely if we have evil (that we may use or not through the feminine side of us) it must come from God. So how is God good if he is one- unless he isn't? What say you sir?

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
But evil must exist in the God of Eden mustn't it......if that is the one we are created in the Image of. Or does your image take out some attributes but not others? Surely if we have evil (that we may use or not through the feminine side of us) it must come from God. So how is God good if he is one- unless he isn't? What say you sir?
I don't believe that we are duplicates, of God, rather, 'in the image of', so, not exactly like God, no.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
I don't believe that we are duplicates, of God, rather, 'in the image of', so, not exactly like God, no.
So you think a mistake came in? How?
Perhaps you have not thought through this a lot. But if one has to answer, whence evil, it has to come from somewhere. And that somewhere is ultimately God isn't it? What else is there?
I am not saying God is evil, but it must surely emante from him


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
Hmm I disagree. I don't think that that is some necessary product of being created. We have freewill, so, if one says that everything that comes from humans ultimately comes from G-d or the creator, then that makes the creator, no better than humans. I understand the argument, , but I think it is flawed, personally.
I still don't see how evil arises then.
Personally I think there is a pleroma of gods within the one God, reflections of the one, and that is where the error comes in, in the copying, like cells. The God we deal with is not the one we think of. That answers evil and also the divine assembly in Psalms


Veteran Member
Do you think that the Bible, *could be the word of G-d? Or divine? This question is for atheists and agnostics, but specification is needed for what type of agnosticism or atheism you are claiming.

*Or some, /any parts of the Bible

Nope. Too many issues, fictional events taken as facts and to be honestly immoral ideas such as slavery. Any God which endorses slavery is no God


Balony is only your opinion, and perhaps of some others.
It would depend on what aspect of God you are speaking of when asking the question. Perhaps you feminism gets in the way. Either way, what comes second, is feminine and not masculine. That is the simple and not complicated long answer, as I know you are not interested.

Anyway, where does it mention breasts?

What does it matter what a church teaches?

God is the father. Or does that pass straight over your head

GOD is the "Father" only in books written by ancient patriarchal tribes.

God/dess is the "Mother" in matrifocal society.

A God needs no sexual identity.

As to imagery of the Biblical God as feminine, - read - THE DIVINE FEMININE, The Biblical Imagery of God as Female by Virginia Ramey Mollenkott.

Philo (20 B.C. - 50 A.D.) tells us one of the Cherubim on the Ark was male, and one female, to represent the male and female aspects of God.



But evil must exist in the God of Eden mustn't it......if that is the one we are created in the Image of. Or does your image take out some attributes but not others? Surely if we have evil (that we may use or not through the feminine side of us) it must come from God. So how is God good if he is one- unless he isn't? What say you sir?

WOW! Now that is patriarchy!

You actually believe the "feminine side" brings in evil?

You actually believe a teaching story about Adam and Eve is real?

That the female did evil with a serpent?

WOW! Just WOW!



So you think a mistake came in? How?
Perhaps you have not thought through this a lot. But if one has to answer, whence evil, it has to come from somewhere. And that somewhere is ultimately God isn't it? What else is there?
I am not saying God is evil, but it must surely emante from him

What else is there?

A book written by a patriarchal Middle Eastern tribe - not actually being the word of God -

which is obvious by all the murder, rape, slavery, killing of the innocent, women being raped and murdered for male crimes, babies killed for male crimes, etc., found within it's pages.



You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
GOD is the "Father" only in books written by ancient patriarchal tribes.

God/dess is the "Mother" in matrifocal society.

A God needs no sexual identity.

As to imagery of the Biblical God as feminine, - read - THE DIVINE FEMININE, The Biblical Imagery of God as Female by Virginia Ramey Mollenkott.

Philo (20 B.C. - 50 A.D.) tells us one of the Cherubim on the Ark was male, and one female, to represent the male and female aspects of God.

There are two sides to God yes, I think I stated that. Either way, God is the father. That is the Ultimate that the Feminine comes from. Don't worry, the feminine side is represented. You are not forgotten. But the ultimate is the masculine- hence the reason women dress in the west more like men- in the main.

It is written by men (a fact that obviously bothers you greatly) because they represent the masculine side of God. If it were the other way round, it would be written by women, and then you could complain about that. But you shouldn't try to change who or what God is just to fulfil some feminist agenda.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
WOW! Now that is patriarchy!

You actually believe the "feminine side" brings in evil?

You actually believe a teaching story about Adam and Eve is real?

That the female did evil with a serpent?

WOW! Just WOW!

I think you have too many problems with men, with masculine. It is a big problem with western women now and shows their power and wealth bent. But yes, it was through the feminine that the error came in, as the feminine was weaker. He on earth, through mankind, that weakness is shown in women, obviously. That is not something to beat yourself up about nor to blame men for being men.
You do have a big problem with the patriarchal society don't you and beacuse of it you are trying to change history- yet another error.

Adam and Chavvah are above in higher consciousness and is the First-Principle of separation. That is why we are here. Her error actually brings about life and is the beginning of the reason of completion, and therefore necessary.

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
It is written by men (a fact that obviously bothers you greatly) because they represent the masculine side of God. If it were the other way round, it would be written by women, and then you could complain about that. But you shouldn't try to change who or what God is just to fulfil some feminist agenda.

God is a human idea which developed in patriarchal cultures, so effectively God has been defined by men and not women.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
What else is there?

A book written by a patriarchal Middle Eastern tribe - not actually being the word of God .....
.....who represented the masculine side of God, and still should, as women should have quiet and gentle spirits which is pleasing to God. But we all follow our own God and then answer later.
which is obvious by all the murder, rape, slavery, killing of the innocent, women being raped and murdered for male crimes, babies killed for male crimes, etc., found within it's pages.

There were women that killed as well you know and rape. Either way, what we are supposed to do is learn from it. Have we? I don't think so. We are still doing the same things now as we did then, just on a grander scale. All these things are happening now. Why make such a big deal out of something that happened thousand of years ago?
It is also interesting to note that women are becoming more masculanised in the west and with it, more violence, more rape, more theft, murder, drugs, forced prostitution by females..... clean your own doorstep first I think. You complain about men and then go and do what we do.

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
.Why make such a big deal out of something that happened thousand of years ago?

Exactly! Why do people obsess over a stone-age religious text written by a bunch of superstitious sexist homophobic men? :p
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Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
God is understood by the masculine side of its own self and revealed through us, men and women.

The idea of a supreme being having a masculine or feminine side seems rather silly to me, just anthropomorphic ramblings. God could be gay for all you know. :p
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You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
The idea of a supreme being having a masculine or feminine side seems rather silly to me, just anthropomorphic ramblings. God could be gay for all you know. :p
I think I would know better than you. It amazes me that people who have no understanding think they know better than those that do.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
Exactly! Why do people obsess over a stone-age religious text
because it is the word of God
written by a bunch
"bunch"? sound like you have an agenda.
of superstitious
prove it
having roles is not negative. The word sexism has been brought about by women to fool men into giving them power and wealth. They have done a good job it seems.
homophobic men?
homosexuality is not normal so there is nothing illogical about saying so