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Do you understand the New Testament


Not your average Mormon
i am a hindu i ahev recently read so called bible.
What's the difference between the Bible and the "so called Bible"? It's not my intention to be picky, but I can't help but notice how often the words "so called" are applied as an adjective to any noun a person has a negative opinion of. Examples: So-called Bible, so-called God, so-called prophet, so-called-Christian, so-called truth, so-called vision, so-called scriptures, etc. Why refer to the "Bible" as a "so-called Bible"? Why not just cut to the chase and say, "I've read the Bible. I don't believe it."? Why try to imply that the Bible is not really the Bible? And what the hell does that mean anyway?

free spirit

Well-Known Member
Xian salvation isn't based upon what we do -- it's based upon what God does.
God has done his part, he has laid the highway that leads to him, we must walk the way, we are not saved unless we repent, or put on Christ character.
Our Adam character, has to be replaced by Christ character, Christ Character is a gift but he is in the form of a seed, we must look after that seed and make it grow in our heart.
Characters do not change overnight, we must work at it.
TRUE Christianity is not a religion, it is the character of God.:D
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Not your average Mormon
God has done his part, he has lied the highway that leads to him, we must walk the way, we are not saved unless we repent, or put on Christ character.
I believe you are trying to say that God has laid the highway that leads to Him. I wouldn't normally correct someone's spelling, but what you have said implies that God is a liar. I agree that we are not saved unless we repent. I'm glad you believe that.
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I believe you are trying to say that God has laid the highway that leads to Him. I wouldn't normally correct someone's spelling, but what you have said implies that God is a liar. I agree that we are not naved unless we repent. I'm glad you believe that.[/color][/size]
you did it so I had to. what is naved?


Miss Independent

If I say I was perfect, I would be exulting myself, and that is not a virtue of Christianity, a Christian let others judge him. He is judged by what he does, and from the words that come out of his mouth.
However I do have the gift of the Holy Spirit, I did not earned him he was a gift. For when the Lord nocked on the door of my heart he found me faithful. He did not find me perfect, so he his leading me there through repentance. In other words he found me with the character of sinful men, and now he is teaching me the character of God, which is to love my neighbour like self.:D

You are not perfect. What kind of statement is THAT! LOL! Are you not HIS workmanship? Are you saying God is messing up with you?

free spirit

Well-Known Member
I believe you are trying to say that God has laid the highway that leads to Him. I wouldn't normally correct someone's spelling, but what you have said implies that God is a liar. I agree that we are not naved unless we repent. I'm glad you believe that.[/color][/size]

Tanks, :hugehug:


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Looks like we're going to have to agree to disagree, Free Spirit. We're not getting anywhere. :D

My goal is not the kingdom of God, because I don't believe such a place is possible, as I don't believe God to be a king or any other sort of earthly thing.


Miss Independent
My character is not perfect YET, give me time i am getting there as fast as i can.

HE HE....indeed, you are going at lightning speed but is God keeping up? You are His workmanship, and therefore anything that he has accomplished in you is entirely perfect. You are not perfect when you are finished, you are perfect in every step of your progress simply because God cannot do anything that is not perfect. Therefore you are perfect in as much as that which he has done in you at this very moment, has been perfectly done. Also, we are not perfect when we act perfect, we are perfect because we are loved perfectly. You become more perfect in your own eyes as you start to comprehend more and more the depth and the height of his love for you. When you realise how much he loves you, you percieve yourself as more and more perfect, simply because God seems to find you utterly and wholely lovable! Your perfection hinges on how perfectly you are loved. And im sure you will agree that God loves you perfectly, and therefore you are perfect every step of the way.

free spirit

Well-Known Member
And there, is a problem because:
Mat 5:17
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. Fulfill he did, by dieing sinless

Are you saying that the Law was abolished? No, but been in his grace i have also fulfill the law. Grace is another word for character, therefore if i have his character i do instintiverly what pleases him. Therefore I do not need the law to Guide me.
Jhn 5:45
"But do not think I will accuse you before the Father. Your accuser is Moses, on whom your hopes are set. Those who are still in Adam Character and hope to be good by obeying the law will be disapointed. Because no one will be justified by the law

Now this says to me that the Law still applied to God’s chosen people, the old covenant which is not our covenant, as you said we are under a new one, we are under Grace. Any religious person that has rules to obey, will be judged by these rules.

But we are not saved by what we know; we are saved by Grace (unmerited favor) unless of course you are a Gnostic. Grace is the unmerited gift of is Character.

All churches have members that are Holy Spirit filled, have you give any thought to the fact that they may have revelations that you are wrong? I am sorry but I find it hard to believe that this can be a reason for them wanting you to leave their church.
Yes, my understanding of the scriptures puts me at odds with them. Read my thread (rightly divide the word) and you will understand.

When we are learning our hunderstanding of the scriptures are fluid, but when you get to the divine understanding they will freeze.
Proverbe 9 - 10, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the holy one is understanding."
Therefore if you understad you are in the presence of the Lord.

How do you explain this: no one believes you, or your revelations?
They do not fully understand the word, theafore they can not rightly divide the word.
That is to say that they do not distiguish the true word of God from the false words of man.:D

free spirit

Well-Known Member
the computer has made a mess on this one
And there, is a problem because:
Mat 5:17
"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

Are you saying that the Law was abolished?
Jhn 5:45
"But do not think I will accuse you before the Father. Your accuser is Moses, on whom your hopes are set.

Now this says to me that the Law still applied to God’s chosen people, the old covenant which is not our covenant, as you said we are under a new one, we are under Grace.

But we are not saved by what we know; we are saved by Grace (unmerited favor) unless of course you are a Gnostic.

All churches have members that are Holy Spirit filled, have you give any thought to the fact that they may have revelations that you are wrong? I am sorry but I find it hard to believe that this can be a reason for them wanting you to leave their church.

When we are learning our hunderstanding of the scriptures are fluid, but when you get to the divine understanding they will freeze.
Proverbe 9 - 10, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the holy one is understanding."
Therefore if you understad you are in the presence of the Lord.

How do you explain this: no one believes you, or your revelations?

HE HE....indeed, you are going at lightning speed but is God keeping up? You are His workmanship, and therefore anything that he has accomplished in you is entirely perfect. You are not perfect when you are finished, you are perfect in every step of your progress simply because God cannot do anything that is not perfect. Therefore you are perfect in as much as that which he has done in you at this very moment, has been perfectly done. Also, we are not perfect when we act perfect, we are perfect because we are loved perfectly. You become more perfect in your own eyes as you start to comprehend more and more the depth and the height of his love for you. When you realise how much he loves you, you percieve yourself as more and more perfect, simply because God seems to find you utterly and wholely lovable! Your perfection hinges on how perfectly you are loved. And im sure you will agree that God loves you perfectly, and therefore you are perfect every step of the way.

free spirit

Well-Known Member
HE HE....indeed, you are going at lightning speed but is God keeping up? You are His workmanship, and therefore anything that he has accomplished in you is entirely perfect. You are not perfect when you are finished, you are perfect in every step of your progress simply because God cannot do anything that is not perfect. Therefore you are perfect in as much as that which he has done in you at this very moment, has been perfectly done. Also, we are not perfect when we act perfect, we are perfect because we are loved perfectly. You become more perfect in your own eyes as you start to comprehend more and more the depth and the height of his love for you. When you realise how much he loves you, you percieve yourself as more and more perfect, simply because God seems to find you utterly and wholely lovable! Your perfection hinges on how perfectly you are loved. And im sure you will agree that God loves you perfectly, and therefore you are perfect every step of the way.
Yes I like your definition however, his love is perfet because he is holy, my love will not be perfect antill I am holy also, for it is written "you must be holy for I am Holy":D


Miss Independent
Yes I like your definition however, his love is perfet because he is holy, my love will not be perfect antill I am holy also, for it is written "you must be holy for I am Holy":D

Ahh yes, but what does being holy mean? It measn being set apart. Have you or have you not been set apart?

free spirit

Well-Known Member
That statement was never intended to be an absolute. The context is that Jesus said he was going, and where he was going, they would come. They said, "How can we come if we don't know the way." Jesus said, "You do know the way, because I am the way.

This is not a comparison of religions. It is an assurance of what the disciples know.
Yes I must have missed something. However they know the way because they know Jesus character, and that is THE WAY.

free spirit

Well-Known Member
Ahh yes, but what does being holy mean? It measn being set apart. Have you or have you not been set apart?
HOLINESS MEANS to have the character of Jesus, therefore you are in this world but you are not of the world. This is set apart for real.:D

free spirit

Well-Known Member
Looks like we're going to have to agree to disagree, Free Spirit. We're not getting anywhere. :D

My goal is not the kingdom of God, because I don't believe such a place is possible, as I don't believe God to be a king or any other sort of earthly thing.
The kingdom of God is not of this realm, it is of the spirit realm.:)


Miss Independent
HOLINESS MEANS to have the character of Jesus, therefore you are in this world but you are not of the world. This is set apart for real.:D

Hmmm...i dont quite agree. Being set apart, means you have set yourself apart for god to work on you. And to work through you. Thats why Jesus was holy, he was set apart. And anybody that has been set apart for the Workmanship of God is holy because they are set apart for him to work on and through.

You are a living sacrifice. In the OT the lambs or animals or offerings placed on the altar were not holy. The altar made it holy. What was on the altar was set apart for God, and he made it Holy and acceptable to him. Therefore it is not your behaviour that makes you holy its your set-apartness. God makes you acceptable to him. If you have to strive to be holy how are you going to accomplish such a thing? You cannot, but if you place yourself on the altar as a living sacrifice for God, he makes you Holy. Do we become more holy as days go by? Only if the altar becomes more holy. The altar is already holy. And so is anything that is placed on the altar.

Consecration means, you HAVE been set apart once and for all, and when you are in the hands of the workmanship of God, he makes you acceptable to him. If you have to become more acceptable to God you would have to say that you are not fully acceptable to him at the moment. God accepts the sacrifice unconditionally. His altar makes you holy.

Of course, by being set apart for Him, he goes to work in us, and the result of that work is becoming more like Jesus. And therefore our behaviour certainly will change.

Positionally we are a holy nation, a perculiar people, but experimentally we might not feel like it. But feelings never has been a good measuring stick for our spiritual progress.

God bless you!