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Do you understand the New Testament


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
we use earthly words because we understand their meaning. We will understand havenly words when we get there.

I prefer to keep spiritual things abstract and undefined, so I don't fall into the trap of anthropomorphizing God.

free spirit

Well-Known Member
to heneni
hmmm...i dont quite agree. Being set apart, means you have set yourself apart for god to work on you. And to work through you. Thats why jesus was holy, he was set apart. And anybody that has been set apart for the workmanship of god is holy because they are set apart for him to work on and through.

You are a living sacrifice. In the ot the lambs or animals or offerings placed on the altar were not holy. The altar made it holy. What was on the altar was set apart for god, and he made it holy and acceptable to him. Therefore it is not your behaviour that makes you holy its your set-apartness. God makes you acceptable to him. If you have to strive to be holy how are you going to accomplish such a thing? You cannot, but if you place yourself on the altar as a living sacrifice for god, he makes you holy. Do we become more holy as days go by? Only if the altar becomes more holy. The altar is already holy. And so is anything that is placed on the altar.

Consecration means, you have been set apart once and for all, and when you are in the hands of the workmanship of god, he makes you acceptable to him. If you have to become more acceptable to god you would have to say that you are not fully acceptable to him at the moment. God accepts the sacrifice unconditionally. His altar makes you holy. your explanation using the old testament is a lomg one, but acceptable. You are on the mark by the following short statement.

of course, by being set apart for him, he goes to work in us, and the result of that work is becoming more like jesus. And therefore our behaviour certainly will change. yes we are saying the same thing, for on the altar of the living sacrifice of repentance i lay down the character of adam and i pick up the character of jesus.
but if at any time i do not want to lay it down, i will not be any longer set upart, because jesus requires that we willingly let go the adam character.
therefore while i cannot make myself holy, i allow his character to grow in me, and that is what makes me holy.
my participation is a must, for if i do not retreat he will not adwance.

positionally we are a holy nation, a perculiar people, but experimentally we might not feel like it. But feelings never has been a good measuring stick for our spiritual progress. you mean experience-ally we might not feel like it, hummm it is hard to miss but. Put it this way, are you deluding yourself, or is it for real, with evidences that you can see in your changed or changing character.

god bless you! May God bless you also brother
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Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
God has done his part, he has laid the highway that leads to him, we must walk the way, we are not saved unless we repent, or put on Christ character.
We are saved through the grace of God.


Well-Known Member
To free spirit,
Fulfill he did, by dieing sinless
And what chances do you give yourself of doing that? I mean to die sinless.

No, but been in his grace i have also fulfill the law. Grace is another word for character, therefore if i have his character i do instintiverly what pleases him. Therefore I do not need the law to Guide me.
All this hangs on the answer to the question above and going back to the infilling with the Holy Spirit, is it possible for us to live and die sinless? Grace is unmerited favor, God gives it who he has mercy on, so what we need to be Saved is God’s mercy.

Those who are still in Adam Character and hope to be good by obeying the law will be disapointed. Because no one will be justified by the law
I believe that this is in relation to God’s chosen people and if they are all disappointed would be because they all disobey the Law and the question also applies to them, is it possible to obey the Law 24/7x 52 plus six hours?

Any religious person that has rules to obey, will be judged by these rules.
You are forgetting that they have repentance, penance and free will just as we have. A good example is King David, he was judged by the Law and forgiven when he repented and atoned for his sins. The fact that we are judged by God at various stages does not mean that we are lost. And His judgment is right.

Grace is the unmerited gift of is Character.
Can we loose the gift of Salvation Grace?
I will have a look at that tread and get back to you, I don’t understand the concept of dividing the word.

free spirit

Well-Known Member
to emiliano
to free spirit,

and what chances do you give yourself of doing that? I mean to die sinless. 1 john 3 - 3 to 9, "and everyone who has this hope fixed on him purifies himself, just as he is pure. Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness.
and you know that he appeared in order to take away sins; and in him there is no sin, no one who abides in him sins; no one who sins has seen him or knows him. Little children, let no one deceive you; the one who practices righteousness is righteous just as he is righteous; the one who practices sin is of the devil for the devil has sinned from the beginning.
the son of god appeared for this purpose that he might destroy the works of the devil.
no one who is born of god practices sin, because his seed abides in him; and he cannot sin, because he is born of god.

all this hangs on the answer to the question above and going back to the infilling with the holy spirit, is it possible for us to live and die sinless? 1 john 3 - 21, "beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence before god;" grace is unmerited favor, god gives it who he has mercy on, so what we need to be saved is god’s mercy.

i believe that this is in relation to god’s chosen people and if they are all disappointed would be because they all disobey the law and the question also applies to them, is it possible to obey the law 24/7x 52 plus six hours?
no it is not possible because romans 7 - 14 - 15, "for we know that the law is spiritual; but i am of flesh, sold into bondage to sin. For that which i am doing, i do not understand; for i am not practicing what i would like to do, but i am doing the very thing i hate." this is your state before we are baptised by the holy spirit. After the redemption we are no longer into bondage to sin, it becomes our choise.

you are forgetting that they have repentance, penance and free will just as we have. A good example is king david, he was judged by the law and forgiven when he repented and atoned for his sins. The fact that we are judged by god at various stages does not mean that we are lost. And his judgment is right. 1 john 2 - 1, "my little children, i am writing these things to you that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an advocate with the father, jesus christ the righteous.'

can we loose the gift of salvation grace? yes it is possible, 2 peter 20 to 22, " for if after they have escaped the defilements of the world by the knowledge of the lord and savior jesus christ, they are again entangled in them and are overcome, the last state has become worse for them than the first. For it would be better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn away from the holy commandment delivered to them. It has hsppened to them according to the true prverb, "a dog returns to its own vomit, and a sow, after washing , returns to wallowing in the mire."
i will have a look at that tread and get back to you, i don’t understand the concept of dividing the word.
Yep I have been here for a fiew days now but I have allready being wounded, it is war out there the ardest of them are the religious devotees, that is not new I guess because only religious devottes will kill a holy man like 2000 years ago.
Well I am Mr. averige nothing special eccept that I understand the New Terstament and that gets me into trouble all the time. Yep they even use my poor spelling to get at me. I am allergic to pain so if it doesn't get to hot I stay.
love you all :cheer:

What is your understanding of Jesus?


Yep I have been here for a fiew days now but I have allready being wounded, it is war out there the ardest of them are the religious devotees, that is not new I guess because only religious devottes will kill a holy man like 2000 years ago.
Well I am Mr. averige nothing special eccept that I understand the New Terstament and that gets me into trouble all the time. Yep they even use my poor spelling to get at me. I am allergic to pain so if it doesn't get to hot I stay.
love you all :cheer:
Could you explain. 1 Timothy 5:24. thank you

free spirit

Well-Known Member
What is your understanding of Jesus?
Your question is very broad, but Jesus is all that he claimed to be,Son of God, and God incarnated, and yet a man, the lamb of God, and yet God, he is the judge, and yet the advocate, in other word he is complit and perfect in every way.
By living among us he created a holy human character, and this character has become the character of our God.
So he inherited God, and we are called to join him, by become the adopted sons of God through him.:D

Your question is very broad, but Jesus is all that he claimed to be,Son of God, and God incarnated, and yet a man, the lamb of God, and yet God, he is the judge, and yet the advocate, in other word he is complit and perfect in every way.
By living among us he created a holy human character, and this character has become the character of our God.
So he inherited God, and we are called to join him, by become the adopted sons of God through him.:D

Okay now if Jesus is God then he is equal with him in every way no one is greater than the other correct?

free spirit

Well-Known Member
Could you explain. 1 Timothy 5:24. thank you

1 Timothy 5 - 24, reads "The sins of some men are quite evident, going before them to judgment; for others, their sins follow after."
I take it this way; there are big sins and small sins, Some sins affects your conscience, these sins therefore have been judged, for if your conscience is accusing you, you have began your torment.
Hebrews 10 - 26 - 27,"For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no lomger remains a sacrifice for sins, but a certain terrifying expectation of judgment, and the fury of a fire which will consume the adversaries."
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free spirit

Well-Known Member

Hold on! Wouldn't this be ... gnostic???
I had to look up the meaning of the word.
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