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Does God actually hate me?

Does God hate zombieharlot?

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Some Kind of Strange
"A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the Lord your God DETESTS anyone who does this." Deuteronomy 22:5 NIV

So...God hates me then?


Some Kind of Strange
standing_alone said:
Yes, I'm afraid to say so, but God does hate you. :p

Don't worry, he hates me, too. :D

Good to know that you'll be there to keep me in good company when I'm burning in the flames of damnation.:hug:


Veteran Member
zombieharlot said:
Good to know that you'll be there to keep me in good company when I'm burning in the flames of damnation.:hug:

Nope God doesn't hate anyone. I don't think God can hate, even within those context of verses. Remember the Bible was written by men with inspiration from God, but still it was written by men.

God doesn't hate.:)


Some Kind of Strange
beckysoup61 said:
Nope God doesn't hate anyone. I don't think God can hate, even within those context of verses. Remember the Bible was written by men with inspiration from God, but still it was written by men.

God doesn't hate.:)

Are you saying that some scriptures may be flawed because of man's limited intellect of God? If this scripture isn't accurate to what God's word really is, then why should I believe the others are?


Veteran Member
zombieharlot said:
Are you saying that some scriptures may be flawed because of man's limited intellect of God? If this scripture isn't accurate to what God's word really is, then why should I believe the others are?



Some Kind of Strange
evearael said:
What do you believe?

Are you asking that in regards to my original post? Or to my most recent? In regards to the original post, it is my understanding that God IS love. But that seems to contradict the verse I mentioned. So I don't know. That's why I'm asking. If you're talking about my most recent post, I don't mean for it to sound rude or anything. I word things the way I do to help get my thoughts out. I mean no harm or anything, but I tend to blow things out of porportion just a little to get those thoughts out.

JayJay H

New Member
No God does not Hate you here is Why:

This is a true Translation of the Verse

Deuteronomy 22:5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.

What did men wear then? They wore Tunics, Skirts, Robes. They did not Wear Pants. The meaning of this verse is deeper than this though. It means that the woman is not to function as a man, nor a man as a woman. You are to be a Man if you are a man. And A woman if you are a woman. You are not to interchange ways between your kind(female or male.)


Mother Heathen
Well...a Christian (like myself:)) is bound by the laws of the NT...not the old...so I ask if you see similar verses in the NT of the bible, which I don't recall reading.

The covenant in which Moses was bound to is different than the covenant in which I'm bound to. Deuteronomy of course is dealing with God's people under the leadership of Moses.

The laws were different...the manner of atonement was different...

God doesn't hate you. In fact He loved you so much...Christ became the ultimate atonement for you...He didn't hang on that cross out of hate. He hung in agony because he DOES love you.

Bottom line...I think God is a heck of a lot more concerned about what's inside you...not what you're wearing on the outside...:D


Active Member
I too am bound by the laws of our Lord Jesus Christ. He instructed us to love one another. And that god loves you. You could be purple and he would still love you.


Some Kind of Strange
JayJay H said:
No God does not Hate you here is Why:

This is a true Translation of the Verse

Deuteronomy 22:5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.

What did men wear then? They wore Tunics, Skirts, Robes. They did not Wear Pants. The meaning of this verse is deeper than this though. It means that the woman is not to function as a man, nor a man as a woman. You are to be a Man if you are a man. And A woman if you are a woman. You are not to interchange ways between your kind(female or male.)

True translation meaning the KJV?

So how exactly does this relate to me? I am a heterosexual and do view myself as a male. But I dress in women's clothing.

dawny0826 said:
Well...a Christian (like myself:)) is bound by the laws of the NT...not the old...so I ask if you see similar verses in the NT of the bible, which I don't recall reading.

The covenant in which Moses was bound to is different than the covenant in which I'm bound to. Deuteronomy of course is dealing with God's people under the leadership of Moses.

The laws were different...the manner of atonement was different...

God doesn't hate you. In fact He loved you so much...Christ became the ultimate atonement for you...He didn't hang on that cross out of hate. He hung in agony because he DOES love you.

Bottom line...I think God is a heck of a lot more concerned about what's inside you...not what you're wearing on the outside...:D

Then why is it imperative to read the OT? And no, I don't think there is any verse like this in the NT because I think it is the only verse like this in the entire Bible.


Mother Heathen
Then why is it imperative to read the OT? And no, I don't think there is any verse like this in the NT because I think it is the only verse like this in the entire Bible.

Not everyone views the Bible in the same manner that I do...but when you read the OT...you truly understand WHY Christ's sacrifice was necessary.

Even though I'm not bound by the laws that Moses was bound by...it's important for me to see how man's relationship with God has developed.

If you're getting from Point A to Point B...it's helpful to know what happened between Point A and Point B.


Angel slayer
Well of course you are just talking about the Abrahamic God, who is usually very angry.

But God wouldn't condemn you for anything, in my opinion anyway.


Mother Heathen
JinnOnTheWinds said:
Well of course you are just talking about the Abrahamic God, who is usually very angry.

But God wouldn't condemn you for anything, in my opinion anyway.

Very angry with who...you?:flirt:


Some Kind of Strange
dawny0826 said:
Not everyone views the Bible in the same manner that I do...but when you read the OT...you truly understand WHY Christ's sacrifice was necessary.

Even though I'm not bound by the laws that Moses was bound by...it's important for me to see how man's relationship with God has developed.

If you're getting from Point A to Point B...it's helpful to know what happened between Point A and Point B.

I could have guessed that, but I asked anyway. I have a question though. I'm not sure if it's one you can really answer, but we'll see. Are the things from the OT that still abide restated in the NT? For instance, I know that somewhere in the NT (I think somewhere in Matthew) it says to still obey the Ten Commandments.