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does hinduism accept christ as a prophet/god


| abhyAvartin |
Yes I enjoyed your post. Well written. What do you have to say about this then? "The Buddha in Hinduism is viewed as an Avatar of Vishnu. Many Hindu texts including Bhagavata Purana, Bhavishya Purana, Narasimha Purana etc. enlist the Buddha as an avatar of Vishnu."

Oh if you don't mind me asking, how old are you and where do you live?


What do I have to say about Buddha? Well, he isn't found in the Shri Shruti Vedas, thus, I am not that interested with someone who didn't offer salutations and oblations to the fire. And, using the fraudulent Bhavishya Purana in your argument? :facepalm:

Also, my name is Kuhūsā Somaputra the Defiler and I live in Vasuloka.

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Om Sai Ram
What happened to the name of " Maitravaruni" . I didn't ask your name this time around though. I asked age and location. Stop running around the bush and telling me to convert and who's a Hindu and who's not.

edit; ah मैत्रावरुणिः is Maitravaruni
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| abhyAvartin |
What happened to the name of " Maitravaruni" . I didn't ask your name this time around though. I asked age and location. Stop running around the bush and telling me to convert and who's a Hindu and who's not.

edit; ah मैत्रावरुणिः is Maitravaruni


I live in the US. I am 1 billion years old. I am not telling you to convert, brah. I was just saying that a Hindu cannot worship someone who didn't offer oblations to the holy fire (in this case that would be Jesus and Buddha).



Om Sai Ram
मैत्रावरुणिः;3428149 said:

I live in the US. I am 1 billion years old. I am not telling you to convert, brah. I was just saying that a Hindu cannot worship someone who didn't offer oblations to the holy fire (in this case that would be Jesus and Buddha).


"Might as well convert to Christianity, kid"

Why are you afraid to say your age? I'm starting to believe you are actually the kid with the disgusting posts you make. How do you know Buddha didn't make offering to fire? He was born into a Hindu family. Besides, as Hindu's aren't we suppose to respect our fellow Dharmic religions??


| abhyAvartin |

"Might as well convert to Christianity, kid"

I am sure you have heard of something called humor, right?

Why are you afraid to say your age? I'm starting to believe you are actually the kid with the disgusting posts you make. How do you know Buddha didn't make offering to fire? He was born into a Hindu family. Besides, as Hindu's aren't we suppose to respect our fellow Dharmic religions??

1. I am 20 years old.
2. Disgusting posts? So, Shruti law is disgusting? :(
3. Buddha may have offered oblations to the holy fire initially, but he obviously stopped and spoke against the practice. Therefore, he became avrata.
4. We can respect the other dharmic religions, but that doesn't mean I will accept them. I am already an outcast for decrying against certain Smriti texts and Smriti traditions and favoring polytheism. This is a testament to Kali Yuga, a Shrutist outcasted by Smritists... :(


ps -
edit; ah मैत्रावरुणिः is Maitravaruni
You only made half way. It is Maitravaruni(h). Meaning: of Mitra-Varuna, as in, descendant of Mitra and Varuna.
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Om Sai Ram
How is that humor? I take my faith very seriously and I thought this was a serious discussion If it was time for humor and jokes someone could have indicated. So you are only 3 years older than me I see. If I stand correct I'm pretty sure Buddha didn't speak against the practice he just created another path.


| abhyAvartin |
How is that humor? I take my faith very seriously and I thought this was a serious discussion If it was time for humor and jokes someone could have indicated. So you are only 3 years older than me I see. If I stand correct I'm pretty sure Buddha didn't speak against the practice he just created another path.


Rubbish. He actively spoke against the vrata practices, and against yajvanic (sacrifices) practices.

And, it was humor....don't take everything so seriously, brah. But, this is a serious discussion, nonetheless.



Om Sai Ram
Definitely not doing that for now lol..Seems like I am not the only either. I have read of others on here doing the same as well.

Found that online


Well-Known Member
That is nonsense, not to mention heretical. Stop with the universalist propaganda and read the part above in this post. You cannot worship Jesus if you are a Hindu. You are not permitted as ordained by Shruti law. Who are you to go against this most holy of Hindu law?

Yes you can. Heretical? If you are concerned about not mixing Abrahamic concepts maybe you shouldn't used words like heretical, going against the law, and not permitted...

We are Hindus, relax.


Nyingjé Tso

Tänpa Yungdrung zhab pä tän gyur jig

Thai buddhism is well known to mix deities from Sanatana Dharma and from Buddhism, as well as Buddha teachings and local animism.
From what I have seen, none of the Deva and Devi is mistreated, or deviated, no ritual is against common practices, and are loved and cared as much by Buddhists and Hindu alike.

I am not into the universalism stuff, but that's another debate. However, I am surprised that as Hindu you don't praise the coexistence of Dharma in harmony, peace and acceptance, and instead ou seems only to preach one way in a orthodox manner. It is not a good attitude to have to put down people's beliefs and what they do with it. This looks more like an abrahamic concept. And Hindus that practice Santana Dharma (those from India and those from the west alike) should have their minds free of these concepts.

If Sri GaneshJi is worshipped and loved in a south east asian country with a Buddhist history and a different culture than India, what is the problem. The only problem I see is intolerance toward a matter that is none of our buisness. It does not degrade Dharma in any way in the eyes of the world.

To go back to OP (farfaaaar away) I have however objection to considering christ as a prophet or Deva. This is absolutely different, too different, and mixing these two concepts can lead to deformation of original Dharma.

More than that, Sanatana Dharma is a very large umbrella that include absolutely everything and every way needed for the sincere seeker. So...Why looking elsewhere or try to forcefully mix stuff that cause strife and fights to it ?

Aum Namah Sivaya


Premium Member
So then what do you think of Sai Baba? His story is similar to Jesus'

I have very little opinion. Certainly Sai was fairly Hindu, yet there were some universalist leanings too, and some of his followers do like to proselytize, but not in sneaky ways.

But I basically reserve my opinion.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Let's review, hopefully from a position of logic and not emotion:

1. Let's start with the premise that Jesus is irrelevant in Hinduism; definitely not a deva. Perhaps viewed as a teacher by those Hindus familiar with him.

2. Whether he existed or not is immaterial and irrelevant, because someone wrote in his name. Homer and Lao tzu may not have existed either, but someone wrote in their names. Moreover, what Jesus taught is not what Christianity is. Christianity today, and from the 1st century CE [edited: CE not BCE] has been 'Paulism', a total corruption of Jesus's teachings. Those who think they know what Christianity is are duped (99% of Christians, I daresay). But that's cannon fodder for another thread.

3. Hinduism is > 5,000 years old. It has survived Greeks, Muslims, Christians, its own politics and governments.

4. There are approx. 1.5 billion people in India. 81% of the Indian population identify themselves as Hindus.

5. There are 24 million Christians in India, 2.3% of the total population (a Christian source claims 68 million, or 4.5% ).

6. Is Hinduism that tenuous a religion, that even 68 million people can threaten 1.2 billion? Hinduism in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Census of India Website : Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India

7. The majority of Indian converts to Christianity are the poor. Doesn't it behoove the Indian gov't to provide for the poor to keep them from being seduced by Christian missionaries?

8. So are we proceeding from logic or emotion?
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ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Found it.


Even I think that's silly. The artwork of it is just plain poor.

I find this to be more appealing to represent the universal mother than that one.

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Well-Known Member
Well said Jainaryan.

I think often people are afraid of not seeming Hindu enough and feel threatened at the mention of another deity such as Jesus.

Also people seem to misunderstand the Universalist message. Just because you like a teaching from some other tradition does not mean that you minimize your own Hindu tradition.
A Universalist uses any religious book and ritual as part of their practice. That is much different than accepting that others may worship different than you, and accepting that another tradition might have something really nice that you like.

I'm not going to not be Hindu because I like The prayer of St Francis, or because I have Harriet Tubman on my altar. I'm secure in my faith I know what I believe.
I have not found a religion I like more than Hinduism. Nothing will sway me from this path.

Someone who runs because something isn't Hindu, just seems panicky and insecure about their own faith.
