Oh right, so there shouldn't be a specific word for those who hate and want to harm homosexuals
Yes, so to change society so that no longer happens and is no longer acceptable we need the word and concept of "Homophobia"
The word phobia means fear. The word phobia comes from the Greek: φόβος (phóbos), meaning "aversion", "fear" or "morbid fear". The regular system for naming specific phobias uses prefixes based on a Greek word for the object of the fear, plus the suffix -phobia.
An instinctive response to fear is fight or flight. A phobia does not always mean reacting to the fear with hate or fight. It can also mean more like a morbid fear and the need to run away for personal safety; flight. The Gay dress code of leather, whips and chains (in Parades and clubs) makes some people run away, since it symbolizes domination and submission, which is more about aggression and not being neighborly. This is often done in fun, if you are in the know, but not everyone knows the secret handshake due to the fear inducing attire.
A related observation, based on anecdotal evidence, is prison will cause more otherwise heterosexual people to engage in homosexual behavior compared to open freedom spaces. This is more often initiated by predator domination. One is confined with the heterosexual options not available. Whips and chains are symbols of an old fashion prison from the slave era and before. The question is, could being confined, in the prison of your own mind, cause this behavior to increase, with domination attire enhancing the effect or release?
Should we have the word
heterophobia? Lesbians and Gays sort of fear a heterosexual male and female relationship. respectively and will try to get away. They may even get angry or afraid if a strong female or strong male makes a persistent pass at a gay male or lesbian female, respectively. They may fight or flight due to heterophobia. These phobia terms get too judgmental. However, this is the word game of the Left that they apply only to their political opponents, to insult, stereotype and silence them.
One further related observation with anecdotal evidence, that can explain the root of some of the phobia; fear; fight or flight, may have to due with adults sexually messing with children of the opposite sex. This is traumatic same or opposite sex, but since this often happens via domination; adult and child, like a few of the Catholic Priests, it can leave behind a phobia; anger or flight. Or, if we have the Stockholm Syndrome in effect; empathizing with your captors, the opposite of phobia, fight and flight; can appear, which is accept and embrace, in the prison of your mind caused by the repression induced.