"Oscar the grouch"
Likewise, there are many 18-year-old's that won't voluntary sell themselves into slavery to pay off a debt, so let us legalise voluntary slavery.
This is precisely why the liberal tradition is morally and rationally bankrupt. It equates success with glamorisation, even if it is objectification, so long as there are monetary rewards. There is as episode of Sponge Bob which makes the point clearly. Patrick Star is paid by Mr. Crabs to fall down from greater and greater heights, because it attracts a crowd of adoring fans, who get much needed amusement out of his antics. According to you, Patrick would be empowered by this act. And if he ventured on his own and started his own business, getting others to do the same, he would be more empowered. Of course that is absurd, but the rules of the game are changed when it comes to porn, just like religious fundamentalists always change the rules when it comes to God and murder/genocide.
Probably one of the reasons 9 out of 10 men are chauvinistic ********.
As far as I am aware, the sex scene in Monster's Ball was simulated.
But a lot of people not even pornography subject themselves to objectification. Hell interns are the best example and their form of monetary reward is experience. As far as your comment on monsters ball simulated or not, they still used billy bob thortons and Hallie Berry's likeness. That alone will create the association.