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Does The Bible Contain Errors And Contradictions


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Depends upon how one defines the word "cult"...

View attachment 92757

Seems to me that ALL theologies can be considered a "cult".
Honestly, it seems to me the only reason the word is not correctly used is because it hurts to many peoples feelings.
Depends how you look at it, right? When I compare what I've learned and how I view the Bible (as the Word of God inspired and given to mankind) now, in comparison with how I thought of it before, all I can say is that I am truly satisfied with what I have learned.


Admiral Obvious
Depends how you look at it, right? When I compare what I've learned and how I view the Bible (as the Word of God inspired and given to mankind) now, in comparison with how I thought of it before, all I can say is that I am truly satisfied with what I have learned.
What relevance does this have to do with your beliefs being cultish?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Depends upon how one defines the word "cult"...

View attachment 92757

Seems to me that ALL theologies can be considered a "cult".
Honestly, it seems to me the only reason the word is not correctly used is because it hurts to many peoples feelings.
In reference to your point, while I do agree that the word cult can be degrading and applied by dictionary definition to various religions and sects, I would like to share with you what I have found to be a similar circumstance in my case:

(Luke 15) "8Or what woman who has ten silver coins and loses one of them does not light a lamp, sweep her house, and search carefully until she finds it? 9And when she finds it, she calls together her friends and neighbors to say, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found my lost coin.’ 10In the same way, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of God’s angels over one sinner who repents.”


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
Do you not realize that is a JW source? What you did is the same as going to an accused murderer and letting that person give you "proof" that he did not do it. To be reliable you need a neutral source. The accused cannot be a neutral source. You did not refute anything with that.

I do not want to debate the issue since that can be a no no here. I am merely pointing out how you failed to show that it is not a cult.
I don’t think that is an issue here….
What @URAVIP2ME was trying to show, is that we are open with what we believe, as it is posted online.

Cults aren’t open with their information.

That was his point.


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
When I realized that Christianity failed that means that all versions of it fail.
And that’s where you — and many others — would be wrong.

Christianity was a target at its very beginning, and after the apostles’ death, what emerged as “Christendom” was already corrupted…. Professed Christians began killing each other, despite Jesus’ command to “love one another” — John 15:12,17

Jesus called the Devil, “the prince / ruler of this world.” - John 12:31;14:30

Since the Devil is the power behind this world (1 John 5:19), we should expect attacks on what the truth is.
(Revelation 12:9) Even Jesus said “many” calling him “Lord” would be “workers of evil.” - Matthew 7:21-23.

But Jesus provided the key to look for, and it cuts through all the dogma that’s being thrown around in the name of Christianity:
John 13:35.
By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.”

“Love God” is first, though….
“Love your neighbor” is second.
- Matthew 22:37-39

And unlike what some may think, those two commandments never conflict for Christians.
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Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
When I was a Christian, I believed in the hypostatic union, which is the theological belief that Jesus took on human nature yet remained fully God when he was a man. It encapsulates the belief regarding his humanity and divinity (two natures) in a single hypostasis and is in conjunction with the Trinity doctrine.

As a former Christian evangelist, I know that many evangelicals don't consider Jehovah's Witnesses to be true Christians, but rather misguided people who hold false beliefs, distort and misinterpret the Bible, and teach unbiblical doctrines (e.g., "Who are the Jehovah’s Witnesses and what are their beliefs?").

I believed the same when I was an evangelical. In fact, I considered them to be among the least knowledgeable of the Bible during my many years as an evangelist and street preacher. It became apparent to me that their knowledge of the Bible was restricted to their church's approved interpretation and sanctioned teachings. I received training as a street preacher to specifically target them and attempt to convert them to my evangelical-centered version of Christianity. In fact, the belief that JWs (as well as LDS Mormons and Roman Catholics) weren't genuine Christians was an integral part of my training. I was equipped with specific gospel tracts and other materials that informed me about their beliefs, along with instructions on how to lead them to Christ.
I wish i could’ve met you and discussed topics, as long as the discussion stayed amicable.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
I wish i could’ve met you and discussed topics, as long as the discussion stayed amicable.

I think it would have been an intriguing conversation. I always tried to maintain an amicable conversation with JWs when I was an evangelist and street preacher, even when some of them were heckling me and being very belligerent while I was street preaching and evangelizing. In fact, I dealt with my fair share of rude hecklers who challenged my preaching message and previous Christian beliefs. But I turned the other cheek and didn't engage in a heated argument with any of them. I remained calm in the midst of division and strife. I knew that patience and kindness were essential to successfully reaching people as I preached and evangelized (e.g., read the following posts). It helped me to convert people to evangelical Christianity, which was my mission.

Post 1: What are the best and worst things about heaven?

Post 2: Why do some Atheists say Christianity is harmful?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I don’t think that is an issue here….
What @URAVIP2ME was trying to show, is that we are open with what we believe, as it is posted online.

Cults aren’t open with their information.

That was his point.
Okay, being open with poor beliefs in no way indicates that you are not a cult. And there are behaviors that are significantly downplayed there. For that you would need to go to ex-JW's to tell their side of the story of how they were treated when they realized that the church was in error.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
And that’s where you — and many others — would be wrong.

Christianity was a target at its very beginning, and after the apostles’ death, what emerged as “Christendom” was already corrupted…. Professed Christians began killing each other, despite Jesus’ command to “love one another” — John 15:12,17

Jesus called the Devil, “the prince / ruler of this world.” - John 12:31;14:30

Since the Devil is the power behind this world (1 John 5:19), we should expect attacks on what the truth is.
(Revelation 12:9) Even Jesus said “many” calling him “Lord” would be “workers of evil.” - Matthew 7:21-23.

But Jesus provided the key to look for, and it cuts through all the dogma that’s being thrown around in the name of Christianity:
John 13:35.
By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves.”

“Love God” is first, though….
“Love your neighbor” is second.
- Matthew 22:37-39

And unlike what some may think, those two commandments never conflict for Christians.
How would you know of any supposed error of mine when you do not understand how Christianity fail?


I think it would have been an intriguing conversation. I always tried to maintain an amicable conversation with JWs when I was an evangelist and street preacher, even when some of them were heckling me and being very belligerent while I was street preaching and evangelizing. In fact, I dealt with my fair share of rude hecklers who challenged my preaching message and previous Christian beliefs. But I turned the other cheek and didn't engage in a heated argument with any of them. I knew that patience and kindness were essential to successfully reaching people as I preached and evangelized (e.g., read the linked posts). I remained calm in the midst of division and strife. It definitely helped me to convert people to evangelical Christianity, which was my mission.

Post 1: What are the best and worst things about heaven?

Post 2: Why do some Atheists say Christianity is harmful?
Did you ever find yourself in "the eye" of the Nation of Islam? Their street preachers are hilarious, IMO, when they notice a white face in view. I thought for a long time they'd learn to recognize my car and ignore me as I drove by on my way to work, but Nope!, never stopped throwing the evil eye, dropping their Bible down to their side, and turning their back as I drove by. :rolleyes:

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
Did you ever find yourself in "the eye" of the Nation of Islam? Their street preachers are hilarious, IMO, when they notice a white face in view. I thought for a long time they'd learn to recognize my car and ignore me as I drove by on my way to work, but Nope!, never stopped throwing the evil eye, dropping their Bible down to their side, and turning their back as I drove by. :rolleyes:

No, I haven't. While I was a Christian evangelist, my only direct interactions with Muslims were primarily with Muslim women at a domestic violence shelter for battered women and abused children. I never endured any heckling from Muslim men while I was preaching, and none have ever tried to convert me.


No, I haven't. While I was a Christian evangelist, my only direct interactions with Muslims were primarily with Muslim women at a domestic violence shelter for battered women and abused children. I never endured any heckling from Muslim men while I was preaching, and none have ever tried to convert me.
From my experience I don't see members of The Nation as Muslim. Malcolm X discovered the difference the hard way. One of the best books I've ever read: The Autobiography of Malcolm X As Told To Alex Haley.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
From my experience I don't see members of The Nation as Muslim. Malcolm X discovered the difference the hard way. One of the best books I've ever read: The Autobiography of Malcolm X As Told To Alex Haley.
Yes, I really had respect for Malcolm X when he figured out whatever...I look forward to meeting him in the "new earth" as God in the Bible promises.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
How would you know of any supposed error of mine when you do not understand how Christianity fail?
Before I agreed to a Bible study with the Witnesses, as I said, I was an atheist but a trained musician, and got paid to sing in church. The choirmaster did not care what my beliefs were as long as I did my job. I loved singing and some of the songs are beautiful. Like, for instance, Handel's Messiah. I saw Jesus on the cross on the wall of the church and thought, what did he do that got him there? I won't go any further with my comments now. Except to say, for one thing, that I used to turn the Witnesses away from my door until circumstances changed and I accepted a Bible study with them. Some stay, others do not. I had (have) no problem staying.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
From my experience I don't see members of The Nation as Muslim. Malcolm X discovered the difference the hard way. One of the best books I've ever read: The Autobiography of Malcolm X As Told To Alex Haley.

Thank you for the clarification. I wasn't familiar with it, so I looked it up on Google. Now I understand.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Before I agreed to a Bible study with the Witnesses, as I said, I was an atheist but a trained musician, and got paid to sing in church. The choirmaster did not care what my beliefs were as long as I did my job. I loved singing and some of the songs are beautiful. Like, for instance, Handel's Messiah. I saw Jesus on the cross on the wall of the church and thought, what did he do that got him there? I won't go any further with my comments now. Except to say, for one thing, that I used to turn the Witnesses away from my door until circumstances changed and I accepted a Bible study with them. Some stay, others do not. I had (have) no problem staying.
Jesus may have been a fairly wise man that was deeply religious and had a following. The following may have been seen as a threat by both traditional Hebrews and by Rome. He was crucified and died on the cross for that. And like the people that believe in Trump they could not take such a loss and so invented their own myths.