Why do you think blue, rather than red, would make a difference when blue and red are the exact same phenomenon--- perception of wavelengths by a human brain. There's no reason to think that one phenomenon would change it but the same wouldn't.
Because it is a specific range of light different than that of red. But I am mostly going by "Why not?" just as you go with free will
. The only difference between blue and conssiousness is that for you it would be important that it was consciousness and I couldnt care less about it being blue, but both are arbitrary decisions of what
may work different than the rest of the universe but we can never know.
Actually think about what you, as a hard determinist, are claiming. You are claiming that since the big bang, there has been a perfect, unbroken chain of causes and effects that inexorably led to the condition of the universe as it is today. That is a pretty incredible claim, but let's say that it's real.
What could break that chain?
Something outside of it, but then the problem persists. As long as you take every element in consideration, there is no need to define anything as outside. After all, if it can effect on the system, then it is not completely independent of the system and it is not truly outside. It would become another factor to be considered.
That's the problem for free-will advocates, or anyone with any sort of interest in twisty riddles. Seriously, pretend that free-will exists. Now try to explain it. Work backwards.
My first problem with free will is that I doubt many people are even sure of what they are advocating. Ultimately they only want to feel they are in control of their own life, and the feeling that there is no "if"s makes them feel they are not. So they make up the word "Free will" and start playing poetry with it.
I´ll see if I can try to pretend it exists, but first I need to give you my problem in your definition:
If consciousness is material, as you are a materialist, then it has been created by matter and the specific way in which it is is the effect of matter. Why does one consciousness makes decisions different than others? You want to say "There is no reason. It´s random" Or more specifically, Why does consciousness influences on... dratz I even have problems theorizing it up o_0 , You will say "Well, it is not completely random. But it has its moment´s" because you cannot get out of psychological patterns and things history and sociology shows us about percentages and likabilities of human conduct under specific scenarios. Now under what reason would you say that there is some sort of "random" that occurs here?
Blah, I´ll try it up again. Consciousness is material, just like everything else, but because of some reason it turns out it is the only thing that "may go one way or another" in the universe. There are some anomalies in it´s effects that could NEVER be predicted under any circumstance by ANYTHING because they are UNCAUSED. Not all. But some. Okay, let´s see what´s next.
*saw the thing and the reasoning*
Okay... but how do you know the consciousness is not conditioned t happen in specific moments? I mean I get what you are trying to say, trust me , I do. I am not saying people cant change their patterns, I am saying there are bigger patterns.
Nature is full of complex patterns. Just because we seem more complex doesnt mean we are something different than predictable patterns. We have seen our patterns, but just as even the most accurate weather predictions can be wrong because of the flapping of wings of a butterfly, the most brilliant empathizer may be wrong about what Bob, that he knows from al his life , will do about X or how will he react because of some tiny thing he didn´t think about.
I can give you we have more variables because that is what seems to be the case, or that we can be more "surprising" and les predictable than tornadoes, but would you say tornado has free will simply because butterflies can turn his winds?
Why not think about butterflies as you would think about consciousness?
Let´s say butterflies are my new blue, that way I explained it already
. Tornadoes have free will because of butterflies.
your ball.