"Well, were there such a god, for it to know anything would require consciousness. Having said that, such a god may not require a mind, but knowing is consciousness itself."
This is made up with nothing to back it up. If were talking the Christian God it is the alpha and the omega and who created god? How did it just get to know everything?
"All evolutionary biology may, in fact, be driven by consciousness. For example, consciousness may maintain a brain as a means of having certain autonomic bodily functions relegated to the background, while consciousness tends to what is spontaneously going on in the foreground. If consciousness had to constantly focus on every little bodily detail, such as heart beat, blood flow, respiration, digestion, etc., it could not focus on, say, the immediacy of a tiger about to pounce"
Consciousness is an outcome of evolutionary biology.
"For example, consciousness may maintain a brain"
The brain has gone through stages in evolutionary biology to where it is today.
"autonomic bodily functions" the Autonomic nervous system.
"If consciousness had to constantly focus on every little bodily detail, such as heart beat, blood flow, respiration, digestion, etc., it could not focus on, say, the immediacy of a tiger about to pounce"
Right hence the autonomic system evolving before the higher nervous system structures and bigger brains.
"Eating meat and cooking food made us human, the studies suggest, enabling the brains of our prehuman ancestors to grow dramatically over a period of a few million years."
Meat, Cooked Foods Needed for Early Human Brain
There is also an important part here being left out which is very important,, and that is the subconscious.