Dumping all the atoms in one place and hoping we get a living object is a stretch. However the fact we exist indicates it is actually possible, but not by simply dumping a pile of atoms in a jar and gently shaking.
Computers are rapidly advancing with connection counts doubling, according to Moores Law, every 18months. By 2045 the average household computer will have ten times more connections than a human brain. To add to the complexity over a billion computers are neurally networked today through the internet so already we are looking at a massive "brain".
Now remember affordable personal computers have only been around for less than 30 years, and I agree they may sit there as a chunk of components forever, however as the CPUs, speed and connections increase the chances also increase that a virus or an odd bit of code deliberate or accidental could well trigger a quantum change resulting some equivalent of sentience.
This network has eyes and sensors, controls major power and manufacturing complexes is extensively incorporated into national defense, banking, Medicine personal and daily business. It can process vaste quantities of data rapidly, remember most of our brain function is tied up in equivalent menial matters with only a small fraction devoted to our filtered precised executive summary reconstructed 4D virtual reality model that dwells deep in the warm dark grey matter of our brains that we call consciousness, sentience, id ego self etc..