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Does the universe need intelligence to order it?


Well-Known Member
See? I told you. You're NOT a Buddhist. Any self respecting dunce of a Buddhist would know the first thing about Buddhism, which is that THERE IS NOTHING TO GET!, which you apparently think there is.

"Strive with diligence"

"For what, Blessed One ?"

"Aww, nuthin'"

-- the Fargo Sutta


Thou art That
You really are clueless aren't you. No conception that Buddha nature is particular to certain schools of Buddhism, no conception of the diversity in Buddhist schools, no conception of anything, just some poorly understood snippets read in a book or off the internet.

Just give it up GNG, you're not fooling anyone here. The more you go on with this the more you are embarrassing yourself.

Just wait til I tell the Buddha about this. what a joke. Buddha without his Buddha nature. What a scream. And they even have a school that practices 'no-Buddha-nature-Buddha'. Laughing my *** off to the grave on that one, while the Buddha rolls over in his. No wonder you don't understand anything, Spiny!

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
There are others here who are listening,

Indeed there are. They will form their own judgement on your pretentious ranting and relentless misrepresentations.
On your refusal to describe your personal experience of Buddhist practice. On your refusal to talk about your personal spiritual experience. On your refusal to say anything real and honest.


Thou art That
I have demonstrated time and time again in this thread how you have misrepresented Buddhist teachings and will continue to do so.

You might be slightly more credible if you had actually practised in Buddhist traditions, but your refusal to describe any personal experience strongly suggests that you haven't, and that it's all stuff you have read in books. So a very superficial understanding at best.
As I said before, there is a great deal of arrogance behind this constant need to misrepresent an established tradition.

1. You havent demonstrated jack s**t about a single misrepresentation. It is I who have presented all the evidence to directly address your silly uninformed accusations based on cynicism and contempt.

2. You know zilch about what I have practiced or not practiced, and yet continue yapping on mindlessly with both feet in your mouth.

I'd like to see some actual content posted about what you think I have misrepresented. Everything I have posted is authentic and original material, and where I have quoted material, have provided exact links. All that comes from you is from Jerk of Knee.
Do you have a secret affection for things New Age? Bet you're a Wiccan under that fake Buddhist costume!

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
It's too late GNG, you have been thoroughly seen through here. And now the cushion beckons me away from this insanity.


Thou art That
re: 'foreground' and 'background' of existence:

“Everything we see is always changing, always losing its balance. But the reason everything looks beautiful is because it is out of balance, but its background is always in perfect harmony. This is how everything actually exists; losing its balance against a background of perfect balance. So if you see things without realizing the background of perfect balance*, everything appears to be in the form of suffering. But if you understand the background of existence, you realize that suffering itself is how we live, and how we extend our life.”

excerpted from: 'Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind', by Shunryu Suzuki, founder and roshi, San Francisco Zen Center

* 'without realizing the background of perfect balance' is the state of being enlightened, but not realizing it, which is the state of consciousness of most of mankind, whose attention is driven by the three lower centers of consciousness: Power, Sensation, and Security, which are addictions. Only via the Fourth Level of Consciousness, that of Love, can these three Addictions be transformed into Preferences.


Thou art That
According to Spiny, Buddha is a mechanical wind up doll, with no Buddha nature, whom he emulates. Because Buddha is nothing more than a mechaical wind up doll, he also has no Cosmic Consciousnnes, and the Universe is nothing more than a Gyrating Stupidity.


Thou art That
Serious question GNG. What is your zen practice, apart from reading books, thinking about them, etc ?

I don't feel this is the appropriate place to discuss that. I am restricting my discussion to the actual content of what's being posted here. I am not trying to convince anyone about any personal knowledge or attainment I may have or not have. But thanks for being sincere in your asking.


Thou art That
re: 'foreground' and 'background' of existence:

“Everything we see is always changing, always losing its balance. But the reason everything looks beautiful is because it is out of balance, but its background is always in perfect harmony. This is how everything actually exists; losing its balance against a background of perfect balance. So if you see things without realizing the background of perfect balance*, everything appears to be in the form of suffering. But if you understand the background of existence, you realize that suffering itself is how we live, and how we extend our life.”

excerpted from: 'Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind', by Shunryu Suzuki, founder and roshi, San Francisco Zen Center

* 'without realizing the background of perfect balance' is the state of being enlightened, but not realizing it, which is the state of consciousness of most of mankind, whose attention is driven by the three lower centers of consciousness: Power, Sensation, and Security, which are addictions. Only via the Fourth Level of Consciousness, that of Love, can these three Addictions be transformed into Preferences.

EDIT: thus far, no one has commented on this beautiful revelation by Suzuki. I'd enjoy hearing some honest input, rather than sneering from the dark side.


Thou art That
But you are representing yourself as one who has studied, perhaps even mastered, zen ?

I have never made any claim about being enlightened, nor have I ever stated what my practice has been. I have not made such a representation. All I have done is to present content for discussion.

If any of that is true, then it should be reflected in the posted content, should it not? I am not here to pass any examinations to qualify credentials. It is not Zen that needs to be explained; it is what Zen points to that needs to be seen. That is the whole point of Zen. All I am attempting to do is point. That is all, and i this case, to show how it relates to the topic of an intelligent universe.
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Thou art That
Master: 'Do you understand Zen?'
1st Student: 'No'
Master: 'Then have a cup of tea'

Master: 'Do you understand Zen?'
2nd Student: 'Yes'
Master: 'Then have a cup of tea'


The question is not whether a misrepresentation of Zen has been made, but whether or not Zen is an accurate representation of Reality.

'Everything we see or hear is imperfect, and yet, there, in the midst of all the imperfection, lies Perfect Reality'
Shunryu Suzuki
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