Well-Known Member
...I believe in the premise that when My Messiah Yahushua died, I believe that all of mankind, past, present, and future died. If that is the case, then you yourself are quite dead, and if nothing changes for you, they you yourself will grow older and eventually get sick and physically die, all because you are under the Law and the power of sin which is the Law!
All of mankind did die with Yahushua. What must now happen in order for you to live with HIM?
Thanking you in advance should you be moved to reply, I am,
Sincerely, Latuwr
Hi Latuwr, I know that this was written to Legion, but scripturally, I'm not following your reasoning. Are you claiming that the Death Of Jesus upon the Cross 2000 years ago wiped the books clean of sins/the penalty being death for all persons from Adam to the last human Being that will be born.? period?
If that were so, then sin has been eliminated and there is no law.
Death is the penalty for SIN/Breaking the Decalogue.