Here's some stats for you. I first came to read current events ca 1962, Cuban Missile stuff if I recall. That was the first year CRIME began to go up. Crime continued going up for thirty years without a break. In those thirty years I would cite crime stats as I am doing here (love that stats) and the answer given by liberals was that crime is only up 'due to better reporting.' I felt this was arrant nonsense - lots of other things told you crime was up too.
But in 1993 crime started going down. And now people would say, 'See, crime is FALLING, see the statistics.'
See the funny side of that?
So I can feel confident that people are better now 'cos crime is going 'down', never mind the plethora of cameras, the size of the police force, and triple or quadruple the police numbers for security personnel numbers, the locks and security gates, DNA testing, fingerprint tech, face-recognition etc.. Yes, crime is going 'down.' Methinks it's got a lot to do with a lot less kids around (abortion?)