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E Vs C. Really now???


Premium Member
A survey of Christian theologians in the States concluded that roughly 70% believed one could believe in both Divine creation and the ToE.
Theologians do not represent the the beliefs at the grass roots. Polls indicate between 38 and 47% of those polled in the last 30 years believe humans were Created in their present form, current poll 40%. In 2014 the polls indicated that 46% believe evolution was in conflict with their beliefs. This is representative of the whole population. If you separate Christians the percentage is higher/ Evolution, Creationism, Intelligent Design


Veteran Member
A survey of Christian theologians in the States concluded that roughly 70% believed one could believe in both Divine creation and the ToE.
70% are wrong as there’s only one explanation as to how we got here imo.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Unfortunately cognitive dissonance keeps creationists from understanding that they are calling God a liar. In fact when I ask them that they more often than not twist the question and seem to think that I am calling God a liar. The person that you responded to does not understand your point and may never do so.
The cognitive dissonance is in you in that you fail to realize there IS a God and He is greater than his laws. (Have a good one...)


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
A survey of Christian theologians in the States concluded that roughly 70% believed one could believe in both Divine creation and the ToE.
Some vote this way and others vote another way...they believe in a candidate...

Wandering Monk

Well-Known Member
The cognitive dissonance is not with scientists, but with those that take faith in ancient tribal scripture in asserting the rejection of science.

IF God exists God did not Create false physical evidence concerning the nature of our existence. Of course, God does not lie.

I wasn't clear: why do CREATIONIST want to sound all 'sciency?'

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
The cognitive dissonance is in you in that you fail to realize there IS a God and He is greater than his laws. (Have a good one...)
Your God is self contradictory so it clearly does not exist. You cannot see that. You appear to be too afraid to learn. For some odd reason you believe that not only is your version of God a liar. You also believe that God is very evil I guess that might explain your fear.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
The cognitive dissonance is in you in that you fail to realize there IS a God and He is greater than his laws. (Have a good one...)
But once again I ask on RF, what real entity do you intend to denote when you say "God"? Or am I right in thinking that the only manner in which God is known to exist is as a set of ideas / concepts / things imagined in individual brains?

[And by the way, I've just noticed your byline is Job 19:26 - "After my skin has thus been destroyed, While yet in my flesh, I will see God" ─ or as my preferred Annotated RSV puts it, "then from[w] my flesh I shall see God[x]." The [w] is a note reading "or, 'without'" [ie "without my flesh"] and the [x] reads "The meaning of this verse [19:26] is uncertain." Since the RSV has an excellent reputation for accuracy, it occurs to me to bring it to your attention.]


aged ecumenical anthropologist
70% are wrong as there’s only one explanation as to how we got here imo.

The reality is that the Creation accounts simply don't make one iota of sense at the literalistic level but can make a great deal of sense if taken at the allegorical level. It is likely that the original penning of the accounts was to offer a different position from the earlier and much more widespread Babylonian polytheistic creation narrative. A Babylonian tablet was found in northern Israel that predates the writing of Genesis, so at least some Jewish scholars would have been familiar with their beliefs.


Premium Member
I think I got a pretty good idea
No you do not. You apparently do not comprehend the facts and the limits of fallible humans of what we can 'see' versus what we believe concerning the nature of our physical existence. What we 'see' should have some common agreement with what one believes.


Well-Known Member
Evolution is about MORTALS.

Creationism is about IMMORTALS.

The two aren't comparable.

For Gods' sake!

If you look at the theory of evolution, science uses statistical methods to support it. What is the science behind random change? Who is/are the god or gods that create blank spaces in the mortal mind that can defy his ability to reason? Science has not been able to create life from scratch in the lab, yet life is here on earth. This initial event is part of the blank space, attributed to the gods behind cards and dice. It is not phrased that way. However, it still requires faith in what is still not seen in the lab. What is the faith attached to? Who are the gods of the voids.

Creationism also has it blank spots, but overall it tries to assign a God of design and choice, instead of gods of dice and cards who walks around randomly, like someone who had too many drinks, and where he will falls, the oracle tries to predict.

The ideas of God's plan implies a deterministic universe subject to mortal reason, once we know all the data. It does not imply a universe subject to whim and chance, with lots of gaps and voids that are taboo to see without an oracle to guide you.

Casino science is a type of religion. It tries to read the minds of the immortals that create the blank spaces in reason. It is not sold that way, since this would have consequences, but it adds up to faith in blank spaces and voids, and a dark unknown force that can make voids anywhere at anytime. Sounds like the work of the immortals of the void. This pins them down so reason can fill in the void spots.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
If you look at the theory of evolution, science uses statistical methods to support it.
We know with certainty that life forms have evolved and appear to be still doing so, thus the only serious question is what are the mechanisms that are generating these changes? Even common sense supports this, namely that all material objects tend to change over time, and genes are material objects.


Premium Member
The reality is that the Creation accounts simply don't make one iota of sense at the literalistic level but can make a great deal of sense if taken at the allegorical level. It is likely that the original penning of the accounts was to offer a different position from the earlier and much more widespread Babylonian polytheistic creation narrative. A Babylonian tablet was found in northern Israel that predates the writing of Genesis, so at least some Jewish scholars would have been familiar with their beliefs.

You need to take into account the authors of Genesis and Exodus considered the documents as literal history., even though later authors of the OT and NT often used the accounts in both a literal and an allegorical manner. The position concerning the context of the Creation accounts was not much different.

The Hebrew authors simply adapted earlier Creation accounts and added Hebrew cultural context edited and redacted over time. The accounts of Genesis and Exodus give some accounts in a polytheistic context.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
You need to take into account the authors of Genesis and Exodus considered the documents as literal history., even though later authors of the OT and NT often used the accounts in both a literal and an allegorical manner. The position concerning the context of the Creation accounts was not much different.
That's too broad a stroke for my blood. No doubt much of it was taken as literal history but not necessarily all of it. Maimonides, for example, felt that the first dozen or so "chapters" in Genesis should not be taken as literal history as parts may well be allegorical.

My comments dealt with the creation accounts as likely being allegorical by original intent, and probably much the same holds true of the Flood narratives. Since there were references in other books that deal with them as being actual history, that could have developed later in Torah.


Premium Member
If you look at the theory of evolution, science uses statistical methods to suport it.

Actually no. That is not how statistical methods are used in science. Statistical methods are used in data analysis of specific research projects to determine the validity of research projects as described here:

"Two main statistical methods are used in data analysis: descriptive statistics, which summarizes data using indexes such as mean, median, standard deviation and another is inferential statistics, which draws conclusions from data using statistical tests such as student's t-test, "

The sciences of evolution use predictive models based on objective verifiable evidence, not statistical methods. You lack basic education on statistics and how they are used in scientific research..

For example: Science developed predictive models for the evolution of whales and other sea mammals be]sed on limited fossil evidence The predictive model proposed in what rock formations and what physical characteristics the intermediate species would be. Since the predictive models were proposed the fossil evidence for the intermediate species in the evolution of the whales have been found...
What is the science behind random change?

I have introduced a number of threads that determine that the Nature of our physical existence is not random. If this were true airplanes would not fly and computers would not work. All variations in the outcome of cause and effect events and 'change' vary within a possible range of outcomes that follow a fractal pattern, and these ranges of outcomes are consistently predictable If it were random airplanes would not fly and computers would not work. The physical sciences of physics and engineering follow the same Scientific methods of predictive models as the sciences of evolution.
Who is/are the god or gods that create blank spaces in the mortal mind that can defy his ability to reason? Science has not been able to create life from scratch in the lab, yet life is here on earth. This initial event is part of the blank space, attributed to the gods behind cards and dice. It is not phrased that way. However, it still requires faith in what is still not seen in the lab. What is the faith attached to? Who are the gods of the voids.

This is false concerning both God and science. God did not Create blank spaces nor Gaps. Science through scientific Methods discovers and researches and resolves gaps as described above.

Again there are no playing cards or dice in science.
Creationism also has it blank spots, but overall it tries to assign a God of design and choice, instead of gods of dice and cards who walks around randomly, like someone who had too many drinks, and where he will falls, the oracle tries to predict.

Creationism based on ancient tribal scripture does not have provenance or science as a basis to present a coherent theory or fill gaps in knowledge.
The ideas of God's plan implies a deterministic universe subject to mortal reason, once we know all the data. It does not imply a universe subject to whim and chance, with lots of gaps and voids that are taboo to see without an oracle to guide you.

Again this is false as described above.
Casino science is a type of religion. It tries to read the minds of the immortals that create the blank spaces in reason. It is not sold that way, since this would have consequences, but it adds up to faith in blank spaces and voids, and a dark unknown force that can make voids anywhere at anytime. Sounds like the work of the immortals of the void. This pins them down so reason can fill in the void spots.

There is no such thing as Casino science as described above. What you lack is basic education and knowledge of science to make such outrageous assertions above based on an ancient agenda without science.

I can go into more detail concerning the problem of trying to apply the layman's concept of randomness if you need this.
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