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Einstein's proof of God


Well-Known Member
Einstein clearly believed, as seen in many quotations above, that the universe was comprehensible and rational, but he also described this characteristic of the universe as a "miracle". In another example, he is quoted as claiming belief in a God, "Who reveals Himself in the lawful harmony of the world."
Einstein has a lack of bravery to write this thread of mine. But he could predict the discovery of Dark Energy and write its major characteristics. Why? It is unity from Religion and Science. Religion could have told Einstein, that there must be God in Einstein Equations.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Einstein stated that he believed in "Spinoza's God", and Baruch Spinoza was pantheistic/panentheistic. He also believed that concepts of heaven and hell were "childish".

Also, at this point no one knows what "dark energy"/"dark matter" really is even though there's a force causing the universe to keep on expanding and at an increasingly rapid rate.


Well-Known Member
Einstein stated that he believed in "Spinoza's God", and Baruch Spinoza was pantheistic/panentheistic. He also believed that concepts of heaven and hell were "childish".

Also, at this point no one knows what "dark energy"/"dark matter" really is even though there's a force causing the universe to keep on expanding and at an increasingly rapid rate.
A thing that assumingly does not take part even in gravitational
Interaction must take part in gravitational interaction. Why?
Such a thing moves along the geodesics of fixed background spacetime.
Hence, this thing must fall to the ground precisely as any apple
(or raindrop) is falling. Therefore, it takes part in the law
of universal gravitational attraction.

Thus, even God curves spacetime. Dark Energy and Dark Matter are
invisible because they do not reflect and do not absorb light.
God, souls, angels, and Paradise are invisible (hidden).


aged ecumenical anthropologist
A thing that assumingly does not take part even in gravitational
Interaction must take part in gravitational interaction. Why?
Such a thing moves along the geodesics of fixed background spacetime.
Hence, this thing must fall to the ground precisely as any apple
(or raindrop) is falling. Therefore, it takes part in the law
of universal gravitational attraction.

Thus, even God curves spacetime. Dark Energy and Dark Matter are
invisible because they do not reflect and do not absorb light.
God, souls, angels, and Paradise are invisible (hidden).
I go with the cosmologists on this matter.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
If energy is equivalent to mass, then why do we make a difference between energy and mass? Because they are different things.

As I understand it, energy and mass must be different manifestations of a single "substance." That's what a statement like E=mc2 means. It contains a statement of the first law of thermodynamics, that these two are conserved. They can be transformed one into the other, and more of one means less of the other.

Consider this analogy involving conservation. We know that the more water in a given closed system that we freeze, the less liquid water would remain, and, ignoring evaporation and condensation, that the mass of the liquid water plus the mass of the ice are constant (conserved). This is telling us that both water and ice derive from common substance that can manifest in either form.

It is unity from Religion and Science. Religion could have told Einstein, that there must be God in Einstein Equations.

Religion can tell science nothing. Science, however, can inform religions when they are wrong about nature. Religion conforms to science, as we will see next - never the other way around.

In the case of the 6 days of creation in Genesis, since science can show the universe is much older; 13 billion years in our earth reference, than the six days prediction of Genesius would only be valid in a reference that is moving very very close to the speed of light, where time nearly stops and billions of years appear to pass in a day. This would be the God reference; light of the world. Genesis uses the God reference since the earth reference did not exist when the universe was first formed. Physics should have caught this reference mistake, but Atheist PC was too important in science. Man playing god, insisted on the earth reference, which is not universal. It is based on old science and the earth; reference, being the center of the universe.

If one allows words to mean whatever he wants them to mean, then those words actually have no specific meaning. Creationist apologetics is all about making the scriptures appear reasonable and not contradictory to science. One simply makes declarations of fact that he can have no idea are correct about how God was thinking. Another believer, a literalist, makes a different claim of fact as if he knows how God is thinking that is no more or less valid than contradictory claims. If he wants a day to be a literal 24-hour day, then it is. If like you he needs another answer, then he finds that answer there as well looking at the EXACT SAME WORDS.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member

I had written, "Religion can tell science nothing. Science, however, can inform religions when they are wrong about nature. Religion conforms to science, as we will see next - never the other way around." Your video is consistent with my claim, and offers a few confirmatory examples of things that science confirmed.

It doesn't matter that science could confirm some of scripture, although these examples are pretty weak predictors of what science actually said. For example, the earth doesn't hang, the first claim. It sails through space hanging from nothing. And if you think that scripture anticipated handwashing in medicine, perhaps you can explain why it took science to make it a medical practice. This is typical of how useless these scriptural pronouncements are, and why I say that religion contributes nothing of value to science. I didn't get past these two. Also, that source, Comfort, is as discredited scientifically as Hovind. His banana argument made him a laughingstock in the scientific community.

What matters is how much the scriptures got wrong, which undermines any claim of divine prescience involved.

How long would a video of all of the scripture that science has refuted be? There was no first human or first pair of humans. There was no global flood. There was no exodus. The family of languages is unrelated to any falling tower. Biological death is irreversible. The world did not come into being over six days. Light doesn't precede matter. The tree of life evolved naturalistically. No insects are four-legged. Pi is not 3. Bats are not birds. The smallest seed is not the mustard seed. There is no firmament. The moon is not a source of light. The earth was not formed before the sun. Science fixed all of those errors.

At the elementary particle called electron it is really simple to see that "rest mass" m0 is not energy E: E^2=p^2*c^2+(m0)^2*c^4.

I had written, "As I understand it, energy and mass must be different manifestations of a single "substance." Once again, your reply is unresponsive. It doesn't address what was written. Why do you suppose that keeps happening with you? Scientists and mathematicians are acutely aware of how dialectic proceeds. One must address the claims that one disagrees with using a counterargument that if sound, makes the rebutted claim false. Uneducated people commonly make this area - dissenting without rebuttal as just described, perhaps with deflection as you just tried - but scientists don't. That's simply not an academic value or practice.

How do you account for that? How do you account for the fact that you say that you have proved the Riemann hypothesis and then keep using the same word to suggest that you have proven the existence of God with some confused argument? You seem to have no idea of what proof is. Once again, that's common in the lay population lacking academic training, but not in the academic world, which you claim to inhabit. You don't have an answer for that.


Well-Known Member
Comfort, is as discredited scientifically as Hovind. His banana argument made him a laughingstock in the scientific community.

He was just a child, and atheists have killed the child in him. And whoever welcomes one such child in My name welcomes Me. Matthew 18:5

The smallest seed is not the mustard seed.

And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. Luke 2:52.
Jesus was Child.

Science and Logic cannot dispove the True Religion.

There are over million gods in the world.
No god was ever killed by science.
Otherwise, there would be less gods and cults in the world.
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No religious beliefs
If energy is equivalent to mass, then why do we make a difference between energy and mass? Because they are different things. Mass is measured by a mass-meter, and energy by an energy-meter.

That's the winner.

In second place, a vacuum flask keeps hot things hot and cold things cold. How does it know the difference?