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End Times?


Well-Known Member
For the purposes of discussion imagine that God is someday going to somehow put an end to the world.....

According to your religious beliefs what exactly do you expect to happen?

Eschatology is not one of my strong points and I'm more than a little confused about Christian teachings on the matter and as far as I can see there are many different and conflicting views within Christianity as to what exactly will happen

But how do you (no matter what your religion is) think God will end the world? - and why do you believe what you believe?

And are there currently any signs to be seen that may suggest The End is approaching?

I have started watching YouTube videos about it to educate myself :D

View attachment 71030

Supernova?? Of course, why destroy a perfectly good classroom? There is a long time before the sun will supernova. Maybe by then mankind will acquire enough knowledge to fix the sun and feed matter back into it to supply enough energy for eons to come. Yes, that would be an interesting project to undertake.

That's what I see!! Of course there are an infinite number of possibilities!! I have suggested merely one.


Veteran Member
.......... Still, a better question might be WHEN we expect it to happen? The same One who said:
"But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only, Also said:
"if the master of the house had known in what part of the night the thief was coming, he would have stayed awake and would not have let his house be broken into.​
According to my own read on it, right before it happens, we are supposed to be silent about it. Be silent before the Lord.
"Be silent before the Lord GOD! For the day of the LORD is near;
"Be silent, all flesh, before the LORD, for he has roused himself from his holy dwelling.” Peaceful Sabbath.​

I'm Not sure where is the verse you have in mind ^ above ^ _________________
Right, the day and hour we don't know, but we do know when a season (harvest time) is ripe - Matthew 24:32-39
Jesus cautioned us to stay spiritually Awake! at Mark 13:32-37.
Just as we don't know when a thief would come but be prepared such as with locked doors.
Instead of silence Jesus gave the instruction as found at Matthew 24:13-14; Acts of the Apostles 1:8
To proclaim on a grand global international scale the good news of God's Kingdom - Daniel 2:44-45


rational experiences

Veteran Member
If the history humans satanist community would just stop thinking talking.

Kindly said though.

And remove all machines they lie about via human only use of.

You'd see yourself wouldn't you?

The human same same.

And any machine used advices were total lies. That possessed your belief I'm superior in humans presence. By choice of human control only.

Reason consciousness is human present in natural life aware a human and in full knowledge. Life is ours.... how to assist my human family. My first natural wisdom.

Instead of doing a psychic study of human to human mind coercion. Then removing it from the study position to a machines status control.

As advice to see only was applied by the lying self motivated human family members. We're doing a human only study. Who said the mind status hence must be part machine. Instead bio human to bio human first position.

Not the truth my man's mind status built it as the human life from nothing as it does not exist first.... then I controlled it by man's human mind. Causes.

By theory only. Not by review of causations. Their own man chosen thesis. Humans.

With a human saying you began as unnatural thoughts believing the sciences positions of the want of metals. Sun star dust melded masses with alien images controlling a star sun machine. Outcome...man's causes.

But they don't.

Our family membership is our only humanities warning.

So men say once you were an alien inside a sun metal controlling the machine. As humans beginning. You came to earth. Actual human in the thought compared whilst a human as a whole bodied human is thinking about it.

Oh okay liars.

How are you just a human born by human sex then? Oh no he says it was your human parents....heavenly human image heavenly human voice. Now.

Machines causes.

So in theory I think then I state numbers I hence know. His status he uses. The age biology human as first parents now by data as my number and Reaction references past are bio dusts on ground.

Skeleton dusts minerals.

Humans live within evaporating water with minerals within.

Humans taught the sun star effect is removing my life. As we knew. We are aware. Men practiced nuclear science before. Using transmitters to charge the crystal mass they technologically applied. That blew up.

Do you still believe you came from a stars birth human beings thinker? Or did life belong on a rock earth where your bones end as rocks dusts?

Father hence taught me by his world father's human memories what they realised about our brother. The satanist now using a new Title a scientist.

As Satanism was illegal. Changed the used human man's pre title.

Everywhere on earth the same type of life of man mind changes. To move him away from being a human spiritual healer aware for family living in mutual consciousness.

As we tended each other by our humans family awareness balanced with nature's advice. Advised human for human. Human about humans needs.

Native American father said so scientists invader humans in his country. Term used alien human migration. Don't go into out of space I'm aware you'll lose your mind.

You did.

So after you human science man sat and then controlled inside a metal machine...the concepts of alien from a star began to overtake your theories.

By your science satanic man's practices. Taking bodily your human man's ground life position into unnatural machine only positions.

So now you theory human the thesis inside point my collider machine resourcing your spirit as electricity. Direct from heavens. Has come about by you pretending about stars mass as science. A human body inside a star machine mass. As the alien only.

As you put constant transmitters by satellite your machine into out of space yourself. Images and voices.

Your thought memories the theist man go to man sitting inside the machine mass controlling it bodily. Leaving earth into space.

Exact position a sun stars mass is as the sun star is first leaving earth by void mother vacuum cause. In historic earth laws. First as science status first to leave suns star mass.

No man even present then.

Man bodily leaves into a no light space status. By his built.. notice built machine.

All the new information about life's destruction by human man's causes and group unnatural choices not families history...are based upon unnatural chemicals put above biology by satanist scientists.

Put into food and medicines.

Who by machine thesis is trying to eradicate biologies existence on earth just because they can. Know they can so release the information into the public. Then theory they act on behalf of a God..theirselves.

So as a group choice they do no wrong. By their say so.

As consciousness is correct about incorrect use of its natural spiritual purpose to survive by human only awareness. It's only in mutual life in earth balances.

Versus men who abused consciousness and introduced the bio psyche causation by his machine he designed controlled a long time ago.....and now lie about the human only history. Being part machine.

His brother says if I compare a monkey to human non stop surely ill convince you the closest non present human is a healthy living monkey. As bio status only...life.

The real key he infers to in theism is added on DNA biology to the body a monkey himself by all human only studies.

So I taught he said I was titled a monk. Took the title lived the life to put into man's memory I live with nature close to a monk key. As I knew you'd lost your mind by heavy chemicals that poison everything.

It's why I know Buddhist men took Buddhist boys to chant meditate to try to stop man from losing his consciousness. As the healers knew you.

To try to waylay the evil wandering false human statements in theisms.

That became a world man's father heavens feedback advice. Records of man's human experiences choices.

Chemicals no biology belonged to is a sun and a star.

Yet the whole review is mans thesis about stars mass. The resource history. Chosen only by men.

Ancient Soul

The Spiritual Universe
For the purposes of discussion imagine that God is someday going to somehow put an end to the world.....

According to your religious beliefs what exactly do you expect to happen?

Eschatology is not one of my strong points and I'm more than a little confused about Christian teachings on the matter and as far as I can see there are many different and conflicting views within Christianity as to what exactly will happen

But how do you (no matter what your religion is) think God will end the world? - and why do you believe what you believe?

And are there currently any signs to be seen that may suggest The End is approaching?

I have started watching YouTube videos about it to educate myself :D

View attachment 71030

That's a primitive deflection. When something goes wrong, hummm, it must be God's fault.

If "The End" is approaching it's solely because evil, self serving, stupid, spiritually out-of-balance mankind has once again polluted the land, air, and water we need to survive on, to the point of partial/total collapse. God has nothing to do with any of it.

Ancient Soul

The Spiritual Universe
Christians have been predicting the end of the world since Jesus' time. Indeed he said that generation "would not pass" until the end came. Various "prophets" have given various dates (which have all come and gone) for the end. I wouldn't waste my time on youtube videos made by end-times kooks.


That verse is always totally ignored because the disciples he was talking to are long, long, long, gone, and jesus didn't make it back. So the prophecy failed.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Men as humans by science claim the end of times. As theoried. What I want now as position science first does not own light. So last I now want as first.

As end of time can only be human experienced to know gas alight a fuel was stopped reacting.

Knowing end of Jesus attack of life was dark light as day removed. He theoried in science presence of light yet wants it removed first.

Position the thesis a non burning coldest gas.

Question how does all the sources get inside your machine,? Position a reaction from nothing. It doesn't.

Yet his advice all first came by stars mass. From out of nothing space. To travel space is nothing. No colliding.

As man of machine science had ended time as a non alight dark day voiding atmosphere. It was experienced once only.

He wants the experience to not own any end. Now. Told you all already.

Infinity law void vacuum took over. Once. Position he wants active only now. Infinite to control the end of his theory.

Spaces law changed by man on earth heating asteroid mass in hot space passing into earths heavens travels. Mass began to be cut heated as it's line body movement is trajected through. So segmented began to break up As stars.

So it can be passing by as mass yet next moment Break off. And could fling mass onto earth.

So man on gods rock ark did it he confessed. In arks travel. I caused life's sacrifice on gods stone altar.

As men sacrificed immaculate upper gas protection by body mass into sciences gain of light that I claimed I control. Mind as control says as I did it now. What you ignore.

Equalled nuclear cold mass removal.

Already held cold on earth above below by past sun mass removal to dusts.

So cold radiation kept gases safe above as it had nuclear dusts.

From not being holes as mass removed...sin of Jesus is removal of mass. Phi equations. A sink hole equated answer.

Answer the reaction takes it to its end burning. Why science never wanted God. Greatest position. They took gods position sacrificed it to meet equation.

Resource gets used.

Man say but my machine body absorbs electricity. Lied. We'd only have to use it once. It destroys a resource answer was nothing left.

Men leave a residue today after reacting claiming it his scientific safety his end answer. Yet says the most dangerous substance.

Told exactly.

Mass removal removed presence gardens body.. it dies...animals get phenomena bio attacked as they had and humans.

Nature can be burnt cold destroyed in saviours win ter also. Extreme cold or extreme heat a thinker says equals the same result.

Notice how the result mutual is destruction however.

All witnessed as life in attack claimed so evil theist man owns no legal standing.

Men went back in time by thought upon no thing...empty space.

Yet put dusts before his life he said in theisms. He recognised the use of human advice manifested a non existing machine.

Stated...I now have put a machine in the past before humans. Says the same advice now. A machine now owns from earth to machine. Takes life's place is used advice.

Not life. It's now before you to destroy you. Also told minds advice.

So if I want cold gases inside my machine to be just carbon. I want the same for biology.living with in cold gases...we are inside cooled gas cooled waters.

Machine reaction inside isn't as any bio life.

Machine man claiming he's machine man knowing his human mind and body presence built the machine to be his God.

Having a non alight atmosphere isn't a cold reaction. Its extreme heat first to remove body mass of cold gases mutual equal machines equation to open into a space void to cool it by vacuum.

Sun metal first law first in no life his thought upon machine only leaves earth in natural laws. First position fake machine ..opened space void vacuum as it consumed mass so law took it away into cooled and no light.

He wants to own control that exact sun machines theory himself now. It was never a theory about his machine on the ground.

Eradicated all life on earth before and was told. It's all his man human thought upon advices. We are all human now. He confessed now to our destruction by his want now.

To control stars mass.

Men then researched all evidences by human wisdom to prove he had caused it.

What re the search was looking for all evidences men by machine had changed gods presence now.

As extreme highest cold is now. Isn't anywhere else. He however pretends it's in space only.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Yes, up to this time we all must die, but I find Jesus is coming to bring an end to 'enemy death' - 1 Corinthians 15:26
Jesus said to pray (ask God) that His will be done one Earth as it is done in Heaven........
There is No death in Heaven, No tombstones in Heaven, No sickness in Heaven, No war nor violence in Heaven.
So, we are asking God for those same good heavenly healthy conditions to come and exist on Earth.
Enemy death will start to come to its end at Jesus' coming Glory Time of separation on Earth - Matthew 25:31-34,37.
The figurative humble 'sheep' can remain alive on Earth, and continue to live on Earth and are here on Earth to see calendar Day One of Jesus' coming thousand-year governmental reign over Earth with the prospect of having everlasting life in view, eternal life on Earth, and Earth that will be free from enemy death - Isaiah 35th chapter.

According to Jesus, the greatest death is spiritual death - to reject and disbelieve in God is far worse than physical death.

As a former Christian I believe that Jesus has already returned but billions of Christians rejected Him. It’s over two thousand years and still the Jews say Christ was an imposter and it’s the same I believe with Christians. They have called Christ Who returned, an impostor and false prophet even though He kept His Promise and returned.

This is disappointing but I believe that when Christians pass to the next world they will learn the truth and regret they ever listened to their pastors and preachers.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
According to Jesus, the greatest death is spiritual death - to reject and disbelieve in God is far worse than physical death.

As a former Christian I believe that Jesus has already returned but billions of Christians rejected Him. It’s over two thousand years and still the Jews say Christ was an imposter and it’s the same I believe with Christians. They have called Christ Who returned, an impostor and false prophet even though He kept His Promise and returned.

This is disappointing but I believe that when Christians pass to the next world they will learn the truth and regret they ever listened to their pastors and preachers.
As a theist in science. The theism looking back man thinking states....

Spirit a gas in man's spoken worded science arose out of earths body by evil history. Law erection. Volcanic ejection. Themed sex conception in space.

Immaculate spirits.

As earth a volcano mass wasn't the gas. A space womb was empty.
Void vacuum conceived it.

The reason immaculate was not really sex.

A thesis. CH gases are human studied stated and known by CH values.

Is not any human man. It's not your story. It's about greatest heavenly body. Gods.

The man a theist detailed the story himself.

So review states man's consciousness only talked about Christ.

Said by just his mind.

As the only place it existed in law is spaces womb.

Said the law.

Therefore you need to believe it's real history.

As if science theories it's non presence first the spirit death gas removed by burning light.... not natural death as you go to sleep death is far worse than anything you'll ever experience.


rational experiences

Veteran Member
Do scientists thesis for new ends in created mass?



Did you own created creation as science?

No ...exact.

It's why laws of space change as you open into nothing and you ended life on earth.

As the beginning thesis topic is nothing so you gave it to us at the end.

Holes. Your new topic as one subject is space holes. Every topic is a separate thesis as it's not joined. Space separated each topic the warning.

So as living isn't evolution as a step by step built up body form as you claimed. Adding onto each single then group of cells. Humans being mass dominion law one species.

Life didn't de evolve. It was changed hurt suffered attacked.

Why they legally used the term suffering as a law explanation. That all things suffered even unfeeling things.

Said so you'd realise you attacked earths mass made caves and sin holes. So today you think earths mass attack detailed as suffering was alive.

It's not why it was said. You introduced a false condition which you just happen to ignore and agree to cause. As you man of science are a very nasty mind. Proven by what destruction you realised. Ignored as usual.

Just to teach science it is wrong.

As when all the elements in various masses had existed. You were living exact in your owned highest greatest life type. Body cell mass species one yourself.

Conscious aware to know science to build science...machine the only reason of man's science was then reacted.

Today you pretend science of man is about everything everywhere lying.

So father said. If nuclear dusts by space law were nuclear reacting in law inside our heavens. On ground which they aren't....We would not exist.

Pretty basic machine control is a huge unnatural control.

Do you apply law or use law inside machines only by men control.

No you don't.

You never did. Why they blew up. Why old machine plus new machine both overheated.

You blamed God the heavens yet men changed God. Same old lying used again... God did it he says. Straight away you'd say you've just confessed that you tried to alter natural God above.

Did you theist really want natural God above,?

No I just wanted equals a huge massive destructive act to own a small portion.

Reality man does not want god in science. He pretends he does. The big con.

The destroyer warning is exact. It's men of science.

Theism and Alchemy man's own scientific beginning was termed illegal outlawed. To the extent you were murdered if you practiced conjuring witchcraft even herbalism.

Reason when star mass hit again humans brain were burnt by gas water heating. The fall. The very fact why.

Reason life wasn't destroyed as nuclear equals no biology. The sacrifice wasn't nuclear is why.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Man's owned told conscious scientific warning. From his inherited brain mind condition psyche.

I used and built a machine to take the humans life body place. I placed it position before biology even existed.

Built it as a conjured body I use and it is not as a bio healer. Total conscious human.

Healer human all of us. First position natural history. Innate naturally aware of all garden medical conditions first as bio human animal survival.

Never needed machines to assist another human.

A warning you say to your own self.

It's now used as a new theory.

How a machine took biologies place. As if biology terms are now a thesis a resource.


Veteran Member
According to Jesus, the greatest death is spiritual death - to reject and disbelieve in God is far worse than physical death.
As a former Christian I believe that Jesus has already returned but billions of Christians rejected Him. It’s over two thousand years and still the Jews say Christ was an imposter and it’s the same I believe with Christians. They have called Christ Who returned, an impostor and false prophet even though He kept His Promise and returned.
This is disappointing but I believe that when Christians pass to the next world they will learn the truth and regret they ever listened to their pastors and preachers.

Seems to me that spiritual death leads to perpetual death - Jeremiah 51:39,57
You say billions of Christians rejected Jesus and doesn't that match the warning Jesus gives us at Matthew 7:21-23
MANY just come in Jesus' name, but that does Not make Jesus as wrong but makes the chaff as wrong.
So, the regret will be listening to their false pastors and false preachers - 2 Thessalonians 2:2-8 - because they are the composite 'man of sin' who seat themselves in the temple (houses of worship) as if they are God but in reality they are anti-God.
When Jesus spoke about wheat and weed/tares he was making a distinction between the genuine and the false.
The many weed/tares do Not make the genuine wheat as being wrong at the coming Harvest Time of separation.
Separation as found at Jesus' coming Glory Time as mentioned at Matthew 25:31-34,37


Veteran Member
That's a primitive deflection. When something goes wrong, hummm, it must be God's fault.
If "The End" is approaching it's solely because evil, self serving, stupid, spiritually out-of-balance mankind has once again polluted the land, air, and water we need to survive on, to the point of partial/total collapse. God has nothing to do with any of it.
I agree because humans were created to be care takers of Earth or care givers of Earth - Genesis 1:28
So, to me it is No wonder that God will bring to ruin those ruining the Earth - Revelation 11:18 B

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Seems to me that spiritual death leads to perpetual death - Jeremiah 51:39,57
You say billions of Christians rejected Jesus and doesn't that match the warning Jesus gives us at Matthew 7:21-23
MANY just come in Jesus' name, but that does Not make Jesus as wrong but makes the chaff as wrong.
So, the regret will be listening to their false pastors and false preachers - 2 Thessalonians 2:2-8 - because they are the composite 'man of sin' who seat themselves in the temple (houses of worship) as if they are God but in reality they are anti-God.
When Jesus spoke about wheat and weed/tares he was making a distinction between the genuine and the false.
The many weed/tares do Not make the genuine wheat as being wrong at the coming Harvest Time of separation.
Separation as found at Jesus' coming Glory Time as mentioned at Matthew 25:31-34,37
O a circle does not own existence said science.

Before the circle as mass held in space energy cooling firms solid particles that meld fuse together.

Earth laws only. The topic man's science standing on earth thinking about earth for earth nuclear converting.

Never change dusts he said they are holy.

So man knows a circle never existed.

It's what he used Phi to calculate science.

So sacrifice of life the body above fell to the ground onto living wheat crops never Phi.

Grown by seed.

Witnessed. We knew science of man caused it began attacking all things yet we survived in mass terms.

Mass being gods terms highest greatest is only ever held above.

Without heavens mass no phi fallout basic advice.

Man was proven trying to destroy life.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Seems to me that spiritual death leads to perpetual death - Jeremiah 51:39,57
You say billions of Christians rejected Jesus and doesn't that match the warning Jesus gives us at Matthew 7:21-23
MANY just come in Jesus' name, but that does Not make Jesus as wrong but makes the chaff as wrong.
So, the regret will be listening to their false pastors and false preachers - 2 Thessalonians 2:2-8 - because they are the composite 'man of sin' who seat themselves in the temple (houses of worship) as if they are God but in reality they are anti-God.
When Jesus spoke about wheat and weed/tares he was making a distinction between the genuine and the false.
The many weed/tares do Not make the genuine wheat as being wrong at the coming Harvest Time of separation.
Separation as found at Jesus' coming Glory Time as mentioned at Matthew 25:31-34,37

Some really good verses you have quoted. I believe today and perhaps for centuries, Christians, a majority of Christians instead of worshipping God have been idolising whatever they hear from smooth tongues, the clergy, which resulted in them being misled.

That is why I personally believe that Christ did return but everyone missed it because they follow the interpretation of how He will come as the clergy see it and I believe they have misinterpreted the scriptures resulting in all their followers missing the Second Coming.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
The writers who correlated books did so. Not because of updates as advice...but because the attack of the star mass had not stopped.

Earths body attack stopped as Jesus but not star.

Incoming star mass hits.

Rome was set alight. The term in Nero's era. He was blamed as a leader because his namesake as a man was the witness. Men said he was Romes evil curse.

After life's sacrifice humans were very superstitious and believed and applied strange ideas...murdered him. Hoping the attack would stop.

Not HERO...Nero.

Seeing men used a man's word zero..meaning no beginning no end. Man changed zero value 2000 status said represented two humans same. As the end...earth in space beginnings as end... sciences causes beginning burning mass from sun to earth hit.

They equated that return by using zero terms. As space was cold first not hot as heat was burning energy mass.

So no man was safe in their first false mother zero space laws. Knew. Men did it. Holy men said life was two holy mutual beings.... only god was one....no man is God Alchemy outlawed.

Galileo in gaol...named lie gaol. As men Inherited the identity scientist. Proven exactly. They coded it as men.

Self named self titled thinker. Already known man coded his own destruction...science.

As the cross sacrifice pierced in side was only earth and old data proven true... Moses first. The testimony was agreed data. The new testimony wasn't written they owned used the old advice too.

They only rewrote new advice as the second coming star as mass was 1000 AD.

So to prove the holy natural healer men correct they predicted what changes as season droughts floods and plagues would return. By stars attack.

Seeing they already owned and lived the experiences of it.

Second coming year around 1000 AD or a 100 man's life span year the variable.

And it came proven as English shroud Turin life sacrificed due to crop attacks. Whose order held the shrouds evidence. Like a photographic effect on fibres cloth from crop.

Man said as space laws infinity applies all pressures. Earths iron core is the heart saviour. Of blood red ours bio health held as O cell. Seeing God mass isn't a circle itself it's pressurised mass.

The spatial unchanged radiating mass volcanic.

The iron core coldest densest pressure non radiating. Metal for bio existing.

God earth proved it owned two pressures in infinity laws.

Coldest iron.

With massive hot dense mass heat volcanic. Radiating type as natural dense mass a God not consuming it's own body. Mutual two in natural pressure.

No man owned it...conditional law.

Sun god pure evil.

Knew. And had Taught that science advice.

No science conditional to any law by advice was legal.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Then men did philosophers stone gold. Stated science.

Teaching said gold metal seams silver seams...holy seams kept biology protected from ground leakage men of science had caused doing nuclear. Had actively caused it.

Today it's said an old human tradition of putting gold back into the ground as a spiritual act agrees.

Egyptian scientists wore gold paint to ward off evil radiations proving they were involved in nuclear science. And knew.

And jewelled breastplates they said absorbed the evil radiations so it wouldn't attack their body. Lied.

Lied as men started dying enmasse around age forty years old. Mutated bones mutated teeth. Tooth decay unheard of before.

The absorb crystal above transmitters lied. Men used the temple mountain transmitter cloud mass after above attack to cool their transmitters. Took cloud safety away from ground life.

They said a crystal could absorb radiations lied. Crystal on top with gold capping of pyramids. They tried to pressure plate their technology. Humans said pyramid glowed. It blew up. Tried to empower crystal beams by cloud cooled type transmitter. As a flowing constant.

Not any law. A man's motivated want belief only.

Burnt clouds so his transmitters changed.

Use of apple vinegar part of their health regime. No decay.

As suns cross UFO ark attack correlated gods effect was the taught forty law. In gods mass. So man's life losses forty enmasse dying proved he did it to self.

Man named it chariots of Fire. Caused by the machine. Pyramid temple sciences. As man of no scientific knowledge observed. How do you explain a Sun machine?

As Egypt was already desolate of its ancient heavens to ground water mass. It's why water lifted up as if the ground above firmament of heavens had opened.

Said men of science.

As water pours in to a ground crack opening ...it poured up in a sun mass opening.

Not gravitational forces as man preached. Father told me our brother said it was gravity. It was pressure changes only...as sun mass left earth one way by mass ground origin waters evaporation. Laws.

All origin earth laws the first about earth to sun he ignored.

Always had. Warned. Today you are the same science mind Reinherited now as before. Same thoughts same beliefs lying.

UFO mass burning took up waters mass by how much body mass man crossed over. Trying to do it again.
Last edited:


Veteran Member
O a circle does not own existence said science.
Before the circle as mass held in space energy cooling firms solid particles that meld fuse together...................
So man knows a circle never existed..........................
Man was proven trying to destroy life.

Even a round wedding ring is Not perfectly round but a wedding ring is perfect for a wedding ceremony.
Earth as an oblate spheroid is Not perfectly round but still circular in nature as opposted to square, etc.
MAN's long history shows that MAN has dominated MAN to MAN's hurt, MAN's injury.
So, yes, man 'is' proven trying to destroy life and why God will bring to ruin those ruining earth - Revelation 11:18 B


Veteran Member
......Said men of science..........As water pours in to a ground crack opening ...it poured up in a sun mass opening............Not gravitational forces as man preached. Father told me our brother said it was gravity. It was pressure changes only...as sun mass left earth one way by mass ground origin waters evaporation. Laws..............All origin earth laws the first about earth to sun he ignored.
Always had. Warned. Today you are the same science mind Reinherited now as before. Same thoughts same beliefs lying. UFO mass burning took up waters mass by how much body mass man crossed over. Trying to do it again.

Sounds like the 'water cycle' that Not until the 1800's that science fully understood earth's water cycle.
A simple description of the water cycle I find recorded at Job 36:27-28.
It's been said that Earth is like living on a boat floating in a vast ocean of space.
Unlike a boat what would happen if we'd run out of fresh water/ food / oxygen, etc.
Unlike a boat in an ocean, Earth reproduces all the fresh water/ food / oxygen, etc. we need.
Earth never runs out of vital supplies because Earth is created and designed providing for Earth to recycle resources.
When pollution stops, Earth is resilient and bounces back.
Thus, Earth will never run out of what we need because God will bring to ruin any ruining Earth troublemakers.
- Isaiah 57:20; Revelation 11:18 B