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Even one disbeliever on the earth is too much.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
You sure Brother Link ? .. not to make a stink but this seems weak criteria for salvation.
Salvation depends in which state you are. Journey to God is never ending. We can fall or we can rise out the ashes.

For dead evil souls like my self who have been slaughtered by Iblis and his forces in a graveyard of God's wrath, we best spend time repenting and seeking help of God and his forces to defeat the effect of sins and dark magic we opened gateways to in our soul.

However, salvation depends on our state. Belief in God and his Messengers (a), as long as we hold on to it, sins won't destroy our souls just yet.

It's still has light in this case, and the battle is not over.

However, we may lose the battle, so we better stop sinning.

It can be tough trial or easy. If we obey God and fear God, it's an easy trial.


Well-Known Member
You have to see God in the clear horizon. Mohammad (s) and his family and Quran together are a gateway to seeing God and travelling in in his higher realms close to him.

Whoever dies blind in this world, will be blind in the next. In order to see, you must recognize God's signs in the soul and in the horizons. This takes belief in God, and the next world, and in the nature of the Guides in the unseen world.

The belief is not blind, so it must see the signs and recognize it. Hypocrites convince themselves they believe in God and Mohammad (s) and deceive themselves only in trying to deceive God and believers (they don't realize they are lying nature to themselves and others).

What must be seen is through the heart, the vision is opened through love. Love has two birds, a guardian shield warrior and protector called "fear" and then it has bird seeking more called "hope". Through fear, you appreciate what you have by guarding, and through hope you appreciate by seeking more. Both of these appreciate God and his favor.

When you guard your soul from evil, it appreciates the favor of God. When you seek more, it realizes God is generous and will increase and craving what you been given of God's sustenance in this regard is part of appreciating the favor and loving God.

Patience is the head to these two, because they will fall if we don't persevere. In reality Mohammad (s) is the patience we seek help from and his light is connected to us all.

The sword of God empowers our sword of honor, the Ahlulbayt (a) are with all things, within all things, and everything is in fact in everything. If you wish to travel away from the darkness, you must incline to the chosen ones and side with the truthful.

If you cling to dirty souls, you will fall to their realm. Everything exists in everything in the spiritual world, so hate is really a way to distance yourself from the lower evil nature towards God, and love is the other side were it sees the positive value.

Hate and love are both evaluations of value, hate sees negative value and love sees positive. But if you see falsehood, and measure falsely, you will hate the good and love the evil. This will include in real world, you will side with oppressors and oppose the true heroes in God's eyes.

I did not ask for poetry Brother link .. first you say just believe in Mohamoo .. now you say we have to recognize some signs . in addition to belief.. so you have already spoken falsely about the path .. now adding more requirements .. in addition to "Just believe" .. in order to get eternal life. and presumably .. after you tell us these signs .. there will be more things added to the list .. just making a prediction . show who the true prophet is round these parts.

K ... Signs and Wonders .. what signs must we recognize .. directing us to the path of eternal life


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I did not ask for poetry Brother link .. first you say just believe in Mohamoo .. now you say we have to recognize some signs . in addition to belief.. so you have already spoken falsely about the path .. now adding more requirements .. in addition to "Just believe" .. in order to get eternal life. and presumably .. after you tell us these signs .. there will be more things added to the list .. just making a prediction . show who the true prophet is round these parts.

K ... Signs and Wonders .. what signs must we recognize .. directing us to the path of eternal life
Mohammad (s) is the proof and his family (a) signs united and coupled with the Quran. Mohammad (s) is not just anyone, and those who do not believe in the hereafter, there is made to barrier between them and him, and they do not see and if they recall God's Oneness, they would run in fear.

Belief in Mohammad (s) and Fatima (a) and Ali (a) is really belief in the core of the nature of God's blessings and the nature of the next world in journeying to God.

When you say Mohammad (s), you think of just a human. You don't see the spiritual realm, and all things existing in all, at foundation heart of the world being the Ahlulbayt (a) and they being the source and return of all goodness in souls of all things, and gateways to receiving from heaven and ascending to heaven.

To truly know Mohammad (s), you have to look within the soul and you will see Ahlulbayt (a) are alive within all things and with all things. But so is everything, but they are foundational light and face of God to turn to God in these times.
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Aura of atheification
Premium Member
A god to be feared is no good for a proper religion.

Nor does it make any logical sense that a god - even a false god - would much care whether he is believed in.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
A god to be feared is no good for a proper religion.

Nor does it make any logical sense that a god - even a false god - would much care whether he is believed in.
We make choices in life. Some people are proud of who they are, some not. But falling in love with God is much easier for me then loving myself. I would not be able to tolerate myself without God.


Well-Known Member
Mohammad (s) is the proof and his family (a) signs united and coupled with the Quran. Mohammad (s) is not just anyone, and those who do not believe in the hereafter, there is made to barrier between them and him, and they do not see and if they recall God's Oneness, they would run in fear.

Belief in Mohammad (s) and Fatima (a) and Ali (a) is really belief in the core of the nature of God's blessings and the nature of the next world in journeying to God.

When you say Mohammad (s), you think of just a human. You don't see the spiritual realm, and all things existing in all, at foundation heart of the world being the Ahlulbayt (a) and they being the source and return of all goodness in souls of all things, and gateways to receiving from heaven and ascending to heaven.

To truly Mohammad (s), you have to look within the soul and you will see Ahlulbayt (a) are alive within all things and with all things. But so is everything, but they are foundational light and face of God to turn to God in these times.

Dude .. we covered this .. you said believe that Muhamood was a real dude .. and I will have eternal life .. I say OK great but are you sure this is all I need do .. upon which you then say I also have to do things in addition to this belief .. follow some signs .. signs that you have not revealed and this salvation program gets sketchier with each post .. now you are back to "just believe"

Are you sure there are no commands from this God that must be followed.. rules of any kind put forth .. in order to earn eternal life ? and who is this God of Muhamood .. is this the same God as HeyZeus .. over in Christian Land .. and in Jewish land they call their God YHWH.. These Gods had commands that were to be followed .. in order to get through the pearly gate. HOw is it that the God of Mohamood has none ?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Dude .. we covered this .. you said believe that Muhamood was a real dude .. and I will have eternal life .. I say OK great but are you sure this is all I need do .. upon which you then say I also have to do things in addition to this belief .. follow some signs .. signs that you have not revealed and this salvation program gets sketchier with each post .. now you are back to "just believe"

Are you sure there are no commands from this God that must be followed.. rules of any kind put forth .. in order to earn eternal life ? and who is this God of Muhamood .. is this the same God as HeyZeus .. over in Christian Land .. and in Jewish land they call their God YHWH.. These Gods had commands that were to be followed .. in order to get through the pearly gate. HOw is it that the God of Mohamood has none ?
Sometimes things can be summarized. If you fear God, you will go to heaven. But fearing God means obeying God and Mohammad (s) too. Or if not, eventually, repenting and feeling bad about sins and regretful and reforming yourself.

And part of obeying Mohammad (s) is to crave and see God. God is to be worshiped, not as a placeholder in ideology and religion, but rather is a living being to be approached, albeit different then all life, but never the less, the living one to be approached.


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member

Recently an Ayatollah or whatever rank/title they want to give themselves, was attacking prayers regarding Imam Mahdi (a) to make sure there is no disbeliever eventually on earth and no legacy or trace left by them. He said this was extreme.

وَقَالَ نُوحٌ رَبِّ لَا تَذَرْ عَلَى الْأَرْضِ مِنَ الْكَافِرِينَ دَيَّارًا | And Noah said, ‘My Lord! ‘Do not leave on the land any inhabitant from among the faithless. | Nooh : 26

إِنَّكَ إِنْ تَذَرْهُمْ يُضِلُّوا عِبَادَكَ وَلَا يَلِدُوا إِلَّا فَاجِرًا كَفَّارًا | If You leave them, they will lead astray Your servants, and will beget none except vicious ingrates. | Nooh : 27

There are people who see this vision that the whole world become Muslim as extreme. But to me it's not extreme, it's a victory of truth and the proof. It's when the word of God and proof will prevail on earth.

It's when mankind is restored to see God's proof and witness the light. It's when it collectively in the light. At this point, mankind must do it's best to not let the story of Satan repeat. Not let anyone not prostrate to God's choice but rathe all must submit and enjoin each other to be sincere to God and his chosen.

What extremes are you willing to use to see this come to fruition?


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
We make choices in life. Some people are proud of who they are, some not. But falling in love with God is much easier for me then loving myself. I would not be able to tolerate myself without God.
If you say so.

Not sure how that would answer my objections, though.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
If you say so.

Not sure how that would answer my objections, though.
You dislike a vengeful God. I dislike the consequences of disobeying a vengeful God for myself and others but don't dislike him.

I submit to God and accept him. In the start, it was hard accepting hell for me too. But overtime, you come to appreciate God is balanced and just just as he is loving and merciful.

He honoring believers over disbelievers is not a bad thing because of the nature of goodness and evil.

Satan confuses people and says how can so and so go to hell. But paradigms of good and evil are best known by God and then his chosen and then by believers who see the truth of the spiritual realms and worlds.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
You dislike a vengeful God. I dislike the consequences of disobeying a vengeful God for myself and others but don't dislike him.

I submit to God and accept him. In the start, it was hard accepting hell for me too. But overtime, you come to appreciate God is balanced and just just as he is loving and merciful.

He honoring believers over disbelievers is not a bad thing because of the nature of goodness and evil.

Satan confuses people and says how can so and so go to hell. But paradigms of good and evil are best known by God and then his chosen and then by believers who see the truth of the spiritual realms and worlds.
Oh, it is not a matter of what I like.

It is just inherently unworthy an entity, even on its own terms.

Fear is useful for warlords and gang masters. A god defined by the need to use that is... irrelevant, I suppose.


Admiral Obvious
وَقَالَ نُوحٌ رَبِّ لَا تَذَرْ عَلَى الْأَرْضِ مِنَ الْكَافِرِينَ دَيَّارًا | And Noah said, ‘My Lord! ‘Do not leave on the land any inhabitant from among the faithless. | Nooh : 26

إِنَّكَ إِنْ تَذَرْهُمْ يُضِلُّوا عِبَادَكَ وَلَا يَلِدُوا إِلَّا فَاجِرًا كَفَّارًا | If You leave them, they will lead astray Your servants, and will beget none except vicious ingrates. | Nooh : 27

Is this not Noah praying to Allah?

What is Allah's reply?


Active Member
Is this not Noah praying to Allah?

What is Allah's reply?

Perhaps an answer from @Link was addressed when replying to someone else.

He explains as saying nothing means saying yes:

there is condition that silence to a thing means condoning or saying yes.

Turning silence into a reply.

So when Quran brings a prayer, unless, it shows God had a different view to that Prophet praying and shows explicitly disagreeing, in this case Noah (a), it means, it's an affirmation.

So if Allah doesn't reply, that means Allah agrees.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes things can be summarized. If you fear God, you will go to heaven. But fearing God means obeying God and Mohammad (s) too. Or if not, eventually, repenting and feeling bad about sins and regretful and reforming yourself.

And part of obeying Mohammad (s) is to crave and see God. God is to be worshiped, not as a placeholder in ideology and religion, but rather is a living being to be approached, albeit different then all life, but never the less, the living one to be approached.

K .. first you said believe in Mohamood was all.. then you added that we have to read the signs .. presumably follow the path those signs lead .. upon which I asked if this was all .. prophesying that there would be more. That this whole "Just believe" was a deception.

and The Prophet's word came true .. for not only is following the signs a requirement .. now you have added a whole big laundry list of other things that one must to do gain eternal life .. "Obeying God" - Obeying Mohamood

This has turned into a major ordeal of confusion - in trying to explain what it is one needs to to gain eternal life .. I asked you previously .. Does your God not have commands that must be followed .. now you confess .. Yes .. but then what are these commands ? that must be obeyed .. can you not at least give a small summary ?

and question ? who is this God .. is it not YHWH or equivalent ? Same God as Allah just called something different by different descendents of Abraham ..


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
In Arabic, there is condition that silence to a thing means condoning or saying yes. So if you were asking your daughter if she wants to marry a man, and she does not say no, it's taken as a yes.
This must present a serious problem for the hearing impaired.

So if I were to ask Allah if I should...I don't know...rob a bank, and He doesn't answer, does that mean I should?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
K .. first you said believe in Mohamood was all.. then you added that we have to read the signs .. presumably follow the path those signs lead .. upon which I asked if this was all .. prophesying that there would be more. That this whole "Just believe" was a deception.

and The Prophet's word came true .. for not only is following the signs a requirement .. now you have added a whole big laundry list of other things that one must to do gain eternal life .. "Obeying God" - Obeying Mohamood

This has turned into a major ordeal of confusion - in trying to explain what it is one needs to to gain eternal life .. I asked you previously .. Does your God not have commands that must be followed .. now you confess .. Yes .. but then what are these commands ? that must be obeyed .. can you not at least give a small summary ?

and question ? who is this God .. is it not YHWH or equivalent ? Same God as Allah just called something different by different descendents of Abraham ..
Just believe is not a deception. If we truly believe in God, we would obey him and strive to see him. You are confusing summarizations of language. I'm not going to post all the commands of God in a post.