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Even one disbeliever on the earth is too much.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
This must present a serious problem for the hearing impaired.

So if I were to ask Allah if I should...I don't know...rob a bank, and He doesn't answer, does that mean I should?
Stealing is forbidden by God and all things are to be referred back to God and his judgment.


Well-Known Member
Just believe is not a deception. If we truly believe in God, we would obey him and strive to see him. You are confusing summarizations of language. I'm not going to post all the commands of God in a post.

Your use of the term was indeed .. if not a deception . a subutrifuge - misrepresentation - intentionally misleading --and this subtrifuge continues.. post after post I asked how one can receive eternal life -- to which you replied "just believe in the Prophet Muhamoo" -- to which I told you that indeed I believed in this man .. just as in the Prophet HeyZeus in whom I believe.

You then go on to say -- oops Sorry .. there is more that I forgot to tell you .. saying that I must follow the signs ..but not saying which direction those signs point ... other than the circular back to Mohamoo .. misleading me into a circular dance of thought stopping delusion.

What kind of path to Salvation is this Brother LInk ? . you have no idea of what you speak .. I think .. the Holy grail ye have found naught .

and then you say "one more thing you must do" -- you must follow the commands .. but none of them you list but claim there are too many to count like stars in the sky.. and I am left to wonder why .. I am still listening to this guy .. the path of Truth this is not .. this is the path to where it is hot... that spot there the Truth is Not ..

Who is this God of which you speak .. and why do you hide her identity ? .. is this not the God Jelousy ? as we are told in Deuteronomy .. ? or was it Exodus of which you spoke ? Why all this hiding behind a tree -- and all this secrecy .. are you ashamed of your God's identity ? .. this God of Jealousy .. "My name is Jealously" doth say the God of Mohamoo .. that snaky trickster God its true .. xenophobic genocidal maniac with the most petty and nasty of human characteristics .. an irrational flip flopper.

Who is this God who's commands we are to follow .. ? commands that you will not reveal .. hidden under some veil of secresy and circular thought stopping device. .. but no deception to see here lads .. look elsewhere for that !? Really ? Whats the deal .. is it possible that you actually don't know the identity of the God of Mohamu ? or of Moses .. of Abe .. of HeyZeus.

nor know any of the commands thorugh which one gets eternal life. How about this Brother link -- perhaps we can nail down the identity of your God .. which we think is Lord Jealous .. but not 100% sure .. by identifying this Gods command.

Check it out -- which command is that of your God 1) the child is to be killed for the sin of the idolotrous Father or 2) Do not kill the child for the sin of the Father -- each is to be punished for his own sin.

Which command do we follow .. which is the correct path . .by which one is put right with your God..


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Your use of the term was indeed .. if not a deception . a subutrifuge - misrepresentation - intentionally misleading --and this subtrifuge continues.. post after post I asked how one can receive eternal life -- to which you replied "just believe in the Prophet Muhamoo" -- to which I told you that indeed I believed in this man .. just as in the Prophet HeyZeus in whom I believe.

You then go on to say -- oops Sorry .. there is more that I forgot to tell you .. saying that I must follow the signs ..but not saying which direction those signs point ... other than the circular back to Mohamoo .. misleading me into a circular dance of thought stopping delusion.

What kind of path to Salvation is this Brother LInk ? . you have no idea of what you speak .. I think .. the Holy grail ye have found naught .

and then you say "one more thing you must do" -- you must follow the commands .. but none of them you list but claim there are too many to count like stars in the sky.. and I am left to wonder why .. I am still listening to this guy .. the path of Truth this is not .. this is the path to where it is hot... that spot there the Truth is Not ..

Who is this God of which you speak .. and why do you hide her identity ? .. is this not the God Jelousy ? as we are told in Deuteronomy .. ? or was it Exodus of which you spoke ? Why all this hiding behind a tree -- and all this secrecy .. are you ashamed of your God's identity ? .. this God of Jealousy .. "My name is Jealously" doth say the God of Mohamoo .. that snaky trickster God its true .. xenophobic genocidal maniac with the most petty and nasty of human characteristics .. an irrational flip flopper.

Who is this God who's commands we are to follow .. ? commands that you will not reveal .. hidden under some veil of secresy and circular thought stopping device. .. but no deception to see here lads .. look elsewhere for that !? Really ? Whats the deal .. is it possible that you actually don't know the identity of the God of Mohamu ? or of Moses .. of Abe .. of HeyZeus.

nor know any of the commands thorugh which one gets eternal life. How about this Brother link -- perhaps we can nail down the identity of your God .. which we think is Lord Jealous .. but not 100% sure .. by identifying this Gods command.

Check it out -- which command is that of your God 1) the child is to be killed for the sin of the idolotrous Father or 2) Do not kill the child for the sin of the Father -- each is to be punished for his own sin.

Which command do we follow .. which is the correct path . .by which one is put right with your God..

You are lost in norms of language, and confusing summarized form of something without the details, as if it doesn't imply the details.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Stealing is forbidden by God and all things are to be referred back to God and his judgment.
Trouble is, that is both quite unproven and entirely vague in meaning.

There will be (and there are) people who very sincerely claim all sorts of immoral actions as being the will of god.


हर हर महादेव
Premium Member
Recently an Ayatollah or whatever rank/title they want to give themselves, was attacking prayers regarding Imam Mahdi (a) to make sure there is no disbeliever eventually on earth and no legacy or trace left by them. He said this was extreme.

I agree with the ayatollah or whoever that the removal of any trace or legacy of ‘disbelievers’ is extreme. Every major religion has positive impacts on humankind. One example is that Sikhs do much community service and provide food to the hungry. Another example is hospitals, orphanages, and schools built by Christians. Also, the teachings of Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism positively impact the lives not only of the adherents of those religions but even of people and other beings who the adherents interact with. Compassion and kindness are emphasized in so many religions. If every ‘legacy or trace’ of ‘disbelievers’ is removed, books would have to be burned, spiritual leaders slaughtered (many of who are defenseless), buildings demolished, and the like. That would be on a massive scale like nothing else. At best, institutions would simply be renamed and their history covered. Example: some hospital called St. Jude’s Hospital is renamed Imam Ja’far Hospital. Somebody asks, ‘Who founded it?’ Answer: ‘We cannot tell you.’

It's when it collectively in the light. At this point, mankind must do it's best to not let the story of Satan repeat. Not let anyone not prostrate to God's choice but rathe all must submit and enjoin each other to be sincere to God and his chosen.

This idea appears to be contrary to the statement that ‘there is no compulsion in religion.’ Moreover, if all must be enjoined to believe the same creed and adhere to the same way, where is the individual’s inquiry into truth that the Qur’an invites the reader or hearer to get into?


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
Stealing is forbidden by God and all things are to be referred back to God and his judgment.
Okay. Let's change "rob a bank" to "engage in sexual relations with a person that is legally underage."


Active Member
You are lost in norms of language, and confusing summarized form of something without the details, as if it doesn't imply the details.

To answer to someone without an answer is a skill, which can even sound just like an answer. But the vague speech could mean anything someone wants it to mean.


Active Member
the details.

Do you listen to the details?

This was a good observation:

maniac with the most petty and nasty of human characteristics

Because God said we would be judged according to our ways.

If you listen closely you can hear within our petty and nasty ways the words of judgement being spoken. In the words of our ways is a sign language of twelve positions.

All worldwide messengers speak in a twelve position format.

God has turned our ways into how he speaks his ways.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I agree with the ayatollah or whoever that the removal of any trace or legacy of ‘disbelievers’ is extreme. Every major religion has positive impacts on humankind. One example is that Sikhs do much community service and provide food to the hungry. Another example is hospitals, orphanages, and schools built by Christians. Also, the teachings of Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism positively impact the lives not only of the adherents of those religions but even of people and other beings who the adherents interact with. Compassion and kindness are emphasized in so many religions. If every ‘legacy or trace’ of ‘disbelievers’ is removed, books would have to be burned, spiritual leaders slaughtered (many of who are defenseless), buildings demolished, and the like. That would be on a massive scale like nothing else. At best, institutions would simply be renamed and their history covered. Example: some hospital called St. Jude’s Hospital is renamed Imam Ja’far Hospital. Somebody asks, ‘Who founded it?’ Answer: ‘We cannot tell you.’

This idea appears to be contrary to the statement that ‘there is no compulsion in religion.’ Moreover, if all must be enjoined to believe the same creed and adhere to the same way, where is the individual’s inquiry into truth that the Qur’an invites the reader or hearer to get into?


There is no contradiction between that, because there will come a time when all of humanity will willfully submit to God. It won't be forced. It rather has to do with God's proof and word prevailing. It's the prevailing of truth over falsehood to the degree, falsehood will no longer have the upper hand.
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Admiral Obvious
Perhaps an answer from @Link was addressed when replying to someone else.

He explains as saying nothing means saying yes:

Turning silence into a reply.

So if Allah doesn't reply, that means Allah agrees.
A rather convenient way to get Allahs "approval" for any fool notion that comes to mind.
It is all about nothing more than how you phrase your prayer.


Well-Known Member
Do you listen to the details?

This was a good observation:

Because God said we would be judged according to our ways.

If you listen closely you can hear within our petty and nasty ways the words of judgement being spoken. In the words of our ways is a sign language of twelve positions.

All worldwide messengers speak in a twelve position format.

God has turned our ways into how he speaks his ways.

You gave no explanation of what you mean by twelve position format .. nor this special "Sign Language" -- however the idea is not without interest ... curious where it leads.

That the God Lord Jealous is a xenophobic irrational flip floping genocidal maniac .. because Jesus said we would be judged according to your ways makes no sense. Jesus has nothing to do with Lord Jealous. That Lord Jealous has mirrored human failings is true.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
I keep going back to the thread title. How come disbelievers are "too much"? Who would have that sort of control over disbelief? In which sense are we "too much"?

It is certainly not because the evidence for the existence of Allah (or some other version of Abraham's god) is too convincing. So what is it?


Well-Known Member
I don't know if he does or not, but of course you can expect a devout Iranian Muslim to voice such views. It's what they're "officially" supposed to believe there and what the government promotes.

We can also ask him to expound on what he means.

Btw, you contradict yourself here. First you say " If he expressed more liberal views, he may endanger himself", and then you say to ask him what he means. Would he "endanger himself" by answering honestly, or would he not? Pick a lane.


Well-Known Member
What extremes are you willing to use to see this come to fruition?

I asked him that a long time ago, and he ignored the question. However, If you read verse 9:111, you will see that his god tells him exactly what to do. The question is - will he? And will the nearly 2 billion others. They look to me like they're getting closer all the time.

9:111 - "God has bought from the believers their selves and their possessions against the gift of Paradise; they fight in the way of God; they kill, and are killed; ... So rejoice in the bargain you have made with Him."

The importance of this verse can not be overstated. It is one of the last to be revealed chronologically, so it defines where Islam landed after 22 1/2 years of make-it-up-as-you-go-along evolution. The fact that it became a warrior religion can not be denied. Just think of the willingness, if not outright desire, that the average mujahid has to die and his utter lack of fear in doing so. The dots all connect. His orders were issued 1400 years ago.
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Well-Known Member

There is no contradiction between that, because there will come a time when all of humanity will willfully submit to God. It won't be forced. It rather has to do with God's proof and word prevailing. It's the prevailing of truth over falsehood to the degree, falsehood will no longer have the upper hand.

Yes it will. Verse 9:29 proves your claim to be untrue - "Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled."

Seriously, you're not fooling anyone.


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
I asked him that a long time ago, and he ignored the question. However, If you read verse 9:111, you will see that his god tells him exactly what to do. The question is - will he? And will the nearly 2 billion others. They look to me like they're getting closer all the time.

9:111 - "God has bought from the believers their selves and their possessions against the gift of Paradise; they fight in the way of God; they kill, and are killed; ... So rejoice in the bargain you have made with Him."

The importance of this verse can not be overstated. It is one of the last to be revealed chronologically, so it defines where Islam landed after 22 1/2 years of make-it-up-as-you-go-along evolution. The fact that it became a warrior religion can not be denied. Just think of the willingness, if not outright desire, that the average mujahid has to die and his utter lack of fear in doing so. The dots all connect. His orders were issued 1400 years ago.

It's concerning that their are groups who feel they need to get rid of all those who don't believe what they believe. I wonder how they would feel if the same thinking was directed at them?