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Even Republicans are beginning to notice Trump's dementia.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
This is whataboutism. It is about how the media and most dems treat biden vs trump. They do not treat them the same. That is my point. Biden misspeaks he is ok, Trump misspeaks he must have dementia or syphilis or something. It is blatant.
That is not true at all. It is the magnitude of the errors that make a difference. Biden's errors are teeny tiny compared to the errors that Trump makes.

Need I go over again how this was at the very least a double fail on his part?


Veteran Member
I hope you and other people on the left will continue to believe that.

It will make it so much easier when the wind changes direction and blows for the right to take over the reins of the country.
And then watch it implode because the right is more focused on bogus culture war issues and internal fighting than actually getting anything done for the American people.


Veteran Member
I still think Bush Jr had the better gaffs.

I don't think anybody can beat whats is sovereignty , and gynecologists spreading their love was the best one yet!

But I don't think calling out for dead people or recognizing people who aren't even there in front of oneself is a bit more disconcerting.

There needs to come a time in distinguishing what is a gaff and what is actual mental decline.

Biden's physical health reports were always glowing , but they never had a mental assessment made public. At least from what I can tell.

You must have meant Trump. Remember the hilariously absurd (and obviously made up) reports his doctors used to come up with?

“He has incredibly good genes, and it’s just the way God made him,” Jackson said at one point, later joking that Trump could live a long, long time.

“I told the President that if he had a healthier diet over the last 20 years he might live to be 200 years old,” Jackson said, eliciting laughter from reporters."

"In December 2015, Donald Trump's personal physician released a letter describing his patient's health in language that sounded more like it was written by the patient himself than the doctor — and it turns out that might be exactly what happened.

"If elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency," Dr. Harold Bornstein, a gastroenterologist from Lenox Hospital in New York, wrote at the time.

The letter said that a recent medical exam showed "only positive results" for the then-candidate and that "his physical strength and stamina are extraordinary." ...

However, Bornstein now tells CNN that Trump was the one who wrote it after all.

"He dictated that whole letter. I didn't write that letter," Bornstein told CNN on Tuesday. "I just made it up as I went along."

Also, remember when Trump bragged about passing a basic mental acuity test as if it was some momentous accomplishment? "Person, woman, man, camera, TV."

He's a very stable genius, you know. :rolleyes:

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
And then watch it implode because the right is more focused on bogus culture war issues and internal fighting than actually getting anything done for the American people.
We see already what the left has done to the country. Nobody's going to miss much.

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
The inflation rate has been steadily falling since it peaked in mid-2022:

View attachment 87236
Is 3.35% ok with you? It isn't with the fed:

The conservatives on this thread do. They're unwilling to discuss Trump's mental decline and so have launched this whatabboutism/false equivalence campaign, and it's been effective. They've got people defending Biden on a thread about Trump's progressive mental collapse.
When the dems and the media address the obvious mental decline and feebleness of Biden then maybe we can talk about the time Trump misspoke.
I'm surprised to see this from you. Biden belongs in the White House and Trump in prison, and when Biden retires, he'll return home, which is where he'll belong then.
Perhaps you aren't familiar with Biden's demographic. I am. I'm almost 70 myself and live in an expat retirement community, where my friends are all about 65-95. My regular bridge partner is 86, is still a world traveler, and does the books for his church. The average age of this crowd is probably mid-seventies, none of us are in retirement homes, and most of us lead active and productive lives.
Ok, great.
This is your criterion for mental competence? Of course Biden can sit for an hour being interviewed. I don't know that he has any incentive to do that. But when he is interviewed, he speaks intelligently and is decent. Trump is a dumpster fire in interviews, and worse at a podium or in a courtroom.
I never said that it was my criterion for mental competence.
Did you or any other Trump defender here like to address the comments that Father Heathen quoted. These aren't gaffes. This isn't misspeaking, using the wrong word, or making a minor mistake:

“Think of it, magnets. Now all I know about magnets is this, give me a glass of water, let me drop it on the magnets, that’s the end of the magnets.” - Trump

"In June of 1775, the Continental Congress created a unified Army out of the Revolutionary Forces encamped around Boston and New York, and named after the great George Washington, commander in chief, Our Army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rocket's red glare it had nothing but victory." - Trump

"I got it. I got it. Why don't we nuke them? They start forming off the coast of Africa, as they're moving across the Atlantic, we drop a bomb inside the eye of the hurricane and it disrupts it. Why can't we do that?" - Trump

"I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see, it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that." - Trump

That was then - just ignorance and stupidity. More recently, we're seeing the forgetfulness of dementia charging to the forefront. He thinks he ran against Obama. He's frequently confused, even about Barron Trump. He thinks Haley was Speaker on J6. He's now slurring words and rambling incoherently. His mood is volatile. He throws ketchup at walls and is rage "tweeting" more than ever. Judges have to shut him up. And he continues insulting his rape victim even as he has been successfully sued for that in the past and is on trial for the same now.

And he's in physical decline, now as well, requiring two hands to lift a glass of water and having difficulty going down ramps while Joe is out riding bicycles. And do you really want to know why Trump's hands are spotted red or why people say he smells like a dirty diaper? I don't.

Agreed. Trump is in freefall now. It's interested to see for how long his base can continue pretending that it isn't so. Dementia is insidious. It's difficult to detect early and generally proceeds imperceptibly until a tipping point is reached, and then it can advance rapidly.

I have a lot of experience treating end-stage dementia. Once they lose their executive function and insight, their baseline mood is revealed, which they had previously been able to conceal. We see three types of end-stage dementia. The happy one, the angry ones, and the fearful ones. The happy ones just babble and coo like babies. The fearful ones recoil, call out when people approach them, and tend to lie in a fetal position. Trump is angry and is having much more difficulty concealing it lately. Dementia won't make Trump angry. It will just reveal it as he has increasing difficulty concealing or controlling it. Just look at him in court. He can't help attacking the judges. How smart is that? Not very, but he has little impulse control left. You really don't want a man like that in power.

Probably mostly the ones listening to conservative agitprop. If you listened to regular news, you would know that the economy is booming and elections are secure, but you listen to people that benefit by keeping you resentful and fearful.
Uh huh, We will see.
The elites and rich? Most Americans benefit from that economy. Take a peak where I live in Mexico. This economy is stagnant, mean incomes are low, and people live and eat humbly (mostly rice, beans, tortillas, and a little meat, which are quite inexpensive). Dirt floors are still common. Cars are less common and older, and many depend on scooter, bicycles, or public transportation. Clothing is often used (much has printing in English on it, meaning it probably wasn't purchased new in Mexico). Heating and air conditioning are rare. Pets are less common. They don't eat in restaurants much (street vendors seem to be preferred when eating out).

The average American lives much better than that. You probably do.
This has always been the case, comparing the US against a poorer country does not mean the US economy is good or that I am better off than I was 3 years ago.

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
Goodness, so you are saying Trump did NOT say, “All of it, because of lots of things like Nikki Haley is in charge of security. We offered her 10,000 people, soldiers, National Guard, whatever they want. They turned it down. They don’t want to talk about that. These are very dishonest people.”

And even though we have it on tape -- I've heard it myself.

I mean, just wow.**mod edit**
I never said he did not say these things.

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
Yes, he can do that. Now Biden will on occasion make errors. His gaffes tend to be minor. Trumps tend to be much larger in scale than Biden's. Biden has nothing as insane as Trump's claim that George Washington manned the airports. Though he may have topped himself with mixing up Nikki Haley and Nancy Pelosi. It fails doubly because his claim of offering 10,000 troops to Pelosi was shown to be a lie. He never made such an offer. Nikki Haley was not even in office on January 6. She resigned from the Trump administration in October of 2018. Worse yet she was the ambassador to the UN. I do not see how even if she had been in office that she could have done anything. That is a totally different part of the administration.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Is 3.35% ok with you? It isn't with the fed:

Yes, they want to eventually get back to that. So what? You seem to not understand why inflation went up all around the world. The US is doing much better than other countries. I wonder if that is because we now have a President with sound economic policies?
When the dems and the media address the obvious mental decline and feebleness of Biden then maybe we can talk about the time Trump misspoke.

Trump did not "misspeak". He conflated his lies. Terribly. When has Biden ever made an error of this order?

Ok, great.

I never said that it was my criterion for mental competence.

Do you need your post to be quoted back to you?
Uh huh, We will see.

All you have to do is to find Biden making idiotic errors of the same order.
This has always been the case, comparing the US against a poorer country does not mean the US economy is good or that I am better off than I was 3 years ago.
"Poorer countries" Europe is not a country and some of them are definitely richer than the US. The only reasonable way to measure wealth is on a per capita basis. And when you do that the US is number 8:

There are four European countries that beat us.


Veteran Member
I know you'll deny that Biden's weakness on the world stage is irrelevant, but it led to Russia invading Ukraine, Hamas invading Israel, and now Iran attacking our troops. The weakness Biden showed in Afghanistan told the world that we're no longer serious.
Ya know, liberals just hated it when Trump met with and got along with Kim Jong Un of NK, but at least it resulted in relative peace. Now NK is threatening us with nuclear attack quite a bit lately, and is gearing up for it. I felt much safer under Trump

I can't believe anyone seriously believes these Fox News talking points.