Whoa there, where did I say it's typical of feminism? Or did I read it wrong and this thread is supposed to be "things feminists say" because I've just posting things that came from females like the title says, whether they claim to be feminists or not is beside the point. Is that why some people keep defending some of this crap, because they think I'm saying it's coming from typical feminists? Stop defending your social group at the expense of your ideology or philosophy.
You might be right about this one being a troll though, I did a bit of searching on it. Still inconclusive, but leaning towards troll. But there's a good chance it's just some really petty, hateful person. Either way I'm sure that at least some of the accounts using #endfathersday are real, so still sexist.
I don't know why you brought that twitter account into the discussion, to be honest. I guess I assumed it was meant to be evidence of "everyday" sexism by women. IOW, commonly held views. Held by women.
It's more than the fact that this account claims to be a feminist that indicate that twitter user is a troll, though. The majority of his or her inflammatory tweets are directed at individuals, for example. And there's a lack of care phrasing controversial comments that indicates whatever effort is going into writing them is mostly being used to ensure they're as inflammatory as possible.
Then there's the odd fact that the account is under what might be a real person's real name and photo. Even the most benign and reasonable feminist commenters on the internet get bullied, harassed and threatened relentlessly. Heck, even my husband got harassed and abused by a stranger on Reddit for saying something supportive of feminism until his attacker realized he is male.
IMO, it seems likely that "Phoebe", if she exists, is being spoofed for the troll's personal amusement, in the hope that the consequences (harassment) for whatever he or she writes will fall on the shoulders of the real Phoebe.
Anyway, I don't feel defensive. This person is not part of my social group. I'm not into trolls.