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Everyone who hears of Jesus but does not accept Him is going to hell.

Everyone who does not accept Jesu is going to hell

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  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure. That being said, most people have heard of Jesus.
Yes, but having heard about him and accepting that he was an historical figure is not the same as accepting that he was divine and that one must acknowledge that. The question should have included or at least differentiated between those two positions.


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
If no, then what is basis for accepting Jesus?
The reason for accepting his teachings, is that he said some amazing things that have an expansive understanding to learn from.....There are millions of people globally, who accept Him as told to by Christianity; yet they don't accept his teachings or understand Him, so it is useless saying you're following someone, if you're not interested in learning from them. :innocent:


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
I don't have a problem with reinterpreting something if I believe it to make more sense. Though, in this context, what I'm presenting is pretty traditional Xian thought/perspective.

That is probably true, and one of the oddest, most questionable things about Christianity (and Islam, which makes similar claims).

I don't think that one needs to be a Xian, to have an opinion on this; One could even believe in Jesus, and still not adhere to Him, etc. So, I left it open for anyone to answer.

I agree, but it seems that for whatever reason many people do not.


Jesus in me
Hi disciple

why you limiting the vote "YES" or " NO"

your pull vote missed the most important "option" which is : "I DON'T KNOW'

It would be different in meaning to a Muslim. A muslim could accept Jesus as a prophet and messenger. To a Chrsitain it means accpting Him as Lord and Savior.


Jesus in me
and the Carpenter said of Himself.....brother and fellow servant....

If He lays Hand on your shoulder and calls your brother......hot damn!
If He calls you fellow servant....that's not bad either.

If He calls you something less.....you could be in trouble.
If He never calls you....you are lost.

It's not whether you accept Him.
It's much more.....will He accept you?
I beleive I am not yet acceptable but I am worthy. For now it is enough to know for sure that I won't be going to Hell.


Jesus in me
Well, provided one believes in the whole Hell thing, yeah.

But even if one does, I think it is disturbing to think that people might only love Jesus because he's willing to be killed for them; his teachings are not so bad, you know. Hard to follow. But not bad. I think the hard to follow bit is probably why people made up the whole hell and salvation thing - gets you off scot free for not actually doing anything Jesus actually said, as long as you "believe" in him.

I believe before I knew who Jesus was I realized that Jesus loved me by dieing for me but I didn't love Him for it although I did appreciate it. Now that I know Him as Lord and Savior I love Hin because He saves me from sin.

I believe nothing was made up although sometimes it is misconstrued.

I believe this is a common accusation but one that is false although I do think there are some who call themselves Christians who ascribe to it even though it is false.


Amor Vincit Omnia
Now that I know Him as Lord and Savior I love Hin because He saves me from sin.
How is that love, though? Is not love selfless? Loving someone because you think you will get something out of it is a little weird, especially coming from a Christian, as Jesus himself described love as sacrificial and compassionate in its very nature. I do think Hell is a pagan intrusion into our faith (clue is in the name). But if I didn't, I would not be okay with prospering off some nominal connection to Jesus while others suffered in utter agony, and I definitely would not call that love - that's a rejection of everything Jesus taught us about how we should feel about our neighbors.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
Everyone who does not accept Jesus is going to Hell.

What do you think? Yes, or no? If no, then what is basis for accepting Jesus?

You accept Jesus for what he taught,
Somehow that got lost in folks thinking accepting Jesus gets you a ticket out of hell.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
Everyone who does not accept Jesus is going to Hell.

What do you think? Yes, or no? If no, then what is basis for accepting Jesus?

If that was true, then we should envy pre-columbian indians and children who died very young.

And curse missionaries, of course. For spreading the bad news.


- viole


Question Everything
We are accountable for what we know - and there is a lot involved in "knowing" something.

Luke chapter 12
But he that knew not his Lord’s will, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall much be required; and to whom the Lord has committed much, of him will men ask the more.

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
We are accountable for what we know - and there is a lot involved in "knowing" something.

Luke chapter 12
But he that knew not his Lord’s will, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall much be required; and to whom the Lord has committed much, of him will men ask the more.

This is sort of unclear as to meaning, ie in what context are you presenting this. I don't think that 'some' people should have to accept Jesus, while others don't. That makes no sense, imo.

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
You accept Jesus for what he taught,
Somehow that got lost in folks thinking accepting Jesus gets you a ticket out of hell.

Jesus didn't even write things down. Are you sure you have this theology straight? Because to me, that doesn't make sense. People can't even figure out what He taught, half the time.

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
There is no legit reason to think that the Bible must be either all true or all false. Most likely it is a combination of both.

If your trying to say, 'we don't know what's true, or false', then that is merely a proposal that all Scripture must be looked at as false. Which, geneally, is not done, by secularists. They merely pick and choose what they ''think'', is true, and actually end up with a fictional narrative of a Rabbi in Israel. Using your basis of not knowing what's true in the Bible, /which i'm fine with, as a dialogue, btw/, we don't know many things that are presented by secularists as 'true'.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
Jesus didn't even write things down. Are you sure you have this theology straight? Because to me, that doesn't make sense. People can't even figure out what He taught, half the time.

Like Buddha, he relied on people to pass on orally his teaching. Of course if you're not going to trust the gospels, what's the point of the original question?

Jesus could have been a fictional character, but what we know is in the gospels. So whether you see Jesus as real or fictional, the gospels is all you got. People may not understand what he taught, but either the gospels represents what he taught or they don't in which case the truth about Jesus can be anything you'd like to imagine.


Veteran Member
Everyone who does not accept Jesus is going to Hell.

What do you think? Yes, or no? If no, then what is basis for accepting Jesus?
If your trying to say, 'we don't know what's true, or false', then that is merely a proposal that all Scripture must be looked at as false. Which, geneally, is not done, by secularists. They merely pick and choose what they ''think'', is true, and actually end up with a fictional narrative of a Rabbi in Israel. Using your basis of not knowing what's true in the Bible, /which i'm fine with, as a dialogue, btw/, we don't know many things that are presented by secularists as 'true'.
My point is simply that just because something in scripture is found to be false, doesn't mean that the entirety of that scripture is false. It's not all or nothing