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Everyone who hears of Jesus but does not accept Him is going to hell.

Everyone who does not accept Jesu is going to hell

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Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. Romans 1:20

It's not really about "accepting Jesus" whatever that is meant to mean. It's about recognising that you're a created creature and your dependence on the one omnipotent creator. Christians see this creator as the Triune God, incarnated as man in the person of Christ. We believe that every single human is at some level aware of the reality of God, and even if one has not being exposed to Christian claims explicitly, one will still be held accountable to the degree they have sincerely sought God. You do not get a free pass on ignorance of Christ alone, and it's certainly not a "safer" bet.

Honestly, that makes even less sense, because Paul is simply wrong. These invisible qualities have not been clearly seen (nevermind the sillyness of "seeing" invisible qualities which I'll allow since it's likely just poetic flair), and in no time in my life have I seen any indication of a singular Creator.

'Sides, Paul's one I take with a pretty heavy grain of salt. Saw Jesus and became Christian after falling off his horse and hitting his head? Yeah, I'm sure that was legit.

In a certain sense what your saying is true, because once one is baptised one is held to greater accountability.

Good thing I was never baptized, then. ^_^

It's going to be up to God to judge the testimony of our own consciences. And there'll be no chance for any rationalisation before the throne of God. We cannot "outwit" God.

Pretty classic Hellenic idea, that the Theoi cannot be fooled and that those who try are punished.

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
It was a reply to the story of Jesus birth. Why do you think Eusebius left some books out of the Bible and included others. It was not because they were not scripture but because they did not fit his particular views. It's all scripture.

Actually ,'Scripture', is what we would usually ascribe to being in the Canon.
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Actually ,'Scripture', is what we would usually ascribe to being in the Canon.
The Epistle of Barnabas was in the canon at one time (codex sinaiticus, the oldest complete NT) but was removed later by some unknown person. Would you call it scripture or not? There are others removed too.

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
The Epistle of Barnabas was in the canon at one time (codex sinaiticus, the oldest complete NT) but was removed later by some unknown person. Would you call it scripture or not? There are others removed too.

Only what is in the Bible is really ''Scripture''. So, technically, if it's not in the Bible, it isn't Scripture.
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Active Member
The point is this, we are responsible for only ourselves. You HAVE heard the message of Jesus Christ, so the True question is, how will YOU respond. For your answer has eternal worth :)
Only what is in the Bible is really ''Scripture''. So, technically, if it's not in the Bible, it isn't Scripture.
Then you believe the Epistle of Barnabas, the Shepard of Hermas, the Apocalypse of John, and the Book of Wisdom to be scripture? Along with the Book of Enoch, which is in the Ethiopion Orthodox Church canon? There is not one Bible, there are many.


Active Member
What is this message?

We have all sinned and are not perfect. We've all lied, looked with lust, and these are just 2 of the Ten Commandments. And it is written that if we break even one, it's like we broke them all. I jean heaven is a perfect place and we, myself included cannot get to heaven unless were without sin. God’s love does not compel Him to eliminate the necessary punishment and consequence for sin, but instead compels Him to offer us a way to avoid this consequence altogether. By offering forgiveness through the sacrifice of Christ on the cross (who took our punishment), God demonstrated His love for us. It cannot be said that a loving God would never create a place like Hell if that same God has provided us with a way to avoid it which is through Jesus Christ.
And now you know :) I'll be praying for you whether you believe or not my friend :)

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Anyone who defines "good" as being blindly and unquestioningly obedient toward something simply for the sake of gaining an reward and avoiding a punishment isn't really a good person.
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