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Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,this terrible person Leroy is asking people to support their claims……………what kind of dishonest behavior is that
No, that is not what you do. This is why you are on corrections only. You won't own up to past errors or worse yet past bad intentions.


No religious beliefs
Sorry, I did not see it like that. The video was black. The music drowns the voice.

Yet good effort, I am a critic, not a singer.

Regards Tony

That was really just intended for @It Aint Necessarily So, but as you've responded...

It was obviously a sound recording that had been placed on YouTube, so I wouldn't expect video, and in any case the lack of video had no relationship to the quality of the music.

It was also probably a live recording that did not have the advantage of studio editing. I also noted the imbalance in voice and guitar. If you follow the link to YouTube (click on it) you will see two more recordings, which are better in that respect. His wife's voice is very good in my opinion, always on key, good tone and singing the notes correctly for the song.

I play guitar at a low level and would give a lot to play half as well as he does.

But you're entitled to your opinion of course.


Veteran Member
Oh dear.
Why is it that people always want to leave it to another, to sort out the mess that we make?
If you people are going to claim there is "another" that is the Creator, it will be held accountable given your claims of what it created.

It's OK, I don't expect your God to suddenly pop into existence and take care of the mess it created.

It's funny how religious extremists insist their God exists as the Creator, but then deny it has any responsibility for what happens in its creation. It's like parents who do a bad job raising children and then want to blame the kids for being anti-social. You can rebut this by pointing out that in my analogy that parents actually exist.

Most of us agree that the world is heading for climate disaster,
..but as yet, we haven't been able to do much about it.
A lot of it due to religious people using their poor thinking to reject experts in science.

It will only get worse by ignoring the underlying reason for instability in the world.
Congratulations .. you prefer to support the status quo over truth.
Nice attempt at a false accusation, but I'm not a conservative Christian science denier.

You are in the majority.
..but for how long?

We shall see.
How long, probably when the climate becomes so unstable and damaging that even the Christian extremists admit there is a problem, and want to go on living. Addicts have to hit bottom before them admit they have a problem, and religious extremists are in the same category.
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Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
That was really just intended for @It Aint Necessarily So, but as you've responded...

It was obviously a sound recording that had been placed on YouTube, so I wouldn't expect video, and in any case the lack of video had no relationship to the quality of the music.

It was also probably a live recording that did not have the advantage of studio editing. I also noted the imbalance in voice and guitar. If you follow the link to YouTube (click on it) you will see two more recordings, which are better in that respect. His wife's voice is very good in my opinion, always on key, good tone and singing the notes correctly for the song.

I play guitar at a low level and would give a lot to play half as well as he does.

But you're entitled to your opinion of course.
The guitar was excellent. The audio of the singer was lacking, but from what I heard she was on tune. And yes, live performances, especially those not professionally recorded, often leave the vocalist sounding not as good as they would in a studio recording. That would hardly have been her fault.


Veteran Member
But Baháʼu'lláh taught that you can't deny other Manifestations...
No, we can't deny them, but we don't have to believe in everything that is in the Bible. Jesus did not write the Bible.


Although Bahá'ís universally share a great respect for the Bible, and acknowledge its status as sacred literature, their individual views about its authoritative status range along the full spectrum of possibilities. At one end there are those who assume the uncritical evangelical or fundamentalist-Christian view that the Bible is wholly and indisputably the word of God. At the other end are Bahá'ís attracted to the liberal, scholarly conclusion that the Bible is no more than a product of complex historical and human forces. Between these extremes is the possibility that the Bible contains the Word of God, but only in a particular sense of the phrase 'Word of God' or in particular texts. I hope to show that a Bahá'í view must lie in this middle area, and can be defined to some degree.


The Bahá'í viewpoint proposed by this essay has been established as follows: The Bible is a reliable source of Divine guidance and salvation, and rightly regarded as a sacred and holy book. However, as a collection of the writings of independent and human authors, it is not necessarily historically accurate. Nor can the words of its writers, although inspired, be strictly defined as 'The Word of God' in the way the original words of Moses and Jesus could have been. Instead there is an area of continuing interest for Bahá'í scholars, possibly involving the creation of new categories for defining authoritative religious literature.

A Baháí View of the Bible
So God doesn't communicate through Holy Spirit to all believers?
No, I do not believe God does that, but I believe that believers can receive inspiration through the Holy Spirit.




No religious beliefs
Investment is when a person buys stocks & shares, and the value can go down as well as up.
Lending money on interest is purely profiting from the fact you have money to lend.

When you lend money you are forgoing any other use of that money, like buying something for yourself. Interest is your reward for doing that. If there were no interest, there would be no incentive to lend other than altruism.

Interest also covers the risk that you might not get the money back. That's why interest rates vary, dependent on credit ratings. Your assertion that lending is without risk is not correct.

Borrowing empowers people to do things that they would not otherwise be able to do, like start a business, or even buy a house.

It all works very well, so long as a balance is struck. I'll freely admit that it doesn't always work out that way, but the system itself is not evil.

I'm sure you know all this, but I felt it was time for a definition of basics.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
That was really just intended for @It Aint Necessarily So, but as you've responded...

It was obviously a sound recording that had been placed on YouTube, so I wouldn't expect video, and in any case the lack of video had no relationship to the quality of the music.

It was also probably a live recording that did not have the advantage of studio editing. I also noted the imbalance in voice and guitar. If you follow the link to YouTube (click on it) you will see two more recordings, which are better in that respect. His wife's voice is very good in my opinion, always on key, good tone and singing the notes correctly for the song.

I play guitar at a low level and would give a lot to play half as well as he does.

But you're entitled to your opinion of course.

Thanks for the kind words. If you have any of your guitarring recorded, I'd love to hear it.

And you are correct. That was recorded live by just the two of us. If it were professionally done, the four channels (voice, bass, guitar, drums) would have been recorded separately on a multi-track device and mixed later to address relative sound levels and to tweak the tone. I just took a stereo output from the mixer to a cassette tape and recorder, which was later put on CD. Nobody was looking at the sound levels while we were playing, so some recordings are overdriven, for example. They weren't recorded for public consumption - just to have a record of the performance as a memory.

And somehow you found a few more of our recordings. I'm glad you liked them. It's mostly Grateful Dead covers, but a lot of other classic rock and blues covers as well. Here's the lot of them, three pages, with many song titles you'll recognize, some misnamed. "I Can't Find What I'm Looking For" is "Can't Find My Way Home" by Blind Faith, "Crossroads" is "Let It Grow" by Clapton, which begins, "Standing at the crossroads, trying to read the signs." We're not particularly techie, and my wife, who uploaded the recordings from the CDs to the Internet and got some names wrong from memory.

Channel content - YouTube Studio


No religious beliefs
That's not true.
Why would you not want to invest in a relative's business?
One of the problems with the modern financial system, is that it has put most of the wealth in the hands of a few.

Who would not want to invest in a relative's business?

Someone with no money.

Someone who didn't trust his relatives. I lent some money to a relative that I will never see again, despite the fact that he is not short of money. The problem seems to be that the relative doesn't see the need to repay to be as urgent as if the loan issuer had real power to reclaim it. Lesson learned.

Your second point made me smile. If all investment were to be limited to within families, that would guarantee that some groups of people would get a lot richer than others. You can easily see that in action. The last (US) President is a good example.


Well-Known Member
You ask questions that experts in science have already answered, or are in the process of answering with facts and data. You propose fringe, religious ideas that are not based in fact or science. Others are answering honestly, and it is you who is being disingenuous with asking the same thing over and over after it has been answered. Your behavior is close to being trolling to my mind.

If you were genuine all you have to do is read what experts report about evolution. That is the best explanation we have about the process of biology and reproduction over time. If you have problem with what science reports then that is your problem. Trying to accuse others as dishonest for not being complicit with your dissatisfaction with science is ironic, and bad manners.
Related to this topic Can you quote a single claim made by me that is not consistent with what scientist say?


Veteran Member
If you people are going to claim there is "another" that is the Creator, it will be held accountable given your claims of what it created..
..and that diverts blame away from us?
..wishful thinking.

It's funny how religious extremists insist their God exists as the Creator, but then deny it has any responsibility for what happens in its creation..
I'm not a religious extremist .. unless you see praying 5 times a day as extreme .. you probably do.

A lot of it due to religious people using their poor thinking to reject experts in science..
More nonsense.
Why don't you stick to the subject, instead of continually diverting to ad hominem..

PS we are discussing the evils of usury.


May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
That was really just intended for @It Aint Necessarily So, but as you've responded...

It was obviously a sound recording that had been placed on YouTube, so I wouldn't expect video, and in any case the lack of video had no relationship to the quality of the music.

It was also probably a live recording that did not have the advantage of studio editing. I also noted the imbalance in voice and guitar. If you follow the link to YouTube (click on it) you will see two more recordings, which are better in that respect. His wife's voice is very good in my opinion, always on key, good tone and singing the notes correctly for the song.

I play guitar at a low level and would give a lot to play half as well as he does.

But you're entitled to your opinion of course.

So, one is saying the evidence was not good quality, but do not judge the artists by the evidence that was provided.

Does this resonate with this OP?

Regards Tony


Veteran Member
When you lend money you are forgoing any other use of that money, like buying something for yourself. Interest is your reward for doing that. If there were no interest, there would be no incentive to lend other than altruism..
Lending money should not be seen as something "impersonal", and if you would expect your friend to pay back a loan + interest, it doesn't say much for the relationship.

Money is not a commodity .. it shouldn't be traded as if it is.
The whole financial system depends on the manipulation of interest rates, as paper money is in reality worthless.
It is a system that makes the rich richer, and the poor poorer.

Almighty God does not like greed .. the world is in a mess because of greed.
Fortunately, this world is temporary, and we don't have to live in it forever.

Borrowing empowers people to do things that they would not otherwise be able to do, like start a business, or even buy a house..
It's all in the mind..
We get used to a system and cannot imagine anything else.
There is a certain amount of wealth in the world, and right now, it is not fairly distributed.
Naturally, the ones who benefit would like to see it continue as it is .. while those that are suffering at the bottom of the ladder, would like to see change.

This creates enmity and war. Civil war, and international war.
Peace cannot be obtained by ignoring spiritual truth.


No religious beliefs
Thanks for the kind words. If you have any of your guitarring recorded, I'd love to hear it.

No, you wouldn't. Way back in the 1950s in England there was a short craze for something they called "skiffle". It was essentially folk music as played by "mountain" folks in the USA with improvised instruments, washboards and the like. I was a teenager and we formed a group to play it. The music was very simple, four chords on the guitar were enough. Some professionals picked it up, notably someone called Lonnie Donegan who had a few hits. You may have heard "Does your chewing gum lose its flavor on the bedpost over night?". Yeah, right. Anyway, I kept playing guitar on and off but never got much past chords, though I know more than four now. Probably my best "skill" is "knowing" the right chords to accompany a tune, so long as it doesn't get into odd stuff like minor 7th or whatever.

Since then I've taken lessons on piano, trumpet and currently clarinet. I didn't do well on the piano, too many mental circuits required, was getting on well with the trumpet until surgery made me stop for a while, and am doing best of all instruments so far with the clarinet. Still not ready for Carnegie Hall though.

And somehow you found a few more of our recordings. I'm glad you liked them. It's mostly Grateful Dead covers, but a lot of other classic rock and blues covers as well. Here's the lot of them, three pages, with many song titles you'll recognize, some misnamed. "I Can't Find What I'm Looking For" is "Can't Find My Way Home" by Blind Faith, "Crossroads" is "Let It Grow" by Clapton, which begins, "Standing at the crossroads, trying to read the signs." We're not particularly techie, and my wife, who uploaded the recordings from the CDs to the Internet and got some names wrong from memory.

Channel content - YouTube Studio

I'm going to PM for this.


Veteran Member
No, you wouldn't. Way back in the 1950s in England there was a short craze for something they called "skiffle". It was essentially folk music as played by "mountain" folks in the USA with improvised instruments, washboards and the like..
It's how Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin started out.. ;)


No religious beliefs
So, one is saying the evidence was not good quality, but do not judge the artists by the evidence that was provided.

Actually I was saying that the medium upon which the evidence was submitted was not good quality, but sufficient to make a judgment.

Does this resonate with this OP?

Regards Tony

I'm not sure. As I understand it you (personally) are not presenting any evidence at all, just suggesting that others find out for themselves. Have I misunderstood your question?


No religious beliefs
Lending money should not be seen as something "impersonal", and if you would expect your friend to pay back a loan + interest, it doesn't say much for the relationship.

Where did I say I charged interest? Don't you think loans should be repaid, regardless of the source? And if he had agreed to pay interest, yes he should jolly well pay it! Do you treat repaying loans from relatives as optional? It doesn't say much for your integrity.

Money is not a commodity .. it shouldn't be traded as if it is.
The whole financial system depends on the manipulation of interest rates, as paper money is in reality worthless.
It is a system that makes the rich richer, and the poor poorer.

Money is an instrument of exchange. It saves us from having to barter everything.

Almighty God does not like greed .. the world is in a mess because of greed.
Fortunately, this world is temporary, and we don't have to live in it forever.

Me too. And yes, greed is to blame for a lot of bad things.

It's all in the mind..
We get used to a system and cannot imagine anything else.
There is a certain amount of wealth in the world, and right now, it is not fairly distributed.
Naturally, the ones who benefit would like to see it continue as it is .. while those that are suffering at the bottom of the ladder, would like to see change.

What alternative system do you propose? Serious question, and I may agree with you. The problem is that any system is going to have to cope with greed, which is not going to go away.

Incidentally, there is nothing to stop us distributing wealth more fairly under any system. Progressive taxation is one means, but we have to take a lot of power away for the greedy to be able to do it.