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Well-Known Member
Except the earth has been hit by many asteroids over time. Look at the Tunguska explosion. Look at Meteor Crater in Arizona as another example. Most other impacts have been covered up since our planet is so dynamic. Have doubts? Then look at the moon. Look at all those craters that are visible from impacts by debris. We still see them because the moon is not dynamic. All part of your God's plan?

But that is a side issue, you cited speed, place, and time as being the crucial issue as to why the Yukatan asteroid hit earth so there would be planned effects from an intelligence. This is just the same hindsight fallacy as my example of kids being hit and killed as a plan by an intelligence.

How big was the Yucatan crater? Something like 180 miles? That's big.
Other big hits didn't generate such ecological damage - Yucatan threw tons of sulphur into the atmosphere as it struck a deposit of the stuff - half an hour later and this would have just been another big crater with some local extinction. Without this strike we wouldn't be here.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
So, you think every planet shares the same orbit with a secondary large planet, and this planet will collide with the first planet and tilt it to 23.4 degrees to form seasons, and move to eliminate all super-sized carnivores so humans can evolve?
Two things happening here - one is the fine tuning that gives us common things like stars and planets
The second is that rare events happened to make this earth extra habitable.

There is nothing special about the Earth's axial tilt. And you have too many digits of accuracy in your amount of tilt without a disclaimer. The Earth's tilt varies from about 22 degrees to about 24.5 degrees. It is also well within the norm for planets in our Solar System:

Axial tilt - Wikipedia

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
How big was the Yucatan crater? Something like 180 miles? That's big.
Other big hits didn't generate such ecological damage - Yucatan threw tons of sulphur into the atmosphere as it struck a deposit of the stuff - half an hour later and this would have just been another big crater with some local extinction. Without this strike we wouldn't be here.
Citation needed.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
So, you think every planet shares the same orbit with a secondary large planet, and this planet will collide with the first planet and tilt it to 23.4 degrees to form seasons, and move to eliminate all super-sized carnivores so humans can evolve?
Two things happening here - one is the fine tuning that gives us common things like stars and planets
The second is that rare events happened to make this earth extra habitable.

WTF are you talking about, do not assume what i think, you have no idea of my knowledge of cosmology and astrophysics

FYI Over a period of around 40,000 years, the tilt of earths axis varies between 22.1 and 24.5 degrees. It wobbles, nothing precise about it..

Take a look at any star forming constellation and tell me how it is fine tuned

Rare events happen in a chaotic universe, not in a fine tuned one, fine tuning would by its very nature ensure rare, catastrophic events cannot happen.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
So, you think every planet shares the same orbit with a secondary large planet, and this planet will collide with the first planet and tilt it to 23.4 degrees to form seasons, and move to eliminate all super-sized carnivores so humans can evolve?
Two things happening here - one is the fine tuning that gives us common things like stars and planets
The second is that rare events happened to make this earth extra habitable.
Once again, too many digits. The Earth's tilt varies from 22 to 24.5 degrees. And yes, that is normal.
Second, I found the paper that your claim about the Yucatan crater. You were partially right. There is a paper that says the location made it worse. It is fairly recent, and it is only one paper on the topic so it is hardly settled. But as usual the popular press got it wrong. Here is a link to the paper:

Site of asteroid impact changed the history of life on Earth: the low probability of mass extinction | Scientific Reports.

And the quote from the source that tells us it could have happened elsewhere:

". This significant event could have occurred if the asteroid hit the hydrocarbon-rich areas occupying approximately 13% of the Earth’s surface. "

Though 13% is not the whole Earth, it is still a large fraction of it. This was not a "fine tuned" event.


Veteran Member
He obviously didn't think I was worth caring about (let alone protecting, despite my prayers to him) during all the years I was abused as a child and teenager or during the years I suffered from trauma and depression as an adult, so now I'm simply repaying the favor..
..but Almighty God has no needs.
How can God be affected by whether we respect Him or not?

He is the Creator and Maintainer of the universe.
..or do you have a reasonable, alternative explanation as to why/how the universe exists?

Yes, we suffer in this life .. it might appear to us, as though our prayers are not answered .. but there is always somebody who suffers more than us, and we should not equate suffering with God's indifference. He is well aware of those who oppress others.
The sequel is for those who ward off evil.

Pharaoh oppressed the children of Israel, killing their sons, and they asked Moses when God was going to do something about it.
Almighty God intervenes when He wills. We cannot expect God to act on an individual's say so.
He is the Most Wise .. He does what He wills.

This life is as a "blink of an eye" compared to eternity.
I know that it is hard to have patience in adversity, as does God.
He is full of pity for His creation .. and those who are thankful for what He has provided for us, will receive more.

Take care. :)
Last edited:


Veteran Member
So the Bible is not true about God talking to humans?
It would seem that you are being pedantic..
Almighty God does not talk to people on a daily basis. ;)
He only "talks" to Messengers .. such as Moses, peace be with him.

..and how He does that, whether through angels for example, is best known to God.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
Once again, you cannot demonstrate in any possible way that what you say has anything at all to do with reality.

How do I know that? By simple logic. Has God ever showed up on Earth and demonstrated Himself?
Can you see that you are missing the completely and blaringly obvious here? There are (at least) 3 possible reasons for that, the first 2 you might concur with, but you ignore the third:

1. He can't,
2. He doesn't want to,
3. There is no God.


Veteran Member
How big was the Yucatan crater? Something like 180 miles? That's big.
Small, big, meteors come in all sizes. There is no reason to assume that any are sized for a deliberate action somewhere in the universe, and directed towards a target deliberately, as you have done. And it occurred to me, God slaming a meteor into a planet to kill off most of the life forms on it (that God created in the first place, right?) is hardly "fine tuning" anything. It sounds as clumsy and incompetent as flooding a whole planet to get rid of all humans and animals except for a select few on a boat. Your God would try to fix a cell phone with a hammer. At least the Hindus have gods that serve certain purposes that actially explain a rational narrative. They have gods that are a creator, a sustainer, and a destroyer, among others. They all serve a purpose and the narrative is vastly more rational than the clumsy and inept God of Abraham.

Other big hits didn't generate such ecological damage - Yucatan threw tons of sulphur into the atmosphere as it struck a deposit of the stuff - half an hour later and this would have just been another big crater with some local extinction. Without this strike we wouldn't be here.
Do you think the efforts NASA has done to create a rocket that can hit a asteroid and knock it off its course is going against God's will? I mean if there is another asteroid heading right for New York city and will destroy all life is it wrong for us to stop it? The way you're talking using asteroids is how God changes things that he doesn't like, so what do you suggest?

And you do realize you are using the highdsight fallacy in your thinking, yes? Does it not seem arrogant to you that some humans (like yourself) assume all the natural disasters on the planet over time that led to humans evolving was for OUR benefit?


Veteran Member
God could talk to ordinary humans but they could never understand God so why would God do that?
So you are accusing your version of God as not very caable of communicating with people. Hell, I can do that. Bit your allmighty God can't?

Could your view be an excuse to cover the fact that no Gods are known to exist, and you bought into dogma that includes a fellow who claims to be a messenger? You offer no compelling facts or evidence, as we repeat over and over, so we reject your beliefs as true. Come back when you have more evidence.

If you think that Messengers is a poor method you are going to have to come up with a better method.
How hard is it foir a God to manifest into a form that can speak Danish, or Finnish, or Swedish, or German, or Spanish, etc? Why si your version of God so incapable of this, yet you think it created the whole universe?

And why can't this God of yours tell thre messengers something that is definitive about the future? Baha'u'llah got some things wrong, so that's a bad sign.

God is omniscient and omnipotent so whatever God says goes.
Do you know God personally? How do you know unless you are guessing and not being honest about your claims?

You often admit we can't know a God exists, but you can state what God IS as if it does exist? Or are you making it up?

Anything that God wills is God's choice, not His fault. God cannot be at fault since God is infallible.
Nothing that humans choose to do with their free will is God's choice.
Why are you covering for God? If God is what you claim it is then why are there problems that it must have caused, according to you believers?


No religious beliefs
That is because the secular idea of marriage is not "the law" according to Bible or Qur'an.

A man has his property, and a woman has hers. Their property does not automatically belong to both in a marriage contract.
The dowry [a sum of money] must be paid "upfront" to the bride.

It is up to the individuals how they manage their wealth.
A man is expected to spend out of his wealth for his wife's welfare, but if the relationship ends for some reason, there is nothing owed to either party. If they decided to have any property in joint names, then they need to sort it.
That's it !

Unfortunately (maybe) my divorces were adjudicated under the laws of the UK and the USA respectively.

I'd love to delve into the Islamic laws of divorce with you (seriously, I'm sure I'd find it interesting) but I'm struggling to keep up this this thread already. :(


Veteran Member
That’s it? That’s what a meaningful life looks like to you?
What is meaningful about managing a head full of irrational religious concepts? That is hell to my mind.

Atheists are free in not navigating contradictory religious doctrines, and that freedom allows the room to create authentic meaning.


Veteran Member
..but Almighty God has no needs.
Demonstrate any god exists, THEN tells us about it.

If you are just telling us about a character of god in what appears to be fiction, then admit it.

How can God be affected by whether we respect Him or not?
Humans imagine their gods to be and do whatever they want, including you in these posts.

He is the Creator and Maintainer of the universe.
You need to prove this.

..or do you have a reasonable, alternative explanation as to why/how the universe exists?
Rational and well0educated people defer to ex verts in science for the best answers. Some questions have no answers so we honestly admit "we don't know". Some theists assume anwers they adoted from ancienmt tribes, which are not fact-based, so thinkers reject them.

Yes, we suffer in this life .. it might appear to us, as though our prayers are not answered .. but there is always somebody who suffers more than us, and we should not equate suffering with God's indifference. He is well aware of those who oppress others.
We humans suffer like any other animal, as if no gods exist the way some humans believe.

The sequel is for those who ward off evil.
Like fighting Islamist extremists, who share many of your beliefs.

Almighty God intervenes when He wills. We cannot expect God to act on an individual's say so.
He is the Most Wise .. He does what He wills.
It's as if God is absent and doesn't exist. How else do you explain how your fellow Muslims are suicide bombers doing God's will?