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Something I hear frequently from non-believers is that they would believe in God if there were any evidence. I have two issues with this statement.

1) There is some - admittedly very weak - evidence: the widespread reports of personal experiences with God. Now, I can see why this is unconvincing, but it is evidence. Weak, yes, but evidence nonetheless, which is more than can be said for the argument that there is no God. With that nit picked....

2) What evidence of God's existence could there be? You say that evidence would convince you, but what would qualify?

Please note, I am asking about God's existence only, not assuming that God wants us to believe/ worship. I don't believe that God cares one way or another what we believe, so those arguments - while valid when appropriate - are not relevant to this particular conversation.

Ans ; Yes . God's Beginning Is With Each Religious Denomination Or Sect , For Instance , Allah Is Declared The One And Only God Through The Declaration Of The Islamic Faith . When Muhammad , Who Was Born In 570 A.D. And Died In The Year 632 A.D.

In Arabia Made An Islamic Declaration Of Faith That '' There Is No God But Allah '' , That Declaration Was The Birth Of The Allah Concept As Taugh In Islam , When Moses Declares In His Question, '' Who Should I Say Sent Me ? ( Exodus 3 ; 13 ) .

And The God Of The Jewish Torah Answer , '' I Am That I Am '' ( Exodus 3 ; 14 ) , ( Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh ) < aramic , Then He Declares The Jewish Concept Of God . In The Bible God Enter As Eloheem First In Genesis 1 ; 1 , Then Becomes Yahweh Eloheem ( Genesis 2;4

Onto Just Yahweh ( Genesis 4 ; 26 ) And Even Onto Adonia ( Genesis 18 ; 3 ) , A Title Also Used By Human Beings ( Genesis 15 ; 2 ) . This Growing Process From Plural To Singular Establishes The Birth Of Each Of The God Concepts Of Judaism In The Torah ,

Though He Has Many Other Names There . These Are The Basic Pricipals . Now For The Christians . Who Choose To Use Greek And Latin ; Two Languages That Jesus The Christ Did Not Speak . They Took On The Same Principle Of Judaism And Used Theos < greek

God , Kurios < greek , Lord Or Despotes < greek , And Dios < greek While Each Claim That The God That Represent Them By Whichever Name They Call On . To Use According To Whichever Language They Chose . Was The Very God Of The Beginning Of Creation .

All The While , Their Books , Scriptures , Scrolls Or Tablets Were Written Many Thousand Of Years . After The Fact . The Fact Is . That Their God Has Its Origin With The Birth Of Each Of Their Religions . The Same Will Apply To ; Hinduism . Buddhism , Seikism , Baha'ism .

Which Are Religions To House Their God Concept . There Would Be No God . So In This Sense , God Has A Beginning , Or As Each Of You Come To Know Of God That Is His Or Her Beginning . Or At Least To Each Person .


Well-Known Member
Ans ; Yes . God's Beginning Is With Each Religious Denomination Or Sect , For Instance , Allah Is Declared The One And Only God Through The Declaration Of The Islamic Faith . When Muhammad , Who Was Born In 570 A.D. And Died In The Year 632 A.D.

In Arabia Made An Islamic Declaration Of Faith That '' There Is No God But Allah '' , That Declaration Was The Birth Of The Allah Concept As Taugh In Islam , When Moses Declares In His Question, '' Who Should I Say Sent Me ? ( Exodus 3 ; 13 ) .

And The God Of The Jewish Torah Answer , '' I Am That I Am '' ( Exodus 3 ; 14 ) , ( Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh ) < aramic , Then He Declares The Jewish Concept Of God . In The Bible God Enter As Eloheem First In Genesis 1 ; 1 , Then Becomes Yahweh Eloheem ( Genesis 2;4

Onto Just Yahweh ( Genesis 4 ; 26 ) And Even Onto Adonia ( Genesis 18 ; 3 ) , A Title Also Used By Human Beings ( Genesis 15 ; 2 ) . This Growing Process From Plural To Singular Establishes The Birth Of Each Of The God Concepts Of Judaism In The Torah ,

Though He Has Many Other Names There . These Are The Basic Pricipals . Now For The Christians . Who Choose To Use Greek And Latin ; Two Languages That Jesus The Christ Did Not Speak . They Took On The Same Principle Of Judaism And Used Theos < greek

God , Kurios < greek , Lord Or Despotes < greek , And Dios < greek While Each Claim That The God That Represent Them By Whichever Name They Call On . To Use According To Whichever Language They Chose . Was The Very God Of The Beginning Of Creation .

All The While , Their Books , Scriptures , Scrolls Or Tablets Were Written Many Thousand Of Years . After The Fact . The Fact Is . That Their God Has Its Origin With The Birth Of Each Of Their Religions . The Same Will Apply To ; Hinduism . Buddhism , Seikism , Baha'ism .

Which Are Religions To House Their God Concept . There Would Be No God . So In This Sense , God Has A Beginning , Or As Each Of You Come To Know Of God That Is His Or Her Beginning . Or At Least To Each Person .

So what do you think God's purpose is without man?

Nothing .What Would Man's Purpose Be Without God ? The Answer Is Quite Simple . The Same As With A God '' Survival '' , Simply Animalistic Survival . Man Can In Fact Exist Without God , But A God Cannot Exist Without Man . That Is Why Man Created God In His

Image And After His Likenesses , And Then Said God Created Man In His Image And After His Likeness . Because Man Is In Fact God And Admits It In His Holy Scriptures By Calling Himself The Son Of God ( Luke 3 ; 38 ) At One Point , And God At Another Point ( Psalms 82 ; 6 ) ( John 10 ; 34 ) ( 1Corinthians ; 3 ;16 ) .

Psalms 82 ; 6 , And I Quote ; the son of Enos, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God.

John 10 ; 34 , And I Quote ; Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your law, 'I said, you are gods'?

1Corinthians ; 3 ;16 , And I Quote ; Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you?


ThrUU the Looking Glass
From the What Makes A God thread:
For those unfamiliar, I believe in what has been called a "living Godiverse." I believe that the universe as we know it is a living, sapient organism. It has three basic elements: matter, consciousness, and "life force". It is a juvenile, and life as we know it is the process of God's maturation. It was Created by another, mature Godiverse.

What do you see as evidence of the existence of God, within the disparate pieces of the universe?

A fair question. The foundation of my belief in God - any God - is an intense and transformative theophany I had at a very young age, which left me obsessed with the question "What the bleep was THAT?!" In my search for the answer, I have drawn upon science, philosophy, ethics, mythology, and further personal experiences. The particulars of my theology are my current best guess, no more. Now that I seem to have settled on a concept, I find supporting evidence everywhere I look, but I'm afraid that's completely subjective. I have no evidence that is exclusive to my concept of God, and I don't claim to.
I doubt my original answer was satisfying, but I didn't want to derail the other thread, so I'll answer more fully here.

1) The Fine-Tuned Universe.
Why is the cosmos perfectly suited to the rise of biological life? Because biological life is a necessary stage in the development of the Godiverse (hereafter referred to by the proper word: roth). It was both necessary and inevitable. The roth is an organism, and the laws of nature its physiology - they are as they must be for the organism to live.

2) Abiogenesis
Perhaps it's my own limitation, perhaps it's due to the fact that there's not a proper theory yet, but abiogenesis just doesn't make sense to me unless those self-replicating molecules were already imbued with life force and consciousness.With pure science, it strikes me wholly unbelievable; theologically it not only makes sense, it was inevitable.

3) Mystical experiences (trance states)
We are roth learning to understand itself. As come closer, we are evolving a new sense to perceve the whole of which we are part. Experiencing this new perspective is what causes trance states.

I'll leave it at that for now.

I'd like to make it clear that I'm not sharing this as any sort of proselytization. I don't expect anyone to be convinced by this (I wouldn't be, myself).