"You religionsists" "your purview" .... Assumptions assumptions. I care for you, separate from thought and conquer your emotions. It's okay, relax... we are a family tree and none is superior, in any way.
Usually agenda, and bias, and closed minded comes from a line of mental conditioning by the environment one is in, family/friends/education/religion,experience, and/or bitterness and emotion due to some kind of tragedy.
For anyone claiming the oneness and family tree of everything with Phylogenetics, and attacking others with assumption of superiority and an ego, Yet hypocritically claiming superiority of knowledge, preaching an all physical and an all matter universe and science yet indirectly and being unaware of believing in santa, God, pink unicorns, or what those physical laws mean and how no human body is exempt from them, as well as proof of non-physical and ignoring it just as religions ignore science..Isn't anyone whose posts are worth claiming as "truth." Closed mindedness, bias, agenda.... Are just as deceiving as religion.