Not to be rude, but is everything published fact and even in the field of science do they not work on the premise of theories and laws which could be disproved at some point in time?
Its not everything that is published is a fact. Its the amount of observational data and evidence supporting the theory which makes it a fact.
Even if new theories are developed the old well established theories will not be overthrown. For example :- Evolution currently require a New Synthetic theory but this new theory will not over throw Darwinian evolution, what it does is that it fills the gaps and explains other phenomena which were not addressed by the Darwinian evolution, it doesn't mean the new theory will disprove Darwinian evolution.
This is how science works, take for another example when Einstein developed his theory of General Relativity it didn't disproved Newtonian theory of gravitation instead it was found out that Einstein's theory can be reduced into the theory of Newtonian Gravitation at an extreme sub-case.
The Einstein's theory of Relativity has been tested to 0.001 decimal places of precision, that is why physicists don't take anyone seriously if someone says Einstein was wrong and treat him as a crackpot.
New Theories add knowledge to the already established theories in the scientific database it doesn't delete or disprove well established theories and it is highly unlikely.