We all agree that Allah created us, O.K.? The question is not whether Allah created us, the question is, how did he do so?
just like everything else. he said BECOME and we became.
but i am convinced you meant to ask FROM WHAT he created us right?
Does it say that in the Q'uran?
no it says that we were created perfectly, a perfect design. we did not elvolve, the "we have not evolved fom monkeys" part is from me, my words.
Really? Can you cite an actual case?
in the time of Moses (as), th emuslims of that time would constantly break the laws of Allah (swt). they would go fisshing everyday and Allah (swt) would bring the fish to them (into shore) rather than them going to sea to get them. i think this was due to a promise that Allah (swt) may have made with the muslims of prophet Moses's time. but it may not be one of the promises. i'm not too sure.
however, Moses (as) gets a message from god saying that no one is to go fishing on a particular saturday, but like always they broke the order and Allah (swt) turned them into monkeys.
i don't really know the story of the pigs, actually now that i think of it, i'm not too sure if Allah (swt) has turned people into pigs, anyway leave this.
So science is useless then?
no science is from god, but scientists are twisting the reality due to them not wanting proof to lead to the notion that GOD EXISTS. and he created us, thus the THEORY of "evolution" came to be. to lead people astray from god.