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EVOLUTION, what a lie.


Intentionally Blank

People! Look at the big gap in mental capacity/capability between humans and chimpanzees for example. If you claim that we both came from a common ancestor, why haven't apes like the chimps developed human-like brains already? A 5 year old human baby and a (young/even adult?) chimp given a paper and pen/coloring pencil. (Safety first of course ;)). They will both munch/smack and fiddle with their drawing device. But after a while... someone's going to start drawing shapes (when instructed to)... and it's not going to be the chimp. Even if the child has not been exposed to languages and is only shown the shape.

Doesn't the way we humans absorb information (limitless-ly?) while growing up indicate anything? Inner and learned behavior of animals is quite limited.

Peace be upon you.

edit: There is no type of creature advanced as we are..anywhere.... in the world. Take a look on NatGeo lol!

Because chimps and humans occupy different ecological niches. Chimps don't need brains as big as ours to survive, any more than we need eyes as good as eagles.


Active Member
Because chimps and humans occupy different ecological niches. Chimps don't need brains as big as ours to survive, any more than we need eyes as good as eagles.

But then it implies that we evolved because we needed to absorb/learn more. Isn't what you're say more like adaption?

Peace be upon you.


Active Member
Id be interested to see how well we advanced if we didn't have thumbs.

As far as intelligence goes, we're retarded, we're the only species who actively destroy the planet and who are too stupid, ignorant and foolish to change it.

Not only are we screwing ourselves over, but all species on the earth have to suffer from our ego stroking.

So.... there is a reason to having opposable thumbs?

Animals are a lot smarter than you think they are.

Sure we're "retarded" but you don't see chimpanzee's building Mega Structures.

Peace be upon you.


Active Member
Why would a chimp build a "Mega structure"?
They rely on thick jungles of fruit trees... not concrete.


Type of mega structure would matter wouldn't it? But that's besides the point. I acknowledge that animals are not "dumb" but they're not as "smart" as humans either.

Humans don't need mega structures to survive. Yet we construct them. Free will? Do animals have free will the same as we do? Where does this free will come from? ;)

Peace be upon you.


Intentionally Blank
So.... there is a reason to having opposable thumbs?
Sort of. At one point a mutation resulted in one individual having opposable thumbs. I'm sure you can imagine how that could have benefited that individual, enabling it to survive and reproduce, so this mutation was passed on to its offspring.

Sure we're "retarded" but you don't see chimpanzee's building Mega Structures.

Peace be upon you.
They don't have to; they just need to survive and reproduce.


Intentionally Blank
Type of mega structure would matter wouldn't it? But that's besides the point. I acknowledge that animals are not "dumb" but they're not as "smart" as humans either.
They don't need to be. They just need to survive and reproduce. Do you know what the most numerous (non-microscopic) creature on earth is?

Humans don't need mega structures to survive. Yet we construct them. Free will? Do animals have free will the same as we do? Where does this free will come from? ;)

Peace be upon you.
Start a thread.


Active Member
They don't need to be. They just need to survive and reproduce. Do you know what the most numerous (non-microscopic) creature on earth is?

Start a thread.

Hit the breaks, it's still related to brother Eselam's topic:

Why have we humans "evolved" to have free will and other animals not. That is, by defining free will as having the choice to do other than to eat, sleep/hybernate, reproduce. We can choose whether to do this or not. Sure we might die, but death would be a result of our own choice. For an animal not to follow through with MRS.GREN(?) in such a case would be because of an external factor such as change of environment/food source etc. Animals are therefore are abiding by a law/code. Who has determined this code?

Peace be upon you.


Guardian of Asgaard
Hit the breaks, it's still related to brother Eselam's topic:

Why have we humans "evolved" to have free will and other animals not. That is, by defining free will as having the choice to do other than to eat, sleep/hybernate, reproduce. We can choose whether to do this or not. Sure we might die, but death would be a result of our own choice. For an animal not to follow through with MRS.GREN(?) in such a case would be because of an external factor such as change of environment/food source etc. Animals are therefore are abiding by a law/code. Who has determined this code?

Peace be upon you.

Put a dog between 2 people and have them both call its name. The dog will go to either person based on its own free will :)


Well-Known Member
"Doesn't the way we humans absorb information (limitless-ly?) while growing up indicate anything? Inner and learned behavior of animals is quite limited. "

It is a difference in degree - not kind. And as has been pointed out intelligence serves a purpose - survival. Can you hunt as well as a tiger? Can you fashion a nest as well as a robin? How long would it take you to build a beaver dam using nothing but your teeth?

And if you believe animals don't think you have never watched a cat with her kittens. The ability to "think" is an evolved trait just like eyesight or foot speed. Organisms respond to the demands of the environment and learn to "think" as needed.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Rats can and do choose to not take the cheese from the trap.
They have free will.
Even humans have instincts that we follow without thinking.



Rogue Theologian
Thief here...post#1035 was not a religious statement.
Natural selection is simply a chain of events that will destroy one species and make way for another.
Infections, heat waves, lack of food supply...etc.
The species that can deal with it gets to reproduce.

What's so hard about getting this idea into so called common sense?

Now If you wanna blame God for it all? that's another topic.


Guardian of Asgaard
Yea, not my point. That same dog will still want to chow down on its kibble in the afternoon;).

Look again.

Peace be upon you.

It could choose not to if it didn't want to. My puppy Charlie is fussy about food and will often leave his bones around because he doesnt want them.

Animals have as much free will as we do.


Intentionally Blank
Hit the breaks, it's still related to brother Eselam's topic:

Why have we humans "evolved" to have free will and other animals not. That is, by defining free will as having the choice to do other than to eat, sleep/hybernate, reproduce. We can choose whether to do this or not. Sure we might die, but death would be a result of our own choice. For an animal not to follow through with MRS.GREN(?) in such a case would be because of an external factor such as change of environment/food source etc. Animals are therefore are abiding by a law/code. Who has determined this code?

Peace be upon you.

It's easier to understand if you don't start with people, because our view of ourself is so biased. "Free will" is one of the most difficult philosophical problems, so that just confuses things further.

The basic idea is this: When a trait enables an organism to survive and reproduce, that trait is passed on. So if being smarter helped an ape to survive and reproduce, then smartness was passed on.

I don't know what Mrs. Gren is.

Animals also make choices, just different choices than us.


Active Member
It could choose not to if it didn't want to. My puppy Charlie is fussy about food and will often leave his bones around because he doesnt want them.

However, that is your fault for giving it something that it does not like. Charlie still wants to eat but you're preventing him from doing so in a sense.

Animals have as much free will as we do.
Not exactly: :beach: Try again.

Why have we humans "evolved" to have free will and other animals not. That is, by defining free will as having the choice to do other than to eat, sleep/hybernate, reproduce. We can choose whether to do this or not. Sure we might die, but death would be a result of our own choice. For an animal not to follow through with MRS.GREN(?) in such a case would be because of an external factor such as change of environment/food source etc. Animals are therefore are abiding by a law/code. Who has determined this code?

Peace be upon you.


Guardian of Asgaard
However, that is your fault for giving it something that it does not like. Charlie still wants to eat but you're preventing him from doing so in a sense.

Not exactly: :beach: Try again.

Why have we humans "evolved" to have free will and other animals not. That is, by defining free will as having the choice to do other than to eat, sleep/hybernate, reproduce. We can choose whether to do this or not. Sure we might die, but death would be a result of our own choice. For an animal not to follow through with MRS.GREN(?) in such a case would be because of an external factor such as change of environment/food source etc. Animals are therefore are abiding by a law/code. Who has determined this code?

Peace be upon you.

I disagree. Elephants often trek over hundreds of kilometres, well, before man killed most of them from Zimbabwe to Mozambique. Why would they do this? Not every elephant did it? They would go wherever they wanted to go. Animals do not abide by codes or anything of the sort. If every animal abided by a code, lions would attack a human every time. However, amazing footage exists of lions being rather friendly to humans rather than tearing them to shreds.
If anything, what you've described is humans. Most of us relocate to major cities because of oppurtunities, food, whatever really.


However, that is your fault for giving it something that it does not like. Charlie still wants to eat but you're preventing him from doing so in a sense.

Why have we humans "evolved" to have free will and other animals not. That is, by defining free will as having the choice to do other than to eat, sleep/hybernate, reproduce. We can choose whether to do this or not. Sure we might die, but death would be a result of our own choice. For an animal not to follow through with MRS.GREN(?) in such a case would be because of an external factor such as change of environment/food source etc. Animals are therefore are abiding by a law/code. Who has determined this code?

Peace be upon you.

All your assumptions about nature and human psychology are false, so your question is meaningless.