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Evolution, what evidence is there and what does creationism have?


Active Member
and different is different, and sounds much better in all caps. Shorter than average is not giant.

It goes two ways, giants and midgets. (Gen 6:4) There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare [children] to them, the same [became] mighty men which [were] of old, men of renown. These are the ppl that were in rule, I would surmise.


Intentionally Blank
I think *** you say, since they can no longer intergate, I guess calling it a new species would be to exaggerate a tad, they are an offshoot of a same genus, so why say they are new, meaning different species. Is there no other term to define it? Distant cousins that learned to adapt in foreign circumstances. like and adapted species from the same genus, oh, hybrid, right?

According to the scientific definition of species, when they can no longer interbreed, they are a different species. By definition.
It's not a bright line, yes or no thing. There's a spectrum of gradual change. When the change is so great that they can no longer interbreed, then by definition that is what scientists call a new species. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THIS?


Active Member
According to the scientific definition of species, when they can no longer interbreed, they are a different species. By definition.
It's not a bright line, yes or no thing. There's a spectrum of gradual change. When the change is so great that they can no longer interbreed, then by definition that is what scientists call a new species. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THIS?

LIke a fish and an elephant, ad nauseam. I 'll have to work on it, but I believe for the time. That that is what science and you believe for now. I'll leave room for other possibilities. You know, open mind!

Science is very cut and dry on some things, but somethings if they did not keep an open mind, they would be in the poop pot. Ad nauseam.
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Intentionally Blank
Of course, open mind is good. O.K., so if I understand you, you now understand what ToE says about how we get new species, and you agree with it. Is that right?


Active Member
Of course, open mind is good. O.K., so if I understand you, you now understand what ToE says about how we get new species, and you agree with it. Is that right?

Sure, I agree from your perspective red is red, and blue is blue. But I think the entire study is nothing more than a lot of old poop. Moreover, I see how governments and designers utilize species as weapons since these species are carnivorous. That has not escaped my attention, And I can understand also why the governments and special interest groups that pillage the rest of mankind can always want to be up on advanced killing technics. They put their money where their mouth is, in profit, and not humanity. Oh, maybe a small percent to keep us pacified.
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Intentionally Blank
Not my perspective, blu, yours. I don't need to ask YOU about my perspective. Do you or do you not agree that new species arise by the process I described in my example?

btw, how many times do you think I've asked you this question? Why are you so evasive? Insecure in your position?

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
But I think the entire study is nothing more than a lot of old poop.
you realize that "old poop" is responsible for modern medicine and agriculture and hosts of other things we take for granted every day.



Active Member
Not my perspective, blu, yours. I don't need to ask YOU about my perspective. Do you or do you not agree that new species arise by the process I described in my example?

btw, how many times do you think I've asked you this question? Why are you so evasive? Insecure in your position?

WhT IS BTW? You missed my post. Sitting on your computer makes you a little over aggressive. If you mean do i submit to you, you got another thought coming.

Oops, never mind, I think now it is [by the way.]


Intentionally Blank
Yes, we know you hate science, which is hilarious. I'm sure you take full advantage of it. But that's not my question. I'm still unclear. Do you agree or disagree that new species can arise by the process I described in my example? You, not me.


Well-Known Member
Did you ever read this account of the bible M H? It is no surprise to find D N A, or R N A, or any other earth born evidence in apes, or for that matter any living creature that roams the earth. (Gen 1:24) And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. What evidence you have just substantiates creationism.:yes:
I am not here to convert, or convict you, just show you the light.
Did you even read my post????


Active Member
you realize that "old poop" is responsible for modern medicine and agriculture and hosts of other things we take for granted every day.


Oh IN SEE THE GOD SIDE OF SCIENCE, And that part is A+, but the hype is for the suckers, who dig around in false hope while the rich get richer and pat you on the back for keeping the public at bay from discovering of their inner most schemes. I do not think I was born yesterday. They can keep their old poop holes to them selves. Real science does not need to dig around in some prehistoric poop hole. So stop feeding me your poop too. Either keep it clean and healthy, or lets us end any further discussion.
Please! I said it earlier too. I do not want to be breathing in septic tank breath/air. I is not habitable.:sw:
Even the OT Jews were told by God to do their dirty duty way outside the camp and bury it so as not to contaminate the air. From here on out you and Auto have go to clean up your acts.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Oh IN SEE THE GOD SIDE OF SCIENCE, And that part is A+, but the hype is for the suckers, who dig around in false hope while the rich get richer and pat you on the back for keeping the public at bay from discovering of their inner most schemes. I do not think I was born yesterday. They can keep their old poop holes to them selves. Real science does not need to dig around in some prehistoric poop hole. So stop feeding me your poop too. Either keep it clean and healthy, or lets us end any further discussion.
so I guess we are ending this discussion... you don't seem to be able to pull your head out of your own poop hole.



Well-Known Member
I do not think I was born yesterday.
You have made many posts on this thread that might call that into question.

Real science does not need to dig around in some prehistoric poop hole.
So looking for evidence to substantiate claims is a no-no. I would never have expected that from the creationist.

Either keep it clean and healthy, or lets us end any further discussion.
To have a discussion it necessary for the involved parties to understand, or at least read, each others posts. Given that, at least when it comes to my posts, you haven’t been doing that I fail to see how you can claim that you are involved in a discussion that you can withdraw from.

If you want to put the bible against science blu, then you re4ally should expect the mockery you will receive:

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Oh IN SEE THE GOD SIDE OF SCIENCE, And that part is A+, but the hype is for the suckers, who dig around in false hope while the rich get richer and pat you on the back for keeping the public at bay from discovering of their inner most schemes. I do not think I was born yesterday. They can keep their old poop holes to them selves. Real science does not need to dig around in some prehistoric poop hole. So stop feeding me your poop too. Either keep it clean and healthy, or lets us end any further discussion.
Please! I said it earlier too. I do not want to be breathing in septic tank breath/air. I is not habitable.:sw:
Even the OT Jews were told by God to do their dirty duty way outside the camp and bury it so as not to contaminate the air. From here on out you and Auto have go to clean up your acts.

Tell me about it brother, those poop diggers infiltrating the system through the air vents. PEE-YEW! And the whole time the digging keeps making the holes deeper and wider the smell keeps going higher and farther, while the so-called educated folks keep formulating their lies based on the bad odor generated from decaying excretia! If ALL mIGHTY GOD wanted us to learn from poop he would have scrawled the scriptures on a sheet of dry cow dung - am I right or is I right? I mean how much dung do you need to pile up before you need a shirpa to lug your expedition gear for you? Huzzah!


Active Member
so I guess we are ending this discussion... you don't seem to be able to pull your head out of your own poop hole.


You are a nice guy and I respect you and there is no reason for you to take offense by not accepting correction, just learn to make sense. I prefer to breath in poop air with a grain of salt.

By, by, scusa me while I disappear.:clover:


Well-Known Member
This seems relevant:
The rise of Idiot America, though, is essentially a war on expertise. It's not so much antimodernism or the distrust of the intellectual elites that Richard Hofstader teased out of the national DNA, although both of these things are part of it.

The rise of Idiot America today reflects — for profit, mainly, but also and more cynically, for political advantage and in the pursuit of power — the breakdown of the consensus that the pursuit of knowledge is a good. It also represents the ascendancy of the notion that the people we should trust the least are the people who know the best what they're talking about.

In the new media age, everybody is a historian, or a scientist, or a preacher, or a sage. And if everyone is an expert, then nobody is, and the worst thing you can be in a society where everybody is an expert is, well, an actual expert.

This is how Idiot America engages itself. It decides, en masse, with a million keystrokes and clicks of the remote control, that because there are two sides to every question, they both must be right, or at least not wrong.

And the words of an obscure biologist carry no more weight on the subject of biology than do the thunderations of some turkeyneck preacher out of Christ's Own Parking Structure in DeLand, Florida. Less weight, in fact, because our scientist is an "expert" and therefore, an "elitist." Nobody buys his books. Nobody puts him on cable. He's brilliant, surely, but no different from the rest of us, poor fool.


Resident Liberal Hippie
themadhair, autodidact, painted wolf......

blu has absolutely no understanding of science, scientific method, biology, physics, geology....
And (s)he has show no desire to learn.
blu delites in confusion and diversionary tactics, (s)he has show this over and over again.
I think when blu can prove, or even posit a reasonable hypothesis of Young Earth Creationism, using pure, unadulterated science, we will all be amazed and astounded.


Active Member
Tell me about it brother, those poop diggers infiltrating the system through the air vents. PEE-YEW! And the whole time the digging keeps making the holes deeper and wider the smell keeps going higher and farther, while the so-called educated folks keep formulating their lies based on the bad odor generated from decaying excretia! If ALL mIGHTY GOD wanted us to learn from poop he would have scrawled the scriptures on a sheet of dry cow dung - am I right or is I right? I mean how much dung do you need to pile up before you need a shirpa to lug your expedition gear for you? Huzzah!

When I first went to study psychology, the first night, the teacher stood up in front of the class and told us this A, B. S. IS BULL S.H.I. T. AN, M. S. IS MORE S.H.I. T. AND A, PHD = PILED HIGHER AND DEEPER. These pPL i am talking with is getting their info from the PHD.:D

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
You are a nice guy and I respect you and there is no reason for you to take offense by not accepting correction, just learn to make sense. I prefer to breath in poop air with a grain of salt.

By, by, scusa me while I disappear
You don't offer correction... you offer insult and nonsense. You're only retort is to call me full of $h!t... hardly a legitimate strategy for debate. Frankly I understand you feeling like you are being backed into a corner but that is no excuse for being utterly rude.

And I'm not a nice guy... I'm a nice gal. ;)
I've tried to give you a chance... but If this is the insult I get for my troubles, I shant bother further.



Well-Known Member
When I first went to study psychology, the first night, the teacher stood up in front of the class and told us this A, B. S. IS BULL S.H.I. T. AN, M. S. IS MORE S.H.I. T. AND A, PHD = PILED HIGHER AND DEEPER. These pPL i am talking with is getting their info from the PHD.:D
You went to Liberty 'university' methinks.