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Vrindavana Das

Active Member
How does the belief in reincarnation have any relationship with the concept of evolution? If anything, it goes hand in hand as I have explained earlier.

God says:-

sarva-yonisu kaunteya murtayah sambhavanti yah
tasam brahma mahad yonir aham bija-pradah pita

It should be understood that all species of life, O son of Kunti, are made possible by birth in this material nature, and that I am the seed-giving father.
B.G. - 14.04

Thus, God is the seed-giving father for all species of life. So He decides what species we go into. Reincarnation tells us that we are transmigrating from one bodily species to another by God's arrangement. We do not choose the kind of body/species we are in. You, I, a dog, a monkey...none chose our own bodies. We have been awarded these bodies.

This can also be understood from below statement:

God says:-

tan aham dvisatah kruran samsaresu naradhaman
ksipamy ajasram asubhan asurisv eva yonisu

Those who are envious and mischievious, who are the lowest among men, I perpetually cast them into the ocean of material existence, into various demoniac species of life. B.G. - 16.19

We (souls) are not evolving from one species to another - monkeys to man! We are awarded one species or another - monkey OR man. The theory of evolution is not supported by Supreme Lord anywhere - the Supreme Authority. Law of Karma (made by God) governs what kind of species we are born in- from an insignificant ant to the mighty Bramha - creator of the Universe.
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RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
For the soul there is neither birth nor death at anytime. He has not come into being, does not come into being, and will not come into being. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing and premival. He is not slain when the body is slain. B.G. - 2.20

God has clearly stated that we are the 'soul' not this body. So much for your 'ToE', which hypothesizes man came from monkey. Such false understanding is correct when we are on the platform that 'I am the body'. . Darwin's theory therefore is nothing but IGNORANCE OF THE SELF - SOUL.

I want to add to my previous response...

What you have stated has nothing to do with evolution.

You stated that: 'Such false understanding is correct when we are on the platform that 'I am the body'.

Again and again I hear this argument from Gaudiya Vaishnavas. It makes me wonder if it is your own understanding or if you are parroting the information.

The Bhagavad Gita verses are talking about reincarnation. This is the soul's evolutionary journey. With karma and realisaiton we progress from one body to another and that can be a plant, animal, human, etc. even demonic or godly beings.

Evolution refers to what happens with physical forms on the physical platform. When we say that one species evolves over time into another, we are not talking about souls. We are talking about genetics. To assume that the conversation about genetics somehow contradicts the verse concerning reincarnation is to, ironically, be confusing the body with the Self!

You go from saying that the soul is not the body, but then you seem to imply that this means the human form could not have evolved from a different form. You seem to be saying that humans are souls are one and the same! Do you see the irony here?

The soul and the physical body are not the same at all. The human body, the body of any animal or plant or any potential life-form is not the soul. The soul gives it life. The changes that occur to physical forms happen as directed by the Supreme. The soul enters the body of whatever its karma dictates.

This in no way challenges the theory of evolution. Sorry.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
We (souls) are not evolving from one species to another - monkeys to man! We are awarded one species or another - monkey OR man. The theory of evolution is not supported by Supreme Lord anywhere - the Supreme Authority. Law of Karma (made by God) governs what kind of species we are born in- from an insignificant ant to the mighty Bramha - creator of the Universe.

This is exactly what I mean in my previous post. You completely misunderstand the concept to the point where you actually seem to think that the soul is linked to the physical form.

The soul is not a monkey that becomes a human. Lol. The soul is a soul no matter what. By the soul's karma it enters a frog's body or a tree or a person or a demi-god. This has nothing to do with material evolution.

Does that make sense?

And the quote about God being in control of the creation of all species in no way contradicts the theory of evolution. If evolution is a reality, it is directed by the Supreme as all things are. People who believe in evolution do not think that we choose our own bodies. Where did you get that idea?


Active Member
Not at all. The sort of survival we deal with can only occur on a material level. On the spirit or soul level of reality, there is no such thing as death.

Keep in mind that one of or the greatest purpose of experiencing material life is so that we can make spiritual progressions. It is through our efforts and realisations in this world that our inner Self and reality flourishes. In order to accommodate this inner evolution, the physical bodies must also evolve.

Earlier you choose: The outer is a reflection of the inner (and not reverse or both)
Now you saying life experience shapes spiritual progress. This seems to me like the other way round.

Can this really be? If the outer shapes the inner, then ultimaltely God is shaped by his experiences on lower levels too? Aren't the outer layers levels of increasing illusion? So is evolution on the outer layer not an illusion, only perceived to be a evolution?
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Its only a Label
Friend Cassandra,

Realities are illusions because they are not fixed things they are vibrations or energy in motion. They are not as they appear.
You are free to call such phenomenon whatever you wish.
Personal understanding is that they are illusions that appear REAL to mind perceptions.
Those in the No-Mind see Oneness of IT all.

Love & rgds


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
Earlier you choose: The outer is a reflection of the inner (and not reverse or both)
No you saying life experience shapes spiritual progress. This seems to me like the other way round.

Can this really be? If the outer shapes the inner, then ultimaltely God is shaped by his experiences on lower levels too? Aren't the outer layers levels of increasing illusion? So is evolution on the outer layer not an illusion, only perceived to be a evolution?

They are inter-related.
But the inner is the ultimate reality. Or rather, Spirit is the ultimate reality. All material things come from Spirit; derived from Spirit.
Similarly, the Soul/individual is an eternal being, unlike the material which is all temporary.

But the material is created for a purpose and that purpose is both the lila of God and for our own spiritual progression. It is life experience, joys and suffering, mistakes and learning from a basis of ignorance that we can gradually awaken to our true Self and God-Realisation.

The process begin with spirit shaping matter. But out karmas and samskaras influence the soul. As the soul is influenced, it then turns back and shapes the outer physical world. It is a parallel journey. But Spirit is the ultimate reality, the eternal and the infinite.

Vrindavana Das

Active Member
You go from saying that the soul is not the body, but then you seem to imply that this means the human form could not have evolved from a different form. You seem to be saying that humans are souls are one and the same! Do you see the irony here?

The soul and the physical body are not the same at all. The human body, the body of any animal or plant or any potential life-form is not the soul. The soul gives it life. The changes that occur to physical forms happen as directed by the Supreme. The soul enters the body of whatever its karma dictates.

This in no way challenges the theory of evolution. Sorry.

Let us take things one level up for a better understanding.

You are right when you say a soul and a material body are different and soul gets a material body as per law of Karma and enlightenment.

Now, come to the point when a universe is created by the breathing of Maha Vishnu. At that time, generations of men, animals, aquatics, demigods....all are sent forth AT ONCE to populate the universe.

It is not that first a unicellular amoeba is sent...which divides into a multi-cellular organism...which evolves into plants, then aquatics, archaeopteryx, birds, animals (like monkeys) and then man. - which is your theory of evolution.

Also, scriptures reveal that there are 84,00,000 species of life. Had there been an evolution happening, how could we have the count of 84,00,000 different species mentioned in timeless scriptures???

WShat you seem to be talking of is adaptation to changing environment rather than evolving from one species to another...are we on the same page?


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
Let us take things one level up for a better understanding.

You are right when you say a soul and a material body are different and soul gets a material body as per law of Karma and enlightenment.

Now, come to the point when a universe is created by the breathing of Maha Vishnu. At that time, generations of men, animals, aquatics, demigods....all are sent forth AT ONCE to populate the universe.

It is not that first a unicellular amoeba is sent...which divides into a multi-cellular organism...which evolves into plants, then aquatics, archaeopteryx, birds, animals (like monkeys) and then man. - which is your theory of evolution.

Also, scriptures reveal that there are 84,00,000 species of life. Had there been an evolution happening, how could we have the count of 84,00,000 different species mentioned in timeless scriptures???

WShat you seem to be talking of is adaptation to changing environment rather than evolving from one species to another...are we on the same page?

Scripture also says that there are infinite universes with all sorts of planets and life forms. So in what context is our scripture speaking in? Is it referring to all existing life forms in all universes? Is it referring to only our planet? If it is only referring to our planet, it is not exactly timeless. So how do we interpret these verses?

If there is any chance, could you provide the quotes? It may help us divine the meaning, though maybe not seeing as scripture is so full of layered meaning and open to interpretation.


Active Member
Friend Cassandra,

Realities are illusions because they are not fixed things they are vibrations or energy in motion. They are not as they appear.
You are free to call such phenomenon whatever you wish.
Personal understanding is that they are illusions that appear REAL to mind perceptions.
Those in the No-Mind see Oneness of IT all.

Love & rgds
Hi Zenzero,

If there is only consciousness, what is the difference between appearing real and being real? Is this not semantics that should be avoided, because it only creates the illusion of illusion?
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Active Member
They are inter-related.
But the inner is the ultimate reality. Or rather, Spirit is the ultimate reality. All material things come from Spirit; derived from Spirit.
Similarly, the Soul/individual is an eternal being, unlike the material which is all temporary.

But the material is created for a purpose and that purpose is both the lila of God and for our own spiritual progression. It is life experience, joys and suffering, mistakes and learning from a basis of ignorance that we can gradually awaken to our true Self and God-Realisation.

The process begin with spirit shaping matter. But out karmas and samskaras influence the soul. As the soul is influenced, it then turns back and shapes the outer physical world. It is a parallel journey. But Spirit is the ultimate reality, the eternal and the infinite.
Hi Madhuri,

As I explained Darwin regarded God as separate of creation and not interfering after creation, that is why a purely separate materialistic mechanism was necessary to explain new archaeological finds. Modern evolutionists like Dawkins are hardcore atheist that do not even believe there is anything else than the physical. For them consciousness is a not yet understood byproduct of matter born in the complexity of the brain.

Evolution theory is a purely materialistic mechanism solely based on chance with no relation with consciousness. Any influence of consciousness is called "intelligent design"-theories and fiercely rejected by evolutionist.

So if they are interrelated, then is this evolution theory?

And I still do not see how an outer illusion could change the inner. Is it not like saying: if you change a fotograph of the Eifel tower you change the Eifel tower, because it is not a mere image but they are connected?
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Vrindavana Das

Active Member
Scripture also says that there are infinite universes with all sorts of planets and life forms. So in what context is our scripture speaking in? Is it referring to all existing life forms in all universes? Is it referring to only our planet? If it is only referring to our planet, it is not exactly timeless. So how do we interpret these verses?

Yes. Innumerable universes come out of the pores of Maha Vishnu when He exhales. When He inhales, all the material cosmic manifestations are destroyed.

The scriptures are referring to all existing life forms in the Universe. As per our karma, we transmigrate into various species ALL OVER THE UNIVERSE. To clarify: If I sin, according to my sin, I shall get a bodily species suitable for dwelling in the particular hell designed for my kind of sinners.

So, when the number of species in which the soul transmigrates, are pre-determined, where is the scope of evolution?

If there is any chance, could you provide the quotes? It may help us divine the meaning, though maybe not seeing as scripture is so full of layered meaning and open to interpretation.

God says:-

saha-yajnah prajah srstva purovaca prajapatih
anena prasavisyadhvam esa vo 'stu ista-kama-dhuk

In the begining of creation, the Lord of all creatures sent forth generations of men and demigods, along with sacrifices for Vishnu, and blessed them by saying, "Be though happy by this yajna (sacrifice) because its performance will bestow upon you everything desirable for living happily and achieving liberation." B.G. - 3.10

Srimad Bhagvatam says:

sriyah patir yajna-patih praja-patir
dhiyam patir loka-patir dhara-patih
patir gatis candhaka-vrisni-satvatam
prasidatam me bhagavan satam patih

The praja-pati is Lord Vishnu, and He is the Lord of all living creatures, all worlds, and all beauties, and the protector of everyone. The Lord created this material world to enable the conditioned sould to learn how to perform yajnas (sacrifices) for the satisfaction of Vishnu, so that while in the material world they can live very comfortably without anxiety and after finishing the present material body they can enter into the kingdom of God. S.B - 2.4.20

So you see, man has not evolved from monkey which the evolution theory believes. The theory, right from it's foundation is incorrect :)


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Hi Rasheed

They still call it evolution theory, not evolution fact
So what definition of "fact" you use?
Cassie, Cassie, Cassie! You're not reading the posts and links. You have this idee fixe that a theory is speculation or an incomplete fact. A theory often is a fact. A round Earth and a Sun centered solar system are THEORIES -- and facts.
Read: Evolution is a Fact and a Theory
Read: Stephen Jay Gould, "Evolution as Fact and Theory" 1994

This might be of interest to you. It seems all kinds of new species of animals and plants seem to have been created around the area of the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster. I don't think it can be called natural selection though.
This is interesting. But I'm skeptical. This seems like awfully fast speciation. Can you provide a link?
I know the area has reverted to Nature and is now overgrown and inhabited by wild animals, but I haven's heard of anything actually new.

Hi Wannabe Yogi,

Still this is not evolution, but simply adaptation to environment.
The Inuit adapted to cold climate too, they did not become a superior new species
But adaptation is evolution, and there are distinct anatomic and physiologic features distinct to the Inuit. Had they been left undisturbed for a million years you may well have seen a new hominin species.

adaptation is only believed to lead to evolution
It's been observed. The evidence is overwhelming.
But it is for a reason people like Dawkins changed the object of evolution from species to genes
Because it turns out that over-adaptation of species is the quickest road to extinction and not survival
So now they say, superior genes survive, creating superior species.
Nobody changed the subject, and what on Earth is "over-adaptation?" and "superior genes?" There are no superior genes.

nowadays scientist violate the principles of science
A theory disproved has to be rejected, not augmented every time it is disproved
Keeping theories alive in this way is a direct violation of the core principles of science

The same with relativity theory
It proved wrong!
Scientists do not violate scientific principles. Science discards anything "disproved." Relativity has never been "disproved."
Where do you get this stuff, Cassandra?? What sort of anti-intellectual propaganda have you been reading?

People do not realize this, but evolution theory is based on the denial of consciousness
It ignores consciousness, which is half of reality
Consciousness is assumed to spontaneously come to play during evolution
Like a ghost in the machine
The ToE does not deal with metaphysics. It applies to 3rd state only. There are different realities in different levels of consciousness. You can't mix them. What's real or true in one ks not real or true in another.
In the west religion and science each describe half of reality
That is why there are no theories to describe both at the same time
Relativity? Quantum mechanics? String "theory?"

Just saying Yes it does ...PROVES nothing.
God says:
For the soul there is neither birth nor death at anytime. He has not come into being, does not come into being, and will not come into being. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing and premival. He is not slain when the body is slain. B.G. - 2.20

God has clearly stated that we are the 'soul' not this body. So much for your 'ToE', which hypothesizes man came from monkey. Such false understanding is correct when we are on the platform that 'I am the body'. . Darwin's theory therefore is nothing but IGNORANCE OF THE SELF - SOUL.
You're mixing levels, Vrindavana. As the Rik says: "Reality is structured in consciousness." Comparing the reality of waking-state to that of cosmic consciousness makes no sense at all.

I went to the advised site. The website claims:
Talk.origins is a Usenet newsgroup devoted to the discussion and debate of biological and physical origins.

Inside is '29+ Evidences of Macroevolution: The Scientific Case for Common Descent'.
This link when clicked, the article opens with heading:
29+ Evidences for Macroevolution "Evidences"?

The heading says it all .... :D
There is not single evidence there. Only a discussion on 'evidences' vis-a-vis 'proofs'!

Do not believe me? Try: [talkorigins.org/faqs/comdesc/evidences.html]29+ Evidences for Macroevolution: "Evidences"?[/url]

Just Google searching a topic does not validate anything. Just saying 'Yes it does ... ' proves NOTHING 'o wise internet-surfer' :)
I don't understand. Are you objecting to the word "evidences?"
Apparently you take issue with the ToE or with macroevolution in some way. Can you clarify your point?

Absolutely right! The feeling is mutual my friend. Just because half the world believed 'the world is flat.. and said...YES IT IS....did that make the world flat? People of that era, with their THEORIES also believed the world to be flat with as much conviction which you have on theory of evolution. It did not make them anymore right than it makes you.
Flat-Earth was never a scientific theory. Just because something is widely believed doesn't make it a theory.

So it is a dead-lock. Where do we go from here? We have to take knowledge from a higher source...
The HIGHEST SOURCE IS GOD. God explains everything perfectly because He is the origin of both material sciences and spiritual science - religion. Scriptures are infallible.
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RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
Hi Madhuri,

As I explained Darwin regarded God as separate of creation and not interfering after creation, that is why a purely separate materialistic mechanism was necessary to explain new archaeological finds. Modern evolutionists like Dawkins are hardcore atheist that do not even believe there is anything else than the physical. For them consciousness is a not yet understood byproduct of matter born in the complexity of the brain.

Evolution theory is a purely materialistic mechanism solely based on chance with no relation with consciousness. Any influence of consciousness is called "intelligent design"-theories and fiercely rejected by evolutionist.

So if they are interrelated, then is this evolution theory?

And I still do not see how an outer illusion could change the inner. Is it not like saying: if you change a fotograph of the Eifel tower you change the Eifel tower, because it is not a mere image but they are connected?

The theory of evolution does not count or discount God, spirit or any such thing. Persons such as Dawkins, as you have mentioned, have their own interpretations.

The theory of evolution is an observation of the physical process only. It cannot speculate about anything else. My explanations thus far are a combination of belief in the physical process as well as my believe in a spiritual reality. Thus it is my interpretation.

In other words, whether consciousness and spirit or God is the controller behind the physical world, the theory of evolution cannot hold a position. It can only observe a pattern that occurs on the physical world.

It is important not to think that the interpretations of popular evolutionists are reflections of the actual theory of evolution. The theory does not have an opinion concerning the existence or non-existence of a supreme Deity.

Cassandra, what do you believe the purpose of material existence to be? Is there a purpose? If there is a purpose, what is it?

We know that karma and reincarnation are a part of Vedic teaching. We know that the soul strives to gain Realisation and thus liberation from this material existence.

If this world and our actions have no influence on the soul, then nothing in this belief system works or makes sense. If there is no influence of this life on our permanent reality, then there is no purpose to it.

The body is a vehicle for the soul. The body is given a many qualities that allow the living entity to use in order to experience life and learn and mature. Each life is a learning process. At the end of the journey, after many lives, the soul reaches a great stage of maturity in which he/she/it is able to liberate itself.

The material universe is not unreal. It is illusory, but really the illusion is in our own perception since we are covered by ignorance.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
Yes. Innumerable universes come out of the pores of Maha Vishnu when He exhales. When He inhales, all the material cosmic manifestations are destroyed.

The scriptures are referring to all existing life forms in the Universe. As per our karma, we transmigrate into various species ALL OVER THE UNIVERSE. To clarify: If I sin, according to my sin, I shall get a bodily species suitable for dwelling in the particular hell designed for my kind of sinners.

So, when the number of species in which the soul transmigrates, are pre-determined, where is the scope of evolution?

I think this is very open to interpretation. After all, species are constantly becoming extinct. So one moment there will be 8million, the next there will be 7.9 million.
Perhaps the verse is saying that over the course of the creation cycle, there is to be that specific amount of species in existence. The verse does not clarify anything, to say that the creation begins with a certain amount of species or that it ends with that many species.

I think based on this lack of clarity of the verse, there is plenty of scope for evolution.

Also, I cannot seem to find a specific quote than mentions the number of species. I see Prabhupada's mention of this, but not actual scripture. Help?

God says:-

saha-yajnah prajah srstva purovaca prajapatih
anena prasavisyadhvam esa vo 'stu ista-kama-dhuk

In the begining of creation, the Lord of all creatures sent forth generations of men and demigods, along with sacrifices for Vishnu, and blessed them by saying, "Be though happy by this yajna (sacrifice) because its performance will bestow upon you everything desirable for living happily and achieving liberation." B.G. - 3.10

The praja-pati is Lord Vishnu, and He is the Lord of all living creatures, all worlds, and all beauties, and the protector of everyone. The Lord created this material world to enable the conditioned sould to learn how to perform yajnas (sacrifices) for the satisfaction of Vishnu, so that while in the material world they can live very comfortably without anxiety and after finishing the present material body they can enter into the kingdom of God. S.B - 2.4.20

So you see, man has not evolved from monkey which the evolution theory believes. The theory, right from it's foundation is incorrect :)

What stands out for me is that nowhere does it mention that all these entities were created at the same time. In fact those two verses say nothing about the process of creation, what was created first, when they were created etc. So it has no bearing on this topic.

On the other hand, the following verses I find very interesting:

"SB 11.22.29: The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: O best among men, material nature and its enjoyer are clearly distinct. This manifest creation undergoes constant transformation, being founded upon the agitation of the modes of nature."

In this verse, the number of species is defined as 'innumerable':

"SB 3.11.28: ... By the influence of eternal time, the innumerable living entities remain merged in that dissolution, and everything is silent."

In Canto 3, chapter 10 of SB, it is explained that there are many kinds of creations. They are put into order, because they are created separately, at different times.

"SB 3.10.18: All the above are natural creations by the external energy of the Lord. Now hear from me about the creations by Brahmā, who is an incarnation of the mode of passion and who, in the matter of creation, has a brain like that of the Personality of Godhead.

SB 3.10.19: The seventh creation is that of the immovable entities, which are of six kinds: the fruit trees without flowers, trees and plants which exist until the fruit is ripe, creepers, pipe plants, creepers which have no support, and trees with flowers and fruits.

SB 3.10.20: All the immovable trees and plants seek their subsistence upwards. They are almost unconscious but have feelings of pain within. They are manifested in variegatedness.

SB 3.10.21: The eighth creation is that of the lower species of life, and they are of different varieties, numbering twenty-eight. They are all extensively foolish and ignorant. They know their desirables by smell, but are unable to remember anything within the heart.

SB 3.10.26: The creation of the human beings, who are of one species only and who stock their eatables in the belly, is the ninth in the rotation. In the human race, the mode of passion is very prominent. Humans are always busy in the midst of miserable life, but they think themselves happy in all respects."

What the verses fail to do is explain when or how far apart these creations occurred. Which means that it is open to interpretation.


Active Member
The theory of evolution is an observation of the physical process only. It cannot speculate about anything else. My explanations thus far are a combination of belief in the physical process as well as my believe in a spiritual reality. Thus it is my interpretation.

In other words, whether consciousness and spirit or God is the controller behind the physical world, the theory of evolution cannot hold a position. It can only observe a pattern that occurs on the physical world.

As I see it: Evolution has never been observed. Observing changes in a populations is not the same as observing evolution. As I showed earlier transistors evolved into complex chips, you can observe that, but that does not mean you observe evolution as in evolution theory. That things change has never been a matter of discussion. The discussion is about how these changes come about, what is driving force/mechanism? You do not observe the mechanism itself. To me you seem to propose other mechanisms involving consciousness, that is called "intelligent design".

Cassandra, what do you believe the purpose of material existence to be? Is there a purpose? If there is a purpose, what is it?
This is a hard question: I do not believe in a purpose of material existence. Whose purpose? I think purpose only exists on earth in thinking, it is part of Maya. For God all is Lila.Even the Gods play their games for pleasure. Pleasure needs no reason. We are all in it for the ride not because the ride has a destination. Dharma governs reality but not for a purpose, it is simply what structures reality. Every universe may have its own Dharma. I do not claim to understand it either. The heart may know, but the mind seems to live in its own beliefs. We create our own answers along the way.
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RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
Cassandra, I think you will find the answer about observing evolution in the study of genetics. But I am no expert in this topic but there are a lot of very knowledgeable on this forum, in the general areas.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
Here is an interesting extract from the Vishnu Purana. Note that the use of the word 'world' does not mean a separate planet. It is talking about time, or Yuga, perhaps. For example, it states "constitute the primitive world"

As soon as Brahma thought of creation, Tamoguni (full of darkness) creatures were the first to
appear. Absence of knowledge and presence of evils like attachment, anger etc. were the main
virtues of these creatures. These creatures include lower organisms, trees, shrubs, creepers,
plants and grasses. These together constitute the primitive world. Their creation was followed by
the appearance of animals and birds, which are devoid of wisdom and are full of ego. They are
also unaware of the nature of another organism of their status.
Still unsatisfied with His creation, Lord created the next world, which has a somewhat elevated
position. The living beings that were produced in this world had internal and external knowledge,
power of reflection and loved physical comforts. Though this creation pleased the Lord, He was
still unsatisfied. So He created the next world, which was situated at a somewhat lower position.
This new world had excess of all the three virtues. Human beings populate this world and
because of excess of vices, they are full of sorrow but at the same time, highly active, have
internal and external knowledge and are able to attain their goals.
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