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Ex Christians


lets see how she jumps through hoops in hopes of making this look attractive enough to justify why it's ok for god to torture and murder people.


After 120-odd pages of this stuff, I wonder if she's still not sure why people would want to reject Christianity.


Veteran Member
After 120-odd pages of this stuff, I wonder if she's still not sure why people would want to reject Christianity.

speaking from my personal experience...i had to put myself in uncomfortable situations, meaning living in the real world as i was completely surrounded by those who believed as i did for the 1st 25 yrs of my life, which made me test my faith...to prove my faith to myself other wise it was a faith based on wishful thinking. and what good can be gained by faith based on wishful thinking?


speaking from my personal experience...i had to put myself in uncomfortable situations, meaning living in the real world as i was completely surrounded by those who believed as i did for the 1st 25 yrs of my life, which made me test my faith...to prove my faith to myself other wise it was a faith based on wishful thinking. and what good can be gained by faith based on wishful thinking?

Would being put in a position where you had to defend torture, honour killings and murder in order to argue that the Christian God is good have qualified as a "difficult situation"? I ask because I enter into these debates with such conviction in the hope that I might plant a seed somewhere that will one day flourish into the incomparably beautiful, liberating flower of reason.


Veteran Member
Would being put in a position where you had to defend torture, honour killings and murder in order to argue that the Christian God is good have qualified as a "difficult situation"?
well sort of. anyone can speak out of their respective ***'s, it's when reality starts to come into play that, for me, was were i started to test reality to the fiction in this book, as i think it's a book of mythology more than anything else...i am referring to the jewish bible that has been twisted into meaning something it wasn't supposed to mean, but i digress.
so in this case, if god is a personal god and is concerned with me, why would me being a midianite make god hate me or want to kill my baby brother and keep me, a virgin 8 yr old for the tribe of israel...it's the way christians interpret this very story that doesn't seem to gel with the notion god cares

I ask because I enter into these debates with such conviction in the hope that I might plant a seed somewhere that will one day flourish into the incomparably beautiful, liberating flower of reason.
let me put it to you this way, had i participated in a religious forum like this, when i was younger, my conversion would have been less painful and would have happened much earlier in life...at least i like to think so.
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Active Member
why not?isn't god supposed to make himself clear enough to be able to satisfy my criteria for what is true or not?
God's instructions are clear. A women had to provide proof of her viginity or she was killed. You're making the instructions complicated by saying that inoccent women must have died because of a fallible test. Again the Israelites had no issues with God's commands.
So then to answer your original question, no God doesn't need to be so specific for you to have your criteria satisfied.
why not? he killed little midianite boys.
The midianite boys had broken his law(and they were sinners), he had every right to kill them. The virgin girls in Deuteronomy weren't guilty of that law mentioned in chapter 22, so there's no reason God would've allowed people to use that law to justify killing inoccents.
however, you wouldn't object to it. nice set of morals you got.
If I saw a christain or anyone, today, start stoning a girl who had premarital sex I most certainly would object. Because God doesn't command us to kill women who aren't virgins. That law was given to ancient Israel.
so you are saying infants up to 6 yr old boys were apart of deceiving israel but the young virgin midianite girls didn't...really?
No, God showed mercy on the virgin girls. The Bible doesn't say why, but God is merciful, so him doing that isn't really inconsistent with his character.
However if you want to look at his mercy as inconsistency then go ahead.
inconsistency is generally not a good trait.
I agree, but God's not inconsistent.
then what do you base your morals on?
As I've said many times, the Bible, or the commands God gives to us.
is your god that vein? if they worshipped other gods, let them go to hell when they die...right?
Well worshipping other gods is against God's law, so he'd have every right to send them to hell.
no no nothe virgin midianite girls.
remember...consistency, consistency, consistency
Sorry, I thought you were talking about the girls from deuteronomy, and as I said above he was being merciful to them.(and before you ask, no I don't know why. I can guess but I can't be sure)
prove that he is not unjust
Um okay..prove he's unjust according to who?
btw, don't you think by making that claim your attempting to make your god look nice and pretty?
No, if I was trying to make God look nice and pretty I'd just ignore all the posts about him killing people and I'd juust talk about only the stories that show his love and care. Of course that would look pretty pathetic(or at least I think it would)
your god is inconsistent, that's not pretty.
I agree inconsistency isn't a good thing, but God's not inconsistent.
After 120-odd pages of this stuff, I wonder if she's still not sure why people would want to reject Christianity.
Not at all I said way back that I understand why people have left christianity.
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Active Member
Except for all the millions of people who were born before Christs' supposed sacrifice, or the millions of people born into cultures that followed a different religion, or the millions of children who died in their youth.
Where is their choice?
They were able to chose to follow God's laws.
This doesn't make sense. It's the sin that is supposedly being punished, and sin is finite.[/quote]
Yes but we also chose to sin, and if God just wanted to take away our sin he'd have to take away our ability to make choices, cause if he didn't we could still chose to sin anytime. Think of what would happen if right now God released everyone from hell and brought them back to earth, Do you honestly think they'd never sin again??
Not only that, supposedly Jesus conquered sin and death at
the cross, so the idea that it would then take God forever to
address frail human shortcomings makes Him seem rather
ineffective at fixing them, not to mention making Jesus's
sacrifice look like an utter failure in accomplishing what it
was intended to accomplish.
Christ's death provided us with the option of chosing to be in a relationship with God as opposed to a destined eternal separation form him.
Vadergirl, as I indicated in post
#646, everyone bases their morality on what they feel is right. Even Christians do this. No one is going to base their morality on what they think is
And as I said then good point haha
So, under what circumstances do you consider torture to be moral?
Personally, I'd never torture someone. I can't even bring myself to kill an animal so I definitey coudln't torture someone.
Splitting hairs. The term for murdering women on suspicion of sexual immorality is honour killing.
We're thinking of different things. I was thinking of honor killing where a girl/women is murdered because she brought dishonor to her family. And those women weren't killed based on suspicion they were given the chance to present proof.
You've vigorously defended the practice. It's either right or wrong. There are no shades of grey for you to latch onto there. If you think it's OK in certain circumstances, you basically think it's OK.
First off I've said countless times I, "approve" God making this law, but that my approval doesn't matter.
So far your morality seems to boil down to "anything the Christian God does or commands his followers to do is OK, including torture and murder".
My morality is based on what God tells me to do yes. and I don't think the laws he gave Israel were wrong/immoral. God gives those laws to protect us form ourselves. You know how a father sometimes creates laws that his children don't understand but that'll help them. That's what God's like. We're all sinners and if we had no laws we'd have one chaotic planet.
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Active Member
So you base everything you know about God on a book of unknown origin written two-thousand years ago for which we no longer possess any original copies?
The books aren't of unknown origin and yes I base my beliefs about God on it.
You almost definitely do. It's impossible to follow the Bible without interpreting it.
No I really don't. I don't go into the Bible looking for a verse, passage, etc to supprort what I beleive. I let it dictate what I believe
Why are they relevant?
Just like I shouldn't ignore the passages where God kills people others shouldn't ingonre the passages where he's being loving, caring, or merciful.
A loving God would not kill millions (if not billions) of the people he supposedly loves.
God does love us, but we're also guilty by being sinners, He shows his love by giving us the choice to be with him for eternity. However if we chose to be eternally separated from him then we pay the price. God doesn't force us to love him back. He lets us chose to be eternally separated.
Why should that matter? Are you saying slavery is okay?
It matters because God's not endorsing slavery(as you originally said), he's permitting it, and personally I feel that owning another human being is wrong.
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Well-Known Member
God's instructions are clear. A women had to provide proof of her viginity or she was killed. You're making the instructions complicated by saying that inoccent women must have died because of a fallible test. Again the Israelites had no issues with God's commands.

The problem is that it's quite difficult to provide proof of your virginity, and that's why the law is flawed. I don't think a modern full gynecological examination was possible back then. Virginity test are controversial and unreliable even today, so we must assume that they didn't have superior medical knowledge 2500 years ago.

There is no perfect method recorded in Jewish history, and I see no reason to believe that there was a perfect method.

This doesn't mean that God is flawed, it only means that the recorded laws are flawed. Maybe they were invented by man, or maybe there was an error in writing them down. There is nothing about the Bible that supports it being infallible, as it was put together by man.
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The problem is that it's quite difficult to provide proof of your virginity, and that's why the law is flawed. I don't think a modern full gynecological examination was possible back then. Virginity test are controversial and unreliable even today, so we must assume that they didn't have superior medical knowledge 2500 years ago.

There is no perfect method recorded in Jewish history, and I see no reason to believe that there was a perfect method.

This doesn't mean that God is flawed, it only means that the recorded laws are flawed. Maybe they were invented by man, or maybe there was an error in writing them down. There is nothing about the Bible that supports it being infallible, as it was put together by man.

To be totally clear, even a modern gynecological exam can not determine with 100% certainty whether or not a woman is a virgin.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
God's instructions are clear.
You have spent much of this thread speculating about some unknown undefined infallible virginity test, when the text seems to indicate that a blood stained sheet was the only test used. When you need to engage in this kind of mental gymnastics and speculation it is obvious the instructions are anything but clear.


We're thinking of different things. I was thinking of honor killing where a girl/women is murdered because she brought dishonor to her family. And those women weren't killed based on suspicion they were given the chance to present proof.

And if they couldn't present "proof" of virginity, which is now and always has been impossible with 100% certainty, according to everything we know about female biology, they would be killed.

The thing is, Vadergirl, EVEN IF a girl is guilty of sexual immorality, it is still barbaric to murder her. Even the act you think you are defending (murdering a girl who we are 100% certain has had sex) is evil by any civilized measure of morality.

I don't care what you call it, all civilized societies are appalled by the idea of murdering women for sexual immorality. My country recently convicted a Muslim father for murdering three girls for sexual immorality, the very act and ideology you are defending.

Shafia jury finds all guilty of 1st-degree murder - Montreal - CBC News

In your opinion that it's OK to murder women for not being virgins, you are quite alone in the West, even among most Christians.

First off I've said countless times I, "approve" God making this law, but that my approval doesn't matter.

My morality is based on what God tells me to do yes. and I don't think the laws he gave Israel were wrong/immoral. God gives those laws to protect us form ourselves. You know how a father sometimes creates laws that his children don't understand but that'll help them. That's what God's like. We're all sinners and if we had no laws we'd have one chaotic planet.

I know how sometimes fathers abuse their children and the children don't understand why. Then the children grow up and start thinking for themselves, and hopefully realize their fathers were wrong to abuse them. (Otherwise, they tend to become mentally ill.)


Well-Known Member
To be totally clear, even a modern gynecological exam can not determine with 100% certainty whether or not a woman is a virgin.

That's why I said that they're unreliable even today :D. But I guess that might have been directed at Vadergirl. All in all, there's no evidence that there existed some kind of perfect virginity test back when the laws were written that has since been forgotten.

We cannot and have never been able to 100% prove virginity.
Yes but we also chose to sin,
But how could they (we weren't there yet, by the way :))
choose to sin prior to having eaten from the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil? Prior to doing that they didn’t
know what “sin” even was, that they could knowingly choose it.
And I also don’t see it as being our choice anyway since
Romans says God bound us over to disobedience. It wasn’t our

and if God just wanted to take away our sin he'd have to take away our ability to make choices, cause if he didn't we could still chose to sin anytime.
You mentioned this previously; my previous response to that
can be found in post
738. Are you saying you disagree with your
bible when it says that Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes
away the sin of the world?

Think of what would happen if right now God released everyone from hell and brought them back to earth, Do you honestly think they'd never sin again??
My faith in God’s ability to transform people allows me to say
yes, I honestly think they would never sin again (whatever that
actually means-- “sin” is defined differently by various belief
systems). :) Partly because since being liberated from their
physical bodies they’d have had a chance to see God in person,
which -- combined with no longer being swayed by the various
biochemical and physiological issues that themselves could
cause one to “sin” -- undoubtedly would have a
transformational effect on them. On top of that, I don’t believe
there’s a hell in the first place. :)

Christ's death provided us with the option of chosing to be in a relationship with God as opposed to a destined eternal separation form him.
That’s not how scripture seems to present it. God isn’t asking
our permission in this area. The bible draws a parallel in a few
places between the manner in which we died in Adam and the
manner in which we are redeemed through Christ. There were
no options of choosing to be dead in Adam, were there? No.
Likewise, there are no options of being redeemed in Christ.
Again, Jesus said mankind had to be
born again. The one being
born doesn’t choose for that to happen - the decision is made
higher up on his behalf.

Also, it’s impossible to be separated from an Omnipresent



Active Member
The problem is that it's quite difficult to provide proof of your virginity, and that's why the law is flawed.
And if they couldn't present "proof" of virginity, which is now and always has been impossible with 100% certainty, according to everything we know about female biology, they would be killed.
The Israelites didn't seem to have any problem with it. If they had(such as inoccents being killed or questions about what the proof was) God probably would've added more specifics to the law. Obviously he had no reason to do this because the law was working fine.
The thing is, Vadergirl, EVEN IF a girl is guilty of sexual immorality, it is still barbaric to murder her. Even the act you think you are defending (murdering a girl who we are 100% certain has had sex) is evil by any civilized measure of morality.
In today's society yes it would be seen as barbaric. Again God doesn't tell us to murder girls who've been promiscuous.

I don't care what you call it, all civilized societies are appalled by the idea of murdering women for sexual immorality. My country recently convicted a Muslim father for murdering three girls for sexual immorality, the very act and ideology you are defending.
In your opinion that it's OK to murder women for not being virgins, you are quite alone in the West, even among most Christians.
I've said like 20times at least that there's no reason to kill someone for sexual immorality today because God's instructions were to the Israelites. I'm not defending the fact that we should kill women who engage in promiscuous relationships. I'm defending God's right to punish people however he wants for breaking his laws. If you're going to attack me then do it from that angle, and stop saying I woudl kill a women who had sex, I support people today killing women who have premarital sex, etc. I'm getting annoyed of having to constantly tell you that I never said any such thing.
I know how sometimes fathers abuse their children and the children don't understand why. Then the children grow up and start thinking for themselves, and hopefully realize their fathers were wrong to abuse them. (Otherwise, they tend to become mentally ill.)
Yes some father's do abuse their children, and it's because they're sinners. However think of how great God is. He's not a sinner, he loves us, and he knows everything about us. :)


Well-Known Member
The Israelites didn't seem to have any problem with it. If they had(such as inoccents being killed or questions about what the proof was) God probably would've added more specifics to the law. Obviously he had no reason to do this because the law was working fine.

Why would God have done this? He didn't correct the people who went on the crusades. He doesn't come down and say "this version of Christianity is wrong" about the versions that deviates from his original plan. He isn't very active in correcting his followers and the scripture.

The law was flawed, seeing as there is no way a girl could prove to 100% that she's a virgin. Whether it was because of man or because of God, we can't know. The law could very well have been written down wrongly or misinterpreted. You don't need to defend the law and how it was used, as you believe that the law is abolished. If the law was perfect, then why would Jesus have changed it? Jesus said that only the ones free from sin should carry out the punishment, and if that was His opinion, then why didn't He include that in the Old Law? If you believe in the words of Paul, then the old law could very well have been flawed, as it was abolished. All unclean foods were suddenly clean, which doesn't work well with the old law at all, so Jesus clearly changed the law if we are to trust Paul and the Gospels (which incidentally totally sounds like an indie rock band :D).

Bob L

So I've read a couple of posts about people claiming to be "ex christians" and I'm curious as to what they mean exactly. If you are an ex-christain were you in a relationship with Jesus Christ and decided you wanted the relationship to end? Was it that the belief of christiantity stopped making sense or something else entirely? Please let me know.

After much research and examination I came to the conclusion that there was absolutely no evidence for the existence of a God and all the things associated with it, so I became an atheist.


The Israelites didn't seem to have any problem with it. If they had(such as inoccents being killed or questions about what the proof was) God probably would've added more specifics to the law. Obviously he had no reason to do this because the law was working fine.

In today's society yes it would be seen as barbaric. Again God doesn't tell us to murder girls who've been promiscuous.

I've said like 20times at least that there's no reason to kill someone for sexual immorality today because God's instructions were to the Israelites. I'm not defending the fact that we should kill women who engage in promiscuous relationships. I'm defending God's right to punish people however he wants for breaking his laws. If you're going to attack me then do it from that angle, and stop saying I woudl kill a women who had sex, I support people today killing women who have premarital sex, etc. I'm getting annoyed of having to constantly tell you that I never said any such thing.

Yes some father's do abuse their children, and it's because they're sinners. However think of how great God is. He's not a sinner, he loves us, and he knows everything about us. :)

Sorry, but your insistence that God is great, is not a sinner, loves us and knows everything about is is totally negated by your assertion that he instructed some of us to murder women who could not prove they were virgins.


Why would God have done this? He didn't correct the people who went on the crusades. He doesn't come down and say "this version of Christianity is wrong" about the versions that deviates from his original plan. He isn't very active in correcting his followers and the scripture.

The law was flawed, seeing as there is no way a girl could prove to 100% that she's a virgin. Whether it was because of man or because of God, we can't know. The law could very well have been written down wrongly or misinterpreted. You don't need to defend the law and how it was used, as you believe that the law is abolished. If the law was perfect, then why would Jesus have changed it? Jesus said that only the ones free from sin should carry out the punishment, and if that was His opinion, then why didn't He include that in the Old Law? If you believe in the words of Paul, then the old law could very well have been flawed, as it was abolished. All unclean foods were suddenly clean, which doesn't work well with the old law at all, so Jesus clearly changed the law if we are to trust Paul and the Gospels (which incidentally totally sounds like an indie rock band :D).

This is a damn fine example of logic at work. It doesn't conflict with anything the Bible says, but it does require that one recognize that "God" is not perfect.


Veteran Member
God's instructions are clear. A women had to provide proof of her viginity or she was killed. You're making the instructions complicated by saying that inoccent women must have died because of a fallible test. Again the Israelites had no issues with God's commands.
i don't care if they had a problem with it or not...i have a problem with it.

So then to answer your original question, no God doesn't need to be so specific for you to have your criteria satisfied.
which is why i am an ex christian.

The midianite boys had broken his law(and they were sinners), he had every right to kill them. The virgin girls in Deuteronomy weren't guilty of that law mentioned in chapter 22, so there's no reason God would've allowed people to use that law to justify killing inoccents.
the little virgin girls in numbers where just as guilty as the little midianite boys in numbers. so why spare the virgin girls?

If I saw a christain or anyone, today, start stoning a girl who had premarital sex I most certainly would object. Because God doesn't command us to kill women who aren't virgins. That law was given to ancient Israel.
so god changes his mind...oh right that means god is consistent, right?

No, God showed mercy on the virgin girls. The Bible doesn't say why, but God is merciful, so him doing that isn't really inconsistent with his character.
you mean his inconsistent character?

I agree, but God's not inconsistent.
sure he is. ask yourself what a midianite virgin thought when her entire family was slaughtered, including her baby brother?

As I've said many times, the Bible, or the commands God gives to us.
and how do you determine that morals are to be based on the bible?

Well worshipping other gods is against God's law, so he'd have every right to send them to hell.
exactly, so then why resort to murder if god will get em in the end anyway?

Sorry, I thought you were talking about the girls from deuteronomy, and as I said above he was being merciful to them.(and before you ask, no I don't know why. I can guess but I can't be sure)
what is your guess?

Um okay..prove he's unjust according to who?
he killed baby boys and left virgin girls alive, who were both just as guilty as sin...why not just kill the virgin girls just the same? that would be just.

No, if I was trying to make God look nice and pretty I'd just ignore all the posts about him killing people and I'd juust talk about only the stories that show his love and care. Of course that would look pretty pathetic(or at least I think it would)
you are claiming the brutal murder of children, deserving of gods wrath, as just.

I agree inconsistency isn't a good thing, but God's not inconsistent.
prove it. he killed baby boys and left virgin girls alive, who were both just as guilty as sin...why not just kill the virgin girls just the same? that would be consistent.
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