The Lost One
First, you give the impression of one who pretends to know more than they know. Just stop it. We all have Wikipedia access.
Back between 2005 & 2009, I was doing research in the hope of creating 2 new websites:
One did became active - Dark Mirrors of Heaven, which mainly focused on non-canonical sources & extra-biblical sources to:
- Gnostic texts (Nag Hammadi codices),
- the Pseudepigraha (Boook of Enoch, Book of Jubilees)
- the Aggadah
The other was supposed to be Egyptian myths, Sumerian-Akkadian myths and Ugaritic myths; this would have been similar to my main website, Timeless Myths (from 1999). Prior to 2009, what books I didn't own, I had spend a lot of time at the State Library, the largest library in Melbourne. However, this proposed website was delayed then cancel, due to my parents being elderly and ill-health, and I became their primary carer. But I still have a lot of my research notes.
The things are the books I bought included some historical backgrounds of where those sources originated. The "Introduction" in those books provide a lot of insight to each kingdoms' cultures.
That gone me researching this history of where those sources come from.
Did some of my information come from Wikipedia? Yes.
But other information came from other sources and resources, outside of wikipedia.
I have always being interested in history.