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Exodus Archeology Evidence

River Sea

Well-Known Member
Thank you very much for your trouble, River Sea.
You may indeed have a route taken in to Israel in ancient times, but the Exodus described in the bible commenced in Egypt and crossed either the gap-sea above the Red Sea or the reed sea above that, and thence in to the lands to the Northern and Eastern areas. Your route does not show any part of that journey so I am not sure that we are speaking about the same people on the same journey.

@oldbadger Thank you for showing your appreciation of me showing the map. I appreciate you being thankful. I like showing what I had learned when reading the book that @Bharat Jhunjhunwala wrote.

@oldbadger @Bharat Jhunjhunwala

What do you think is the difference between red sea and reed sea?

@oldbadger Maybe the reason it doesn't show what you were looking for is because @Bharat Jhunjhunwala is showing from a direction from south east to north west. Would this be the reason, @Bharat Jhunjhunwala ?

I'm using the modern name India.
It's the Yadavas who left India during 1446 BC; other tribes left at other times. Yes, it was the drought that caused this need to find somewhere else to live.

@Bharat Jhunjhunwala
I still wonder why these tribes in India (modern name) didn't travel to the east on the other side of the Yamuna River, where the river flowed east and no longer flowed west, which caused the drought on the west side of the river due to no water flow. What prevented them from traveling east to the other side of the river? Instead, they traveled north-west, and so far away, how come? Interesting that the Yadavas has this same DNA as the Hebrews which is the R-M124

I learned this from @Bharat Jhunjhunwala as he showed similarities with these stories and similarities with these prophets.

More info here
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River Sea

Well-Known Member
Let us take up Genesis 11.31. I agree that Chaldeans at Ur is anachronistic. But that is precisely my point because Chaldeans at Ur anachronistic, therefore we have an alternative to look at another place and my study shows that Ur Chaldeans was actually in the middle Indus Valley where the Ghaggar River enters from India in the middle Indus Valley, in the cholistan area. This area was fully inhabited at 2000 BCE and there was huge trade with the upper Indus Valley. More importantly, the Hindus, even living Hindus, are known to be great followers of astrology and I understand that the word Ur Chaldeans has relationship with astrology. Furthermore, Hindu idols have the six spooked wheel as a symbol of sun and other stars. So, anachronism in Mesopotamia becomes history in Indus Valley.

Now, let us take up the flood of Genesis. Now, I once again, this is precisely the point. If Egypt existed in the Indus Valley and specifically it is identified with the site of Chanhu-Daro, then this site existed between 2500 and 1500 BCE. So, if the flood took place in at circa 3000 BCE.

Regarding Genesis and Exodus being unreliable. My sense is that the unreliability arises because we are looking at the wrong place. But if we start looking at the Indus Valley, the unreliability transforms into reliability.

@oldbadger @Bharat Jhunjhunwala

screenshot when flooding happens?


Yet @Bharat Jhunjhunwala @oldbadger this flooding happened before drought, then later drought, so no flooding.

What, when the moon of what, to show of what?

How does one answer the question of the moon that @oldbadger asked?

Presumably you would know exactly what Phase the moon was in at the time? Just past full-moon, possibly?

@Bharat Jhunjhunwala @oldbadger
How to figure out moon when there's a drought or when there's flooding?

How do you figure this out, from ancient times?

Oh also from @Bharat Jhunjhunwala pdf academia can see that map from there too: one has to scroll down to find.



Oh I think @Bharat Jhunjhunwala thinks cross all rivers and no crossing of sea

@Bharat Jhunjhunwala please show @oldbadger more detail when closer to Israel please. What is the detail you asking @oldbadger ?
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Skanky Old Mongrel!
@oldbadger Thank you for showing your appreciation of me showing the map. I appreciate you being thankful. I like showing what I had learned when reading the book that @Bharat Jhunjhunwala wrote.

What do you think is the difference between red sea and reed sea?
I think that it is possible that the Red Sea mentioned in Exodus was the Reed Sea, a vast marshy area to the North of the Gulf of Suez (maybe South of the Great Bitter Lake) where Israelites slaves had to work, not frequented by or familiar to the Egyptian masters.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
@oldbadger Thank you for showing your appreciation of me showing the map. I appreciate you being thankful. I like showing what I had learned when reading the book that @Bharat Jhunjhunwala wrote.

What do you think is the difference between red sea and reed sea?
I think that it is possible that the Red Sea mentioned in Exodus was the Reed Sea, a vast marshy area to the North of the Gulf of Suez (maybe South of the Great Bitter Lake) where Israelites slaves had to work, not frequented by or familiar to the Egyptian masters.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
What, when the moon of what, to show of what?

How does one answer the question of the moon?
The Bible tells us that there was a full moon just before the exodus took place. The feast of the Passover held in the Great Temple took place during the equinoctial full moon.
Tidal ebbs and flows are much faster and with a much larger range of tidal rise and fall, especially when they occur in the equinoxes.. Also a severe storm might have added to this effect with a 'storm surge' = a massively high tide with the possibility of a huge tidal bore sweeping up the the gap-sea and into the wetland.

Sadly I don't have the opportunity to investigate such possibilities nor the local knowledge to support all this. It's just my guess.

Bharat Jhunjhunwala

@oldbadger @Bharat Jhunjhunwala

(1) What do you think the exact route of the Exodus might have been?

I learned this route from @Bharat Jhunjhunwala
Route of the Exodus. (1) Vadnagar to Chachran. (2) Chachran to Kabul. (2A) Short Route avoided by Hebrews. (3) Kabul to Kandahar. (4) Kandahar to Tehran via Hamun-e-Mashkel, Taftan and Isfahan. (5) Tehran to the Kangavar along the Silk Road. (6) South along the east bank of Tigris River to Al-Qurnah. (6A) Proposed travel through Baghdad not permitted by King of Edom. (7) North from Al-Qurnah along west bank of the Euphrates River. (8) West of Baghdad to Yisrael along the Silk Road.

(2) Presumably you would know exactly what Phase the moon was in at the time? Just past full moon possibly?

Answer: I'll ask the question with (2): Do full moons cause mud volcanoes to erupt?

(3) Who if anyone could have been familiar with the route taken across the red sea, or was it a 'reed' sea?

Answer: They cross a river before the volcano erupts. And the river was dry. My question is, how can a mud volcano that erupts after crossing a river cause water to rise during a drought? These people knew these areas because they were making treaties with other tribes. However, I do not know how these people would have known Israel (I'm using a modern name). Actually, I wonder how these people didn't travel to the eastern area where there was no drought; instead, they went north and then west. So I don't know this answer: how did they know the area of Israel?

(4) Is there any meteorological history from that time about prevailing winds around the red sea in those ancient times?

Answer: What type of weather causes people to need to exodus from their home land that causes a drought, then causes a mud volcano to erupt?

(5) How long would it have taken for the Israelites to move across such a distance as red or reed sea?

Answer: Not long because the river was dry due to drought.

(6) If the crossing was over 'the reed sea' is there any possibility that the Israelites (being slaves) were the only people who would have known the routes? What self respecting Egyptian would have entered such a place before?

Answer: These people weren't slaves; they left due to drought and were able to cross this dry river before the Mud volcano erupted. The Army who went after them had problems due to a mud volcano that erupted before and as they could cross the river. However, my question is: how does a mud volcano create water to rise when a river is dry due to drought?
Thank you for putting the questions and answers. I really appreciate your answers, please keep it up.

River Sea

Well-Known Member
The Bible tells us that there was a full moon just before the exodus took place. The feast of the Passover held in the Great Temple took place during the equinoctial full moon.
Tidal ebbs and flows are much faster and with a much larger range of tidal rise and fall, especially when they occur in the equinoxes.. Also a severe storm might have added to this effect with a 'storm surge' = a massively high tide with the possibility of a huge tidal bore sweeping up the the gap-sea and into the wetland.

Sadly I don't have the opportunity to investigate such possibilities nor the local knowledge to support all this. It's just my guess.
@oldbadger claims lots of water, while @Bharat Jhunjhunwala claims drought.
@oldbadger claims full moon, are you aware about 13 months at times (not each year) was it full moon too @Bharat Jhunjhunwala

@oldbadger What great temple did they bring with them? How? Have you ever heard of festival Sukkot Harvesting, is that similar to this temple? Because explains a feast? Or is this Temple different from Sukkot festival in October is it, if so that's the festival still to this day in October then it'll be October when Exodus? @Bharat Jhunjhunwala your thoughts about this Passover festival to bring with Exodus how come? Any similar with @oldbadger Passover? Yet to bring with them during Exodus how come?

Festival Sukkot. Each year the Jews have a festival called Sukkot, which is about their harvest time gathering before Exodus.

I would think due to the drought that @Bharat Jhunjhunwala explains, perhaps this food harvesting was already pre-stored being sheltered for able to eat during the drought, because how would they bring with them food when Exodus?

@Bharat Jhunjhunwala @oldbadger
Reed means grass.

How much grass was in a sea (narrow area) compared to river? @Bharat Jhunjhunwala take a look at what @oldbadger thinks about readsea, not redsea. that narrow area would have reeds do you think, @Bharat Jhunjhunwala (has river) with reeds.

@Bharat Jhunjhunwala
How does drought suddenly have water in the river from a mud volcano that erupts, causing water to rise? I still ask this from you, @Bharat Jhunjhunwala. I picture a dry-ground that's the river with no water, due to drought. Yet how does a mud volcano erupt from far away cause rushing water to rise? There's no water? No rain earlier?

@oldbadger sea or? lake, or? I'm confused, marshy area that's that narrow area then, that is what, called? I show you map further down, where I think you're @oldbadger showing? Do I have the correct place you @oldbadger explain vs @Bharat Jhunjhunwala rivers (no sea) or? It's rivers? always when crossing water?

I think that it is possible that the Red Sea mentioned in Exodus was the Reed Sea, a vast marshy area to the North of the Gulf of Suez (maybe South of the Great Bitter Lake) where Israelites slaves had to work, not frequented by or familiar to the Egyptian masters.

@oldbadger how come you think Israelites were slaves, and did they gather 50% of straw to make burnt bake bricks yet why need to when can use stone that doesn't need straw? If you think Egypt, there's a lot of stone. If thinking Indus Valley (India) all over are burnt bake bricks needing lots of straw to gather, that @Bharat Jhunjhunwala explains

What causes the need to gather straw for?

Were Israelites farmers if they use plants to make straw from?

What is a bitter lake, what does this lake taste is it bitter taste?

I'm looking this area that you @oldbadger explained



I color to show
You can see in blue from @Bharat Jhunjhunwala that never reaches the yellow from @oldbadger


@Bharat Jhunjhunwala pdf

Both @oldbadger and @Bharat Jhunjhunwala has Hebrews ends up in Israel modern name.

@Bharat Jhunjhunwala is coming from India while @oldbadger is coming from Egypt. Modern names.

Recently from @GoodAttention learning could KM.T could be karumai tarai

amil opinion for consideration.


karumai n. [K. kari, M. karuma.]1. Blackness, dark colour; கறுப்பு கருமை

What is the meaning of T?


tarai n. dharā. 1. The earth;பூமி. தரையொடு திரிதல நலிதரு . . . சலதரன்(தேவா. 568, 2). 2. Soil, land, ground; நிலம் தரையில் விழுந்து பணிந்தனர் (கோயிற்பு. பதஞ்ச.43).

So is km.t = Kemet? = karumai tarai?

@oldbadger what are your thoughts on the Tamil language? And KM.T being Karmuai Tarai? Or do you think Kemet?
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River Sea

Well-Known Member

KM.T = Karmuai Tarai

Karmuai means black
Tarai means soil

Black soil is fertile = so is that why .T the . would explain fertile? I'm wondering this?

Black soil is fertile; so is that why? (.T) explaining the (.) would explain fertile? I'm wondering this. .T so the . (I don't know how to write that only to show . dot. That's tricky. To explain . KM.T see that Not KMT it's KM.T and is it the . that explains fertile, because if it's KMT then it's not showing the fertile with in the name, but when KM.T then it's showing fertile?

Tamil language is a sister to Sanskrit

How come sisters and not brothers?

Who chosen many things on earth to be female, are there anything on earth that is thought as male?


Skanky Old Mongrel!
@oldbadger claims lots of water, while @Bharat Jhunjhunwala claims drought.
@oldbadger claims full moon, are you aware about 13 months at times (not each year) was it full moon too @Bharat Jhunjhunwala

@oldbadger What great temple did they bring with them? How? Have you ever heard of festival Sukkot Harvesting, is that similar to this temple? Because explains a feast? Or is this Temple different from Sukkot festival in October is it, if so that's the festival still to this day in October then it'll be October when Exodus? @Bharat Jhunjhunwala your thoughts about this Passover festival to bring with Exodus how come? Any similar with @oldbadger Passover? Yet to bring with them during Exodus how come?

I would think due to the drought that @Bharat Jhunjhunwala explains, perhaps this food harvesting was already pre-stored being sheltered for able to eat during the drought, because how would they bring with them food when Exodus?

@Bharat Jhunjhunwala @oldbadger
Reed means grass.

How much grass was in a sea (narrow area) compared to river? @Bharat Jhunjhunwala take a look at what @oldbadger thinks about readsea, not redsea. that narrow area would have reeds do you think, @Bharat Jhunjhunwala (has river) with reeds.

@Bharat Jhunjhunwala
How does drought suddenly have water in the river from a mud volcano that erupts, causing water to rise? I still ask this from you, @Bharat Jhunjhunwala. I picture a dry-ground that's the river with no water, due to drought. Yet how does a mud volcano erupt from far away cause rushing water to rise? There's no water? No rain earlier?

@oldbadger sea or? lake, or? I'm confused, marshy area that's that narrow area then, that is what, called? I show you map further down, where I think you're @oldbadger showing? Do I have the correct place you @oldbadger explain vs @Bharat Jhunjhunwala rivers (no sea) or? It's rivers? always when crossing water?

@oldbadger how come you think Israelites were slaves, and did they gather 50% of straw to make burnt bake bricks yet why need to when can use stone that doesn't need straw? If you think Egypt, there's a lot of stone. If thinking Indus Valley (India) all over are burnt bake bricks needing lots of straw to gather, that @Bharat Jhunjhunwala explains

What causes the need to gather straw for?

Were Israelites farmers if they use plants to make straw from?

What is a bitter lake, what does this lake taste is it bitter taste?

I'm looking this area that you @oldbadger explained


View attachment 97008

I color to show
You can see in blue from @Bharat Jhunjhunwala that never reaches the yellow from @oldbadger

View attachment 97009

@Bharat Jhunjhunwala pdf

Both @oldbadger and @Bharat Jhunjhunwala has Hebrews ends up in Israel modern name.

@Bharat Jhunjhunwala is coming from India while @oldbadger is coming from Egypt. Modern names.

Recently from @GoodAttention learning could KM.T could be karumai tarai

@oldbadger what are your thoughts on the Tamil language? And KM.T being Karmuai Tarai? Or do you think Kemet?
River Sea....have you ever read the book of Exodus in the bible??..... The whole account is in that book. And I feel sure that you would get lots of information about the Israelites Exodus if you were to post your questions in the Judaism sections here.
Just a thought.

River Sea

Well-Known Member
River Sea....have you ever read the book of Exodus in the bible??..... The whole account is in that book. And I feel sure that you would get lots of information about the Israelites Exodus if you were to post your questions in the Judaism sections here.
Just a thought.

I'm in a discussion with you @oldbadger in a middle of it too.

Do you know there's 13 months (not every year)

River Sea

Well-Known Member
@oldbadger where are you, I want to write to the @oldbadger that we were already in the middle of discussion

had you forgotten already what you thank me for when I shown you that map, we were already in a middle of discussion

I look up your area of reedsea did I get that right?

This is the thread we are already in the middle of discussion

I'll show again is this yellow area you were writing about (we're in a middle of discussion)

Yellow that what your writing about @oldbadger am I correct?


This is what your talking about @oldbadger because we are in a middle of discussion

What is a bitter lake, what does this lake taste is it bitter taste?

I'm looking this area that you @oldbadger explained


I asked in a middle of discusion does the water taste bitter or not?

It is middle of a discussion that was already taking place, and you even thank me for taking the time to show map

This is the @oldbadger I was writing to, the @oldbadger and I in a middle of discussion

we were in the middle, an actual middle of an already discussion

River Sea

Well-Known Member
Thank you for putting the questions and answers. I really appreciate your answers, please keep it up.

@Bharat Jhunjhunwala your praise was shut down quickly which I'm extremely sad now

I was in a middle of a discussion with @oldbadger and @oldbadger acts as if it never happened the discussion and I'm so angry and sad and yet I was looking so forward to this discussion

I was in the middle of exploring reeds, as reeds is grass and how much reeds are in what different types of water, but not no more, because @oldbadger acts as if this discussion never happened when it was happening here and in the middle of it too

Example: @oldbadger claims bitter lakes where these reeds were and claims called reedsea (that looks like in a middle of a discussion)

I was thinking reeds are grass and how much reeds, example to compare that river yet there's a drought, that you @Bharat Jhunjhunwala explained, remember there's a drought though, compared to bitter lake that @oldbadger claims and there's water happening due to full moon (in a middle of a discussion that's happening in the middle of it, I'm in action in a middle of a discussion)

exploring reed that's also that word suph is it spelled, Yam suph, or Yam suf

oh in a middle of a discussion @oldbadger have you ever heard of word Yam suph or Yam suf

suf or suph is reed

I'm in a middle of discussion with you @oldbadger extremely so that you even thank me for showing map

This is called in a middle of a discussion that is in action

River Sea

Well-Known Member
Middle of conversation already by me @River Sea and @oldbadger in an exodus thread, in action, in the middle of conversation.

Exodus Archeology Evidence

River Sea said:
@oldbadger Thank you for showing your appreciation of me showing the map. I appreciate you being thankful. I like showing what I had learned when reading the book that @Bharat Jhunjhunwala wrote.

@oldbadger wrote
What do you think is the difference between red sea and reed sea?
I think that it is possible that the Red Sea mentioned in Exodus was the Reed Sea, a vast marshy area to the North of the Gulf of Suez (maybe South of the Great Bitter Lake) where Israelites slaves had to work, not frequented by or familiar to the Egyptian masters.

@River Sea me
This is what I see from my email from religous forum, and I'm excited and in a middle of this conversation. yes i see emails from this forum and it appear in middle of conversation - see above: that looks like a conversation

To this this as if it never happen, read the tragic below.

River Sea....have you ever read the book of Exodus in the bible??..... The whole account is in that book. And I feel sure that you would get lots of information about the Israelites Exodus if you were to post your questions in the Judaism sections here.
Just a thought.

What did I do wrong @oldbadger and @Bharat Jhunjhunwala the tone is horrible as if I made a huge mistake, what was the mistake as if a conversation wasn't happening, I felt anger. What is anger I ask, as I didn't know how to process my anger.

@oldbadger ask if any questions go to Judaism section

But how come, we're in a middle of conversation already, what happened, what happened, what happened what happened????????????????????

A question I have for @Bharat Jhunjhunwala drought is major and where would reeds be if there's a drought, I was thinking about that now.

A drought would mean no reeds then, because how would reeds (grass) be with in a drought?

This is my question to @Bharat Jhunjhunwala

@oldbadger as you have reedsea and the full moon caused all this water, does this bitter lake taste bitter?

I'm in the middle of a discussion, it's called in action in an actual middle of a conversation and this is action happening now

am I understanding this, it's in a middle of a conversation, the middle of it

it is actually happening,
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River Sea

Well-Known Member
Festival Sukkot harvest before Exodus

Passover great temple to bring with Exodus

As I'm in the middle of conversation, I asked what are the difference of these: when to bring with Exodus

This is middle of a conversation

@oldbadger What great temple did they bring with them? How? Have you ever heard of festival Sukkot Harvesting, is that similar to this temple? Because explains a feast? Or is this Temple different from Sukkot festival in October is it, if so that's the festival still to this day in October then it'll be October when Exodus? @Bharat Jhunjhunwala your thoughts about this Passover festival to bring with Exodus how come? Any similar with @oldbadger Passover? Yet to bring with them during Exodus how come?

This is asked by me in a middle of a conversation

Passover from @Bharat Jhunjhunwala

The Indus civilization collapdsed around 1500 bce

@Bharat Jhunjhunwala when Indus civilization (India area) collapse around 1500 BCE did they still do Passovers during this collapse and if they did, how did they do this during a drought, before Exodus?

The Indus civilization collapdsed around 1500 bce. Could have triggered the exodus.

@Bharat Jhunjhunwala if the collapse of a system happened and triggered the Exodus, what reasons would they bring Passover great temple with them during Exodus that @oldbadger shared with in a conversation that is taking place now in this thread of Exodus.

What are the importance to bring with a great temple of Passover with, and how did they do this? Please explain in detail @oldbadger

Water didn't turn to blood red

We know though that water does not turn into blood. Thus we
looked at the alternative meanings of the Hebrew word for
“blood.” We found that the word also means “silent or still.”
We accept this meaning because a river could possibly stop

@Bharat Jhunjhunwala water still not move? Are there reeds in this water?

@oldbadger was the water moving in the bitter lake?

So if water still, then there is some water, yet there's a drought, did this water come from under the ground?

What is wells and cisterns?

I'm emotional due to immediately in the middle of this conversation in an Exodus thread by many who are from different views

@Tamino Kemet views

@GoodAttention Tamil views

Many here from Jews views

Some from Muslims views

Some claims Exodus never happened views

There's even Exodus gnostic views

Many other views too from many

oh and Christian views, I think Scott Stripling is a Christian.
Let me look up word letters as I do this edit.

@Bharat Jhunjhunwala views from India

Oh and there's @Mrpp views and still waiting to know the correction and why two threads

@Mrpp views I think were the Scott Striplings views or close to that, the letters from? The Amarna Letters.

The what letters, starts with A. Now I forgot word. found it The Amarna Letters - that's what it's called

Yet I'm told by @oldbadger as if not in the middle of a conversation to go to another thread and ask Jews these questions, or Judaism thread

I'm emotional due to this and I don't know how to process emotions very well

This conversation I was in the middle of it

So what is this passover great temple that they'd brought with, with in this now middle conversation and no need to go to another thread for, because this conversation is in action and in the middle now

@Bharat Jhunjhunwala what is passover in Indus Valley all about?

@oldbadger what is passover in bitter lake area all about?

Conversation in action in the middle happening now
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River Sea

Well-Known Member

(1) It felt like I was in a middle of conversation with you. @oldbadger

(2) It felt like you @oldbadger wanted me to go to a Judaism thread to discuss.

(3) It felt like you @oldbadger had forgotten that I was in the middle of discussion.

(4) it felt like I lost something as if I did something wrong with in a discussion and I couldn't understand what I did wrong

(5) It feels like others has worth with in this thread with all their views while I have zero worth within this discussion while you @oldbadger have great worth, and I'm worthless.

(6) I felt emotionally angry

(7) This thread is about Exodus which is about people needing to survive: asking for evidence about this? Which is about archeology. Archeology.

(8) @oldbadger your version of Exodus is about what? Passover only if that is the case what is that about? Why great temple for?

Who is Moses to you @oldbadger , what are your thoughts about Moses and his emotions he had?

Please list all the emotions that Moses had and how did Moses process his emotions?

@Ehav4Ever I'll ask this, what all emotions did Moses have and how did Moses process his emotions?
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Premium Member

(1) It felt like I was in a middle of conversation with you. @oldbadger

(2) It felt like you @oldbadger wanted me to go to a Judaism thread to discuss.

(3) It felt like you @oldbadger had forgotten that I was in the middle of discussion.

(4) it felt like I lost something as if I did something wrong with in a discussion and I couldn't understand what I did wrong

(5) It feels like others has worth with in this thread with all their views while I have zero worth within this discussion while you @oldbadger have great worth, and I'm worthless.

(6) I felt emotionally angry

(7) This thread is about Exodus which is about people needing to survive: asking for evidence about this? Which is about archeology. Archeology.

(8) @oldbadger your version of Exodus is about what? Passover only if that is the case what is that about? Why great temple for?

Who is Moses to you @oldbadger , what are your thoughts about Moses and his emotions he had?

Please list all the emotions that Moses had and how did Moses process his emotions?

@Ehav4Ever I'll ask this, what all emotions did Moses have and how did Moses process his emotions?
If Exodus never happened and Moses was never a real person how could you answer these questions?


The Lost One
Who is Moses to you @oldbadger , what are your thoughts about Moses and his emotions he had?

Please list all the emotions that Moses had and how did Moses process his emotions?

@Ehav4Ever I'll ask this, what all emotions did Moses have and how did Moses process his emotions?

What does Moses’ emotion have anything to do with archaeological evidence?

Archaeology only deal with physical evidence, objects of some kinds (eg tools, weapons, pottery, minted coins, as well as inscribed mediums, like manuscripts, tablets, scrolls, etc, or physical structures like buildings or groups of structures, like those in villages, towns or cities.

Archaeology doesn’t deal with psychology, so these questions are irrelevant.