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Experiencing God


Rogue Theologian
I'm an atheist mate, I'm just pointing out that scrioture specifically instructs followers to be polite and share their beliefs with grace and humility - as opposed to lying , playing the fool and acting like a 'rogue' which you may like to pretend is ok but is clearly against scripture.

Dude....Jesus cleared the Temple.....with a whip.


Rogue Theologian
Teaching you your own scripture should be taken as a blessing - you should thank me, after all it's the words of god you have failed to read.

I read it...I got it.
You are not one up on me.
That is wishful thinking.


Rogue Theologian
In what language did you read it in? And how much of the culture of the era it was written do you understand?

The text I keep is King James 1960.
yeah....I know....

But I don't refrain from constant reconsideration.

Shall we do a one on one?
Would love a go at it!


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
The text I keep is King James 1960.
yeah....I know....

But I don't refrain from constant reconsideration.

Shall we do a one on one?
Would love a go at it!
I'm not trying to be confrontational. But if you'd like we can. Where would you like to begin, and what's off limits? For instance, I would completely understand leaving the Old Testament/Tanakh alone. It's obviously ages of oral tradition and legend written down long after whatever inspired them happened, and it is not fair to criticize it unless the person is using it as literal truth.


nolonger active
I'm an atheist mate, I'm just pointing out that scrioture specifically instructs followers to be polite and share their beliefs with grace and humility - as opposed to lying , playing the fool and acting like a 'rogue' which you may like to pretend is ok but is clearly against scripture.

I love you Bunyip :) and I admit that what you posted was totally unexpected! With that said and rallying to the defence of my approach to things, you are wrong about what scripture says :) . Scripture is in the eye of the beholder and only God can tell you what it actually says. Because you are an atheist you can not possibly know what scripture says. Lord Jesus did mention something about grace and humility (or at least some of the apostles did) but that has never been considered a deal breaker when it comes to being a Christian :) because if it were there would actually be very few true Christians in today's world and in the world of the past. And just for the record it is tricky to maintain a presence on this message board if one is a theist because of the brilliant atheist minds that are at play on this message board. And Thief is hanging in there :) whatever his methods are, be they Christian or not. One has to admire that, if the debate/discussion environment that we are all playing in is taken into account. And your ploy is an attempt to take him out of the game, which ain't going to happen when it comes to him :) .


pro scapegoat
I love you Bunyip :) and I admit that what you posted was totally unexpected! With that said and rallying to the defence of my approach to things, you are wrong about what scripture says :) . -
No I am not. There is no need for you to be deceptive, just because I know the bible better than you do. The bible specifically instructs followers to share theor faith with grace and humility - not 'going rogue' as you so charmingly imagined.
Scripture is in the eye of the beholder and only God can tell you what it actually says.
Rubbish, scripture is not in 'in the eye of the beholder' that is just dishonest. Scripture tells you specifically how to behave when sharing your faith with unbelievers.
Because you are an atheist you can not possibly know what scripture says.
Why post all of these pointless deceptions? I was raised a Christian and knowthe bible well - you just need to of read itbefore you tell other people what they know.
Lord Jesus did mention something about grace and humility (or at least some of the apostles did) but that has never been considered a deal breaker when it comes to being a Christian :) because if it were there would actually be very few true Christians in today's world and in the world of the past.
The sad old ' no true Scotsman' fallacy raises it's worn old head yet again.
And just for the record it is tricky to maintain a presence on this message board if one is a theist because of the brilliant atheist minds that are at play on this message board. And Thief is hanging in there :) whatever his methods are, be they Christian or not. One has to admire that, if the debate/discussion environment that we are all playing in is taken into account. And your ploy is an attempt to take him out of the game, which ain't going to happen when it comes to him :) .

No, not an attempt to keep anyone 'out of the game', if all you have are insults and 'going rogue' as you call it - then you are not in the debate game in the first place.


pro scapegoat

The bible passage you and Theif have missed is 1 Peter 3:15. You are obliged to share your faith with others with gentleness and respect.

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
The clue is in the "rogue". The challenge is in the "rogue". If you remove the "rogue", then you remove the challenge. It is a game. "It also makes other believers look bad." Bunyip, Thief's approach also gives other believers the opportunity to look good. Defending one's beliefs in an intellectual sense is an artform and a game. Thief and others like him create the game. "Worry not what you will say, for the Holy Spirit will tell you what to say :) " And the Holy Spirit is the master of the game. Opportunity begets interesting opportunities and when the Holy Spirit is envolved you get to cheat because you have answers that they do not have and you can make other believers look good.

No... I don't think so.


Jesus in me
Time isn't the whole story, sure, but a long span of time is a strike against the reliability of a witness account.

Nevertheless, maybe John has marks in favour of its reliability that outweigh this strike. What are they?
I believe I can remember events that happened when I was two years old and I am now 72. It seems to me that the writers had to be still living when they wrote their books.

For instance John is the one who states that Jesus told them that there would be another comforter. I believe I have that other comforter so John is reporting accurately something the others missed.


Jesus in me
Yes. The problem is the symmetry of the argument.

I could equally say that It would make no sense for Him to talk to a Muslim about Jesus if the person had no background unless He had a purpose in doing so.

Isn't more logical to infer that He does not speak to anybody, and we just believe in what we hear everyday from our parents, family or culture?


- viole
I believe it is just as logical to believe God speaks to people as it is to believe He doesn't speak to people, however the evidence is that God speaks to people which negates the null hypothesis which says no such evidence should exist.

I believe I am well past the point of believing what others have said, just because they said it.

In my case I had read that God worked in people's lives and believed it, so when I heard God speak to me I was not surprised. However no-one I knew at the time had ever said anything about having an experience with God.

If you say I had better scripture for believing God would answer, I believe at the time I was not aware of it. Certinly I believe having an experience with God depends on there being someone else with the same experience.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I believe I can remember events that happened when I was two years old and I am now 72. It seems to me that the writers had to be still living when they wrote their books.
Do you remember these events better at 72 than you did at, say, 20?

For instance John is the one who states that Jesus told them that there would be another comforter. I believe I have that other comforter so John is reporting accurately something the others missed.
But the other gospels say things that John didn't, so how is this a mark in John's favour?

BTW: for a while now, I've thought that "Paraclete" would be a good name for a brand of high quality bedding ("a comforter that will be with you forever"). :)


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
I believe it is just as logical to believe God speaks to people as it is to believe He doesn't speak to people, however the evidence is that God speaks to people which negates the null hypothesis which says no such evidence should exist.

I believe I am well past the point of believing what others have said, just because they said it.

In my case I had read that God worked in people's lives and believed it, so when I heard God speak to me I was not surprised. However no-one I knew at the time had ever said anything about having an experience with God.

If you say I had better scripture for believing God would answer, I believe at the time I was not aware of it. Certinly I believe having an experience with God depends on there being someone else with the same experience.

So, when Allah, or any other deity different from yours, speaks to people, would you consider that a fact?

If not, why not?


- viole


nolonger active
No I am not. There is no need for you to be deceptive, just because I know the bible better than you do. The bible specifically instructs followers to share theor faith with grace and humility - not 'going rogue' as you so charmingly imagined. Rubbish, scripture is not in 'in the eye of the beholder' that is just dishonest. Scripture tells you specifically how to behave when sharing your faith with unbelievers.
Why post all of these pointless deceptions? I was raised a Christian and knowthe bible well - you just need to of read itbefore you tell other people what they know. The sad old ' no true Scotsman' fallacy raises it's worn old head yet again.

No, not an attempt to keep anyone 'out of the game', if all you have are insults and 'going rogue' as you call it - then you are not in the debate game in the first place.

I am just getting to know you Bunyip. So ok, you were raised a Christian and then became an atheist. Interesting. The goal of evangleistic atheism is to promote that nonexistance of God and basically the super natural as a whole. And I respect that. This topic title is, "Experiencing God." Which you as an declared atheist maintain that experiencing God is not possible because God does not exist. And you as an declared atheist are also censoring a person who is a declared Christian. Which basically means that you as an atheist are attempting to maintain the purity of Christianity as a concept. The question in my mind is why would you do that? Because as an atheist you consider Christianity the samething as believing in Santa Claus. Bunyip, you can not be an atheist and a fundamentalist Christian who is thy brothers keeper at the sametime. Are you saying the Theif is not a Christian because of his actions? This topic is about "Experiencing God". it is not about whether or not a person is a Christian or a failure as a Christian. And there are some of us that consider "debate/discussion" an artform and an intellectual game (you understand both sides of the argument and then pick a side to argue). And we have as much right to be here as those who are like you who consider everything serious and not to be taken lightly.