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F.B.I raids the office of Trump’s personal lawyer.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
But the money came from the lawyer, not campaign funds.
The $130,000 from Cohen's corporation was a contribution on behalf of Trump's campaign, to help in getting him elected President. It's no different than if an organization had provided $130,000 of clerical services on behalf of Trump's campaign.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Is that like the "Lock her up!" that the Donald and so many of his followers were yelling during the campaign? Did you protest that by chance?

It's ironic how many of Trump's catchphrases and accusations are more aptly directed at him. It's Crooked Donald now, not Crooked Hillary, and it's Trump and his orbit that are looking at prison time. Lock them up.

His birther nonsense was a challenge to Obama's legitimacy as president, and now we're going to discover how an election was fixed for him and what part he played in that.

Mueller's going to drain the swamp.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
It's ironic how many of Trump's catchphrases and accusations are more aptly directed at him. It's Crooked Donald now, not Crooked Hillary, and it's Trump and his orbit that are looking at prison time. Lock them up.

His birther nonsense was a challenge to Obama's legitimacy as president, and now we're going to discover how an election was fixed for him and what part he played in that.
It's often the case that a person accuses others of precisely the wrongdoing that she or he, herself or himself, is guilty of.

Thermos aquaticus

Well-Known Member
BTW, let me rant on this a second. If you and I were to go into a 7-11 and rob it, but then getting caught, do ya think we'll only have to pay a fine? But if were filthy rich, why are we treated with such kid gloves so all we have to do is to pay back some $, especially since we may come out $ ahead since so many other illegal activities we may perform may never get caught? IOW, who says "crime doesn't pay"?

It is pretty sickening at times. If you are poor and happen to be accused of stealing a $200 car radio you will probably be jailed with a bond you can't afford, so you stay in prison until your trial. At the trial you get a really bad defense attorney who tells you to plead guilty, even if you are innocent. You end up doing a lot of jail time for a petty crime you may or may not have committed. All the while, rich bankers robbed the public of hundreds of billions of dollars in the banking fiasco of 2008 and crashed the world wide economy. None of them were even charged with a crime. Some of them even took bail-out money and gave themselves bonuses.

Equal protection under the law? Don't think so.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
It is still an illegal campaign contribution. Tell me, why pay just before the election?
What campaign contribution? It wasn’t one. Why just before the election? Maybe because that is when the gold digger came forward thinking that would be the best time to try to extort money?


Not Religious
What campaign contribution? It wasn’t one. Why just before the election? Maybe because that is when the gold digger came forward thinking that would be the best time to try to extort money?
You think Stormy asked for the money? I don't think it works that way.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
The $130,000 from Cohen's corporation was a contribution on behalf of Trump's campaign, to help in getting him elected President. It's no different than if an organization had provided $130,000 of clerical services on behalf of Trump's campaign.
That isn’t correct. Now I see where your error is. It wasn’t a campaign contribution. And, yeah, I think there is a big difference between funding some clerks and a pay off to a porn star to keep her mouth shut.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
You think Stormy asked for the money? I don't think it works that way.
Um, actually that is precisely how it would work. It is kind of the job for that sort of woman to sell herself for money. If you know what I mean.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Indeed, that's a Section 1 Rule of professional conduct.

But Cohen has maintained so far that he paid off Daniels without Trump's knowledge, has he not?

Cohen is an idiot who is still trying to protect a former client who is an idiot and a crook. Cohen even looks like he's not very bright.
Or crazy like a fox. He spots a (for them) small amount of money to keep in with the most powerful man on the planet. Even if he were ever convicted (which won’t happen) his friend could fix if for him.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
That section doesn’t apply. Cohen didn’t make a campaign contribution. So, you haven’t found a law Cohen broke.
You are just wrong about this. Any judge will find that this money was paid for the express purpose of helping Donald Trump win the election. That makes it a campaign contribution, and illegal.

Ironically there is one quick way around this, all they have to say is that the money came from Donald Trump himself (through his lawyer) and then it is legal. But for some reason they will not say that.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
You are just wrong about this. Any judge will find that this money was paid for the express purpose of helping Donald Trump win the election.
We disagree. But let’s say you are right. It goes all through the courts. The end result would be a fine. No big deal for them. Nobody is going to jail. Mark my words.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
We disagree. But let’s say you are right. It goes all through the courts. The end result would be a fine. No big deal for them. Nobody is going to jail. Mark my words.
I never said anyone was going to jail over this. So we agree about that. A fine, disbarment perhaps. And it might be part of the impeachment charge.


Not Religious
Um, actually that is precisely how it would work. It is kind of the job for that sort of woman to sell herself for money. If you know what I mean.
You're just assuming that. To me it seems like Trump wanted to keep Stormy silence when he heard about her coming forward. (like dozens of other women). Who's responsible for giving money to someone? It's hush money. Not like Stormy is suing Trump.


Premium Member
Um, actually that is precisely how it would work. It is kind of the job for that sort of woman to sell herself for money. If you know what I mean.
Regardless what you think of the lady that the president had an affair with while having a wife and kid at home . A lawyer even helping to keep them quiet is shady as hell let alone doing it during a camapign for a presidential election. Lawyer creating a shell corporation to launder the money is also all kinds of shady and illegal.


Premium Member
I never said anyone was going to jail over this. So we agree about that. A fine, disbarment perhaps. And it might be part of the impeachment charge.
Though the shady campaign contribution is something like some fines, bank fraud and laundering is a bit more serious. Disbarrment is very likely regardless.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
It wasn’t a campaign contribution.
Then what was the purpose of Cohen paying Daniels $130,000? That payment didn't benefit Cohen in any way. On whose behalf did Cohen pay that money to Daniels?

The only plausible explanation for this payment that anyone has articulated is that it was paid on Trump's behalf in his effort to win the election, in order to prevent Daniels from publicizing the encounter between her and Trump just before the election. Therefore it was an illegal campaign contribution.

And, yeah, I think there is a big difference between funding some clerks and a pay off to a porn star to keep her mouth shut.
52 U.S. Code § 30101(8)(A)(i) defines "contribution" as:

(i) any gift, subscription, loan, advance, or deposit of money or anything of value made by any person for the purpose of influencing any election for Federal office​