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F.B.I raids the office of Trump’s personal lawyer.


yawn <ignore> yawn
Not really. Cohen could have been working on behalf on Trump even if Trump was (purposely perhaps for deniability) kept unaware of the details.
"The details". Possibly. For illegal purposes. I will grant that is possible, although I wouldn't go as far as it being plausible.
But if Trump even knew that Cohen needed to make such a deal and was going to do so....

LOCK HIM UP!!!!!:p


It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
What added stress? Knowing you probably committed crimes? Trump hasn't thunk clearly his entire life. Did you know who Trump was prior to the election? He's a confidence man. Has been his whole life.

Netflix is offering a 3 or 4 episode documentary on Trump that was helpful in fleshing out how he came to be the person he is today. It appears that he started out fairly honest, but turned to short cuts when his back was against the wall following a spending spree in which he bought more than he could afford, paid too much for it, and couldn't keep up with the payments on the debt.

We also see the emergence of other of his qualities mid-career - the bullying, for example, and his confidence evolving into arrogance, etc.. He goes from being somewhat charming and personable into his Mussolini incarnation with the permanent scowl, nose up in the air, and arms folded.

It appears that his principle role models were his father Fred, also a bigot with a lust for money, attorney Roy Cohn, who taught him to be a dirty trickster, and Jesse Ventura, whose campaign style he emulated.

You see him evolving from what appears to be a legitimate career in real estate to the scam artist we know as he branches out into Trump University, Trump steaks, the Trump brand and retailing caps and luggage tags, then reality TV, then politics. Not much on the campaign or election, nor his family apart from the marriages and divorces.

It is both plausible and understandable. Trump was a major client that he knew was facing embarrassment. Fronting $130,000 would be small potatoes, keep his client happy, and be more than made up for in future work from Trump. Keeping Trump out of the loop also served his client’s interests.

Good luck with that argument. It's obvious that Trump robbed Cohen. Thief meets patsy. Patsy handles hush money payoff and takes the fall including absorbing the payout. Classic Trump - leave the other guy holding the bag.

So you think that Cohen just secretly gave Trump a gift? How much money does Cohen have if he has to take it out of his home equity? I just had a conversation this morning with a woman who told me that when she lost her job, she had to pull $40,000 out of her home. That's who borrows against their homes. A well-to-do person goes to bank accounts or other more liquid investments. If he borrows, his home isn't the collateral. It's investment real estate, or valuables like art or jewelry.

On what basis do you think the raid was based? There had to be probable cause that Cohen was involved in a crime and would be considered likely to destroy evidence if a subpoena was served instead, a story incompatible with the one you call plausible.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
Not really. Cohen could have been working on behalf on Trump even if Trump was (purposely perhaps for deniability) kept unaware of the details.
I don’t believe that is reasonable. But assuming this is the case, you do understand that would lead to Cohen being disbarred. A lawyer cannot makes deals on behalf of his client without informing his client. Which means under that scenario (which I still don’t believe) Cohen was not only giving 130k of his own money, but also risking his license to practice law.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
But assuming this is the case, you do understand that would lead to Cohen being disbarred. A lawyer cannot makes deals on behalf of his client without informing his client.
Indeed, that's a Section 1 Rule of professional conduct.

But Cohen has maintained so far that he paid off Daniels without Trump's knowledge, has he not?

Cohen is an idiot who is still trying to protect a former client who is an idiot and a crook. Cohen even looks like he's not very bright.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
"The details". Possibly. For illegal purposes. I will grant that is possible, although I wouldn't go as far as it being plausible.
But if Trump even knew that Cohen needed to make such a deal and was going to do so....

LOCK HIM UP!!!!!:p

What “illegal purposes”? What law was broken? Where’s the crime? Paying someone to remain quiet isn’t a crime. There’s no evidence of misuse of funds. “Lock him up” for what??


yawn <ignore> yawn
What “illegal purposes”? What law was broken? Where’s the crime? Paying someone to remain quiet isn’t a crime. There’s no evidence of misuse of funds. “Lock him up” for what??
Campaign finance laws.
Lots of things that aren't normally illegal become so during a political campaign.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I don’t believe that is reasonable. But assuming this is the case, you do understand that would lead to Cohen being disbarred. A lawyer cannot makes deals on behalf of his client without informing his client. Which means under that scenario (which I still don’t believe) Cohen was not only giving 130k of his own money, but also risking his license to practice law.
But he didn’t make such a deal. He negotiated one deal between the woman and Trump and a separate deal between himself and the woman. Since there was no crime all the “evidence” from seized materials are also not admissible anywhere. There’s little to no chance for disbarment. Not going to happen.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Paying someone to remain quiet isn’t a crime.
It can be, such as in the case of "obstruction of justice" or as a form of bribery that may be used to cover-up various forms of illegal activities.

There’s no evidence of misuse of funds.
Except for the possibility of laws dealing with the limits on campaign donations, which Trump already was fined for back in 2016.

“Lock him up” for what??
Is that like the "Lock her up!" that the Donald and so many of his followers were yelling during the campaign? Did you protest that by chance?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
If Cohen paid the money to further the campaign, then it's an illegal campaign donation.
So far, nobody has come up with a more plausible explanation for such an unusual expenditure .
And the bank that Cohen went through "red-flagged" that transaction and notified authorities.


yawn <ignore> yawn
But we really don't know that for sure even though Cohen said he got the money from an extension of his mortgage. If it were all that clear then why did the bank red-flag the transaction?
And if any of the various Trumps knew about it, they're party to the crime.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
I think that what's going to take Trump down, eventually, is that he can't get away with lying and cheating then hiding behind lawyers any more. As a private citizen he could. But not any more.
But even as a private citizen he got caught lying and cheating on many an occasion as he lost a significant number of court cases levied against him.

BTW, let me rant on this a second. If you and I were to go into a 7-11 and rob it, but then getting caught, do ya think we'll only have to pay a fine? But if were filthy rich, why are we treated with such kid gloves so all we have to do is to pay back some $, especially since we may come out $ ahead since so many other illegal activities we may perform may never get caught? IOW, who says "crime doesn't pay"?

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
But he didn’t make such a deal. He negotiated one deal between the woman and Trump and a separate deal between himself and the woman. Since there was no crime all the “evidence” from seized materials are also not admissible anywhere. There’s little to no chance for disbarment. Not going to happen.
I honestly have no idea what you are talking about.