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Faith in Christ is Completely Logical


There is no way we could be in agreement as I am Spiritual and you are carnal and therefore you use logic. I have no need of logic.
So you will vote anti on the proposition that Faith in Christ is Completely Logical?

I am interested in the idea that you are spiritual rather than flesh, how do you type? Ouija Board?
So you will vote anti on the proposition that Faith in Christ is Completely Logical?

I am interested in the idea that you are spiritual rather than flesh, how do you type? Ouija Board?

Following Yashua Messiah is a calling i.e. someone who is called by The Father so logic doesn't come into it. I am a Spiritual creation residing in a dead body of sin, not a living body of sin. The old man died with Yashua Messiah in the watery grave of Baptism.


Following Yashua Messiah is a calling i.e. someone who is called by The Father so logic doesn't come into it. I am a Spiritual creation residing in a dead body of sin, not a living body of sin. The old man died with Yashua Messiah in the watery grave of Baptism.
OK, sorry I asked. No sense of humor there.


As Sapiens pointed out you disagree with the other Christian who started this thread. One who claims to be the "true Christian". So which of you is the real deal?
The one with a sense of humor?
Wasn't aware that you were cracking a joke.
Need I say more? Well ... yes I should:

Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing. - William James.

Common sense is not so common. - Voltare

I guess neither is a sense of humor. - Sapiens
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Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Yes there is
Your in actuality, a person who says, "Yes there is."

No God is going to come out to ever back your statement to validate what your saying to others.

There is absolutly nothing you or anyone else can ever do about it. Just keep saying what you believe and attest because that's the only thing you will ever be able do in this lifetime in this regard. It's ok though as far as Im concerned, everything will go as it goes. Just providing some facts on the matter.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Our beliefs inform our actions, that much is certain, which is another reason to ensure that our beliefs are rational so that our actions will likewise be rational.

If you got 10 Christians in the same room, even Christians from the same denomination or the same church, you'd still get 10 different opinions on what their beliefs ought to be. There are over 30,000 different sects of Christianity worldwide, yet if we were honest, there are as many versions as there are Christians, the same goes for Islam, the same goes for Buddhism and Shintoism and every other religion. There isn't a single version of any religion that everyone who professes that religion subscribes to.

But everyone is supremely convinced that their version, and only their version, is the correct one, which I find strange. You'd think that all they'd have to do is talk to each other to realize that all of them have the same position on the "truth". They can't all be right but they can all be wrong.
No doubt. If divine communication was evident I would think the scenario would be quite different from what is obvious right now. I likely would have remained a Christian if that was the case. But no head on the snake as it were. Just a squirming body in all directions. But I think that's the way it is, the variation of directions people traverse including the illogical, nothing really admiss and quite natural too. :0)

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
To say there is no such thing as Christianity takes you into the realm of madness I feel. If you are saying that all things belong in the mind, fine, I agree. If that is the case, so do your thoughts. So you knowing that does not make Christianity wrong.

Christianity is your path. My Christian self would have thought I was mad too. ;0)

It was that very change during my cof that brought me to my present position. You could say I experienced the Matrix and took the pill. I still like Christianity in some regards and the people who attach to it, but my opinion is that is a deluded approach by which intangibles are more embraced without noting what's actually going on around you, unabated and indifferent to belief and opinion. I think we work sharply with mental contrasts and react individually.


Relentlessly Rational
So, in essence, I am throwing down the gauntlet to anyone who thinks they can disprove the logic of the Plan that was devised by God and accepted by Christ. I am looking for miss-shaped jig saw puzzle pieces that do to fit making the finished picture ugly instead of magnificent to behold. I am looking for someone to stump me on any aspect of Gods marvelous work and wonder to bring to pass the salvation and eternal life of mankind. If it cannot be done then even the disbelieved must concede that it is a rational and logical plan.

That's pretty pointless since you can't prove there is such a plan in the first place, you just make the claim and expect others to take it seriously. Why would we bother trying to disprove something you have yet to make any rational attempt to prove in the first place?


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
And again, you just cycle around to making the same kind of absurd, empty claims that has marked your responses since you got here. Nobody is impressed by you quoting your Big Book of Multiple Choice. Nobody is impressed by your blind faith. If that's all you've got, then let the adults talk about subjects that are clearly far over your head.
haha... I think you said nothing there. So we should all follow your blind faith should we? So all things come about by luck. Or is it that you don't know, the paper bag on the head routine. Which is it? Whichever it is, it is blind faith, because you can't prove it... but God is proved to us through his spirit. Your mistake is to think that because you don't know such things, others must be wrong.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
Typically: PLoS Biology, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Science, Nature, Ecology, Lancet, Marine Technology, Cell, JAMA, American Naturalist, Ecology Letters, Proceedings of the Royal Society Series B, Journal of Animal Ecology, and various reprints and references that strike my fancy.
Thankyou. All of which are pointless.... they cannot save you. That is why you are here, is it not?


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
Get it straight, NOTHING is believed, except by the gullible.
You don't believe in yourself then? :confused: I find that hard to beleive
Nothing is "fact" except to the weak minded.
So you don't believe in evolution then or the big bang. Interesting. So what do you believe in? Nothing it seems, otherwise you would be gullible... haha. Do you believe you have just read this post I wonder??
Except for math, most all is but a question of probability.
Oh, now we have a ''except''
Existence is self demonstrating and requires neither faith nor belief, just be careful not to get too fouled up in the cogito ergo sum conundrums confusing "think" and "believe"... you can waste a lot of time there for no gain.
And one has to believe one's own mind and believe what we see


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
Buses, good example.

Here in Hawaii buses often do not turn up, the break down and there are no "spares."

So, I understand there there is a probability that one will turn up, nothing more, and most always make a contingency plan. There's no belief involved.

Similarly I maintain my car so as to keep the probability of it starting high.
I can't ''believe'' that you seriously don't realise that you do in fact ''believe'' that thebus might turn up. Perhaps you should rethink this, or check the definition.

I think this is perhaps a mindset you have developed to go against believe in God, lest people like me give you arguments like these.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
Does that include those leftovers from a dog on the sidewalk?
it does indeed.
Of course not. But why do you give more weight to experiences of God VS. experiences of no God?

I could say that experiences of God do not mean that He is there.
But would that would make no sense, so I shouldn't if I were you.. haha
In this case, I am afraid that you need to provide evidence that goes beyond mere experiences. Where is it?
Evidence comes from God and is within... you know that. You are trying to bring a metaphysical argument into a physical realm so you can disprove it... haha

If you call God what I believe in, then God is unconscious. Do you agree?
No. But you just don't understand the fullness of what you see. You look at the cover of the book and think it is wonderful. Some of us are allowed to look inside.
What i can tell you with a high level of confidence is that i do not recall anything of my past consciousness and atoms rearrangements. Do you?


- viole
no. but even science says your atoms will have probably been part of rocks etc. as your atoms will be released into the atmosphere to be reused. It is the same idea that Hindus have (i think) about reincarnation. We all chase the same things, and call them different names