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Faith in Christ is Completely Logical


You are what we call Of the world. That is where you will stay. Blind.
I am rather amused by that epithet, seeing as how I am rather fully conversant with your beliefs, claims and "supporting" rationalizations. You on the other hand know about as much about science as may be written in a matchbook cover in a rather large font. Who is blind? That data would argue tis you and yours.


It is true that I cannot prove to you that God lives,
If all that was going on was that you could not prove that God lived, and everything else were even, that would be one thing. But not only can you not prove that God exists (which should be rather straight forward) but you have to spend most of your time rationalizing all the BS that is contained in the book you rely upon as the primary support for your claim that your God exists.
the cookie jar is empty and your little boys mouth is covered with cookie crumbs that it was him who had them. Our cookie crumbs for the God jar is all around us and throughout the universe.
You have this rather backwards. You are the one who has the crumbs on your face yet you bring on tale after tale, most all obviously and demonstrably false, just like the child who is going to blame the missing cookies on imaginary and invisible monsters.
Circumstantial evidence that makes a good case for divinity.
Your "evidence" for dimity does even make it to circumstantial, it stalls at argument from ignorance, "gee wilikers, we don't know what happened here and we can't simple say that we don't know, so let's shove our God into that hole, for our own greater glory." What a crock!
Scientist are desperate to disprove it
Why would scientists be "desperate" to disprove something ... we know that while proofs are possible, in cases such as this disproofs are quite impossible, no matter how many rocks we turn over to show that God is not under it there is always yet another rock under which he might be hiding. If I could prove God's existance ... not that'd be a coup ... a Tempelton, a Mcarthur and a Nobel all in the same year.
but any level headed rational person would look at the evidence and see God.
Wow, really? Who is rational, the skeptic or the individual friend worshiper. Wow ... that's a tough one.
It is only the closed minded numpties who refute what is perfectly logical.
Wow, really? Who is closed minded, the person who will evaluate any new piece of data and accept or reject it based solely on how it actually fits into the known universe, how well it aids in understanding and predictability and whether or not it is falseafiable or the person who has to check the bible for clarification. Wow ... that's a tough one.


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
I agree, life is certainly amazing. Does that mean we should all just say the heck with it and start believing in Christ?

You cannot just start believing in Christ. The process is far more complex then just to start believing in something you do not know exists. That is why you have no desire to investigate it, which is fine.

No, I'd say life was amazing before any set of beliefs even existed.

When was that then

And if you are arguing for logic, I'd suggest not using scripture or anything you have read in religious texts as a basis for your argument.

Why Not, after 60 years it has stood me in good stead. My descisions have, for the most part, been successful ones and my life has been brilliant knowing that it will continue after our bodies cease to function. It has made me a reputable member of society and an asset to my community. All in all I have been overwhelmingly happy with my descisions.

Im sorry but a "logical" person wouldn't consider any certain religion as absolute truth.

By what authority do you make such a broad announcement.

In conclusion, let me just make it clear, I have not invited you to indulge in the world of Christianity. If you are happy living a life without Christ in it then carry on. You will never know if you could be happier but if you are easy enough pleased with your lot then far beit for me to help you find God. That is your choice, as much as it is my choice. Don't knock it unless you have tried it yourself.


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
If all that was going on was that you could not prove that God lived, and everything else were even, that would be one thing. But not only can you not prove that God exists (which should be rather straight forward) but you have to spend most of your time rationalizing all the BS that is contained in the book you rely upon as the primary support for your claim that your God exists

You really are an obnoxious bigot aren't you who is only capable of bad-mouthing anyone who disagree with him. You never debate you just berate. Every thread you get involved with is debased with your judgemental and sanctimonious clap trap as you try and exalt yourself above every poster you confront through trampling on good honest people who make you look like a venemous troll. I do not know why Christians engage in debate with you when your Post is always negative and crass. Your logic is that you do not believe in God so nobody else should. You are as dictatorial as Saddam Hussein was. My advice to Christians on here is to avoid any exchange with someone like you who is such a huge lost cause. You are here to denigrate and offensively abuse Christian whilst trying to fool us into believing you are a scientist who teaches in a college, God help us and the students you teach if that hogwash is true.

You have this rather backwards. You are the one who has the crumbs on your face yet you bring on tale after tale, most all obviously and demonstrably false, just like the child who is going to blame the missing cookies on imaginary and invisible monsters.

Get a life loser.

Your "evidence" for dimity does even make it to circumstantial, it stalls at argument from ignorance, "gee wilikers, we don't know what happened here and we can't simple say that we don't know, so let's shove our God into that hole, for our own greater glory." What a crock!

The crock is in your inability to perceive anything spiritual. You give all atheists a bad name with your dishonesty, vile mouth and bigoted denegration when it would be just as easy to talk with decorum. The old sailor displaying itself. Maybe you miss your mates at sea.

Why would scientists be "desperate" to disprove something ... we know that while proofs are possible, in cases such as this disproofs are quite impossible, no matter how many rocks we turn over to show that God is not under it there is always yet another rock under which he might be hiding.

What a liberty and insult to all scientists to include yourself withing their ranks. How can you include yourself amongst good decient scientists who strive to make our world a better place to live. You are a blight on the scientific community and should be excluded from their fraternity before you damage their reputations with your lack of scientific knowledge and inability to talk to others using manners. I am convinced that you an embarrassment to all scientists to whom you claim your arrogant knowledge and intellect. By their fruits they will be known. Thus far the fruits are bitter and disgusting to the taste.

If I could prove God's existance ... not that'd be a coup ... a Tempelton, a Mcarthur and a Nobel all in the same year.
Wow, really? Who is rational, the skeptic or the individual friend worshiper. Wow ... that's a tough one.
Wow, really? Who is closed minded, the person who will evaluate any new piece of data and accept or reject it based solely on how it actually fits into the known universe, how well it aids in understanding and predictability and whether or not it is falseafiable or the person who has to check the bible for clarification. Wow ... that's a tough one.

Why do you insist on turning Christianity into a science project. Not everything has to pass the scientific method in order to be true. That is just your bigotry and bias.
I have posted scores of time that I am not affiliated to any organised religion. That means your guessing is in vain.

The Apostle Paul taught that “faith is the substance [assurance] of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen”. “If ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true”. Faith is a principle of action and power. Whenever we work toward a worthy goal, we exercise faith. We show our hope for something that we cannot yet see.

In order for faith to lead to salvation, it must be centered in the Lord Jesus Christ. We can exercise faith in Christ when we have an assurance that He exists, a correct idea of His character, and a knowledge that we are striving to live according to His will.

Having faith in Jesus Christ means relying completely on Him—trusting in His infinite power, intelligence, and love. It includes believing His teachings. It means believing that even though we do not understand all things, He does. Because He has experienced all our pains, afflictions, and infirmities, He knows how to help us rise above our daily difficulties. He has “overcome the world” and prepared the way for us to receive eternal life. He is always ready to help us as we remember His plea: “Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not”.

Hebrews 11 King James Version (KJV)

11 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

To be saved from both physical and spiritual death. All people will be saved from physical death by the grace of God, through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Each individual can also be saved from spiritual death as well by the grace of God, through faith in Jesus Christ. This faith is manifested in a life of obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel and service to Christ. Wherefore, he is the firstfruits unto God, inasmuch as he shall make intercession for all the children of men; and they that believe in him shall be saved.

Acts 4

12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

Corinthians 15

22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.

Sorry, new to this forum. You must forgive me.

You speak of a physical death "that all people will be saved from" "by the grace of God." You mentioned before, as requested by me, defining faith and then claim that "faith is manifested in a life of obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel and service to Christ." "Faith", as you have defined it, " becomes belief for you. You no longer have faith. Faith is unconditional. One does not have faith because of what they believe. God, in man's perception is perfect, infinite and yet man is imperfect, finite. How is it then that your belief system throws out faith for human understanding of something that requires faith, not belief? How is it that you know what only God knows? Your salvation is dependent on the grace of God. You mentioned the death and resurrection of Jesus and you call him the Christ. And yet, you say all this because you believe. Where is your faith. What laws? What obedience? Oh, you mean to say that all that the Bible says in regards to laws. I know you did not mention the OT and deferred to the NT but again, if you go by the NT to determine what obedience is then you defer to a belief system again and forsake your faith. Yes, it is hard to just have faith. All that learning is just a belief system.

You still have not defined what salvation is. And yes, I see some far out philosophy hinted upon by what you say but what is most important is that you touched what comes out of faith, hope. Something all mankind has, hope, but you need more to believe in before you can really own faith. Just another oxymoron.

  1. ox·y·mo·ron
    1. a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction (e.g.,faith unfaithful kept him falsely true).

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You cannot just start believing in Christ. The process is far more complex then just to start believing in something you do not know exists. That is why you have no desire to investigate it, which is fine.

Actually, I grew up going to church and had plenty of opportunities to investigate it.
Why Not, after 60 years it has stood me in good stead. My descisions have, for the most part, been successful ones and my life has been brilliant knowing that it will continue after our bodies cease to function. It has made me a reputable member of society and an asset to my community. All in all I have been overwhelmingly happy with my descisions.
It's good you have that comfort it "knowing" as you say. But that doesn't make you right. And not having any doubts about it shows how illogical you actually are.
By what authority do you make such a broad announcement.

In conclusion, let me just make it clear, I have not invited you to indulge in the world of Christianity. If you are happy living a life without Christ in it then carry on. You will never know if you could be happier but if you are easy enough pleased with your lot then far beit for me to help you find God. That is your choice, as much as it is my choice. Don't knock it unless you have tried it yourself.
Logic doesn't require authority, only reasoning. And once again, i have tried it. Wasn't impressed.
When was that then
And you aren't one of those people that believe dinosaurs or any form of life before humans never existed are you? Not much logic in that way of thinking.


Well-Known Member
You are misinterpreting. The first verse comes from the beatitudes where Jesus is fulfilling the mosaic law replacing it with the Abrahamic Covenant.

Matthew 5

18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.

In no way can you use this to demonstrate that we should have faith in God and not Jesus Christ. Such a notion is absurd.

Whose commandments was the lawyer told to follow? It was the beatitudes that superceded the Mosaic Law announced by Jesus Christ. I find it weird that you should think that we should solely have faith in God and not in the Saviour of mankind. Are you Jewish by any chance.

Galatians 3:26
For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.

Colossians 2:5
For though I be absent in the flesh, yet am I with you in the spirit, joying and beholding your order, and the stedfastness of your faith in Christ

Our faith is in our Heavenly Father and His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Although we talk of having faith in people, in principles, or in things, real faith focuses on eternal life through knowing “the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom [He has] sent.” Faith takes us beyond mere acceptance of the Savior’s identity and existence. It includes having complete confidence in His infinite and eternal redemptive power to save us from sin and death. Faith permits us to acknowledge Christ’s divine attributes, including infinite love for both the innocent and the sinner. It acknowledges the Lord’s limitless capacity to forgive and heal when we cast our burdens upon Him. Jesus is the intercessor to God. How do we hope to glorify the father without faith in Jesus Christ qthe Saviour of mankind.

God doesn't beget a son. And Jesus peace be upon him never had divine attributes.

"Men of Israel listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him, as you know."
Acts 2:22

And he said unto them, What things? And they said unto him, Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, which was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people.
Luke 24:19

The woman said unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.
John 4:19

They say unto the blind man again, What do you say of him, that he has opened your eyes? He said, He is a prophet.
John 9:17

The Christ Jesus peace be upon him was a prophet. I am a muslim. Jesus peace be upon him wasn't god neither he had divine attributes nor he is a begotten son of God because simply stated, God doesn't beget. He came as a prophet to tell people to worship God and God only and to associate no partners.


I spent many, many years trying to disprove religion and faith. Frankly, most religions are build upon the interpretations and logic of men, who do, by nature, fall short of the glory of God, thus their doctrines are susceptible to being flawed as well. So religions are easy to disprove, and that is not just a handful, that is all of them. So when we see our coequals, on the other side of the fence, rubbing their hands together in glee, taunting us with the words that religions are slowly fading from our world, we can take solice in the fact that we are best rid of them anyway, none of have authority to act in the name of God. To disprove them is a little like using the scientific method. You have to simply be familiar with the scriptures, which give us and insight to the character and will of God, and have god knowledge of the Plan of Redemption. Like science there are set constants and laws that cannot be change. By those laws we can know what is true and what is false. If the contravene a principle or commandment then they are false.

For example, I listen to a testimony of a man who died and was revived. He gave a detailed account of what happened to him whilst he was dead. A very convincing account as well, but for one detail that exposed it as a fraud, or the source was dubious. He said that he found himself in the presence of God. Now, anyone who knows scriptures would know that it is impossible for a Spirit to be in the presence of God, pre-judgement. Anyone who is familiar with the Plan of Salvation would also know that his claim was fallacious. The Plan of Salvation is like a jig saw puzzle with every piece being unique. Many of our religions have some of the pieces, however, none of them have all the pieces. To disprove them is just a matter of looking at the pieces to see if they are all there. I have yet to find a religion that has all the pieces.

To clarify when I say religion I am referring to denominations in the Christian faith.

Now faith and our personal relationship with God is another story. It cannot be faulted in anyway or form. To be converted by the Holy Ghost, who opens the gates to the pure knowledge of the Plan of Redemption, and to receive that knowledge in all humility and faith in Christ, is to make yourself impervious to the fiery darts of Satan. So, in essence, I am throwing down the gauntlet to anyone who thinks they can disprove the logic of the Plan that was devised by God and accepted by Christ. I am looking for miss-shaped jig saw puzzle pieces that do to fit making the finished picture ugly instead of magnificent to behold. I am looking for someone to stump me on any aspect of Gods marvelous work and wonder to bring to pass the salvation and eternal life of mankind. If it cannot be done then even the disbelieved must concede that it is a rational and logical plan.
God's plan is perfect and logical. Now what men have done is twisted the plan. God created Jesus knowing that they would do as their fathers did when they made Baal. They bow down and pray to him to save but he can't. The Trinity is a lie. ONE GOD
God offers a new plan ( Covenant ) in Isaiah where also explains why he created him. To bring forth Gods Praise and his Salvation.


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
Actually, I grew up going to church and had plenty of opportunities to investigate it.

Me to, however I wasn't converted until I was around 35 and by then I had done a bible Masters course. Investigations are academic and not that spiritual. Only when you have been converted by the Holy Ghost can you say that you know God lives. Just going to church is not sufficient. It is a life style. A full commitment.

It's good you have that comfort it "knowing" as you say. But that doesn't make you right. And not having any doubts about it shows how illogical you actually are.

I was blessed with an experience that well and truly converted me. I am confident in saying that it is all true because to me it is. To say otherwise would be a lie. But I always qualify it by saying that I cannot give what I have to anyone else. You do not have to believe me, I do not know if I would believe you if you made the same claim, however, do not ask me to deny what I know to be true. It is true for me. To me it is as true as it gets.

Logic doesn't require authority, only reasoning. And once again, i have tried it. Wasn't impressed.

I am sorry, but if you tried it according to the epistle of James 1:5-6 then you would still be a Christian. The Plan of Redemption is a logical and rational plan that cannot be faulted. There are reasons and answers that are intertwined and connected throughout every single aspect. Every critique has a rational answer to it. The plan is perfect.

And you aren't one of those people that believe dinosaurs or any form of life before humans never existed are you? Not much logic in that way of thinking.

Not me, I am an ardent believer in evolution.
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Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists
God doesn't beget a son. And Jesus peace be upon him never had divine attributes.

"Men of Israel listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him, as you know."
Acts 2:22

And he said unto them, What things? And they said unto him, Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, which was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people.
Luke 24:19

The woman said unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.
John 4:19

They say unto the blind man again, What do you say of him, that he has opened your eyes? He said, He is a prophet.
John 9:17

The Christ Jesus peace be upon him was a prophet. I am a muslim. Jesus peace be upon him wasn't god neither he had divine attributes nor he is a begotten son of God because simply stated, God doesn't beget. He came as a prophet to tell people to worship God and God only and to associate no partners.

I respect your religion, however, dispite the similtudes I am a Christian and our belief will inevitably differ. He was a prophet and one of his responsibilities was to bring mankind unto God, however, there was so much more to his mission then preaching.


Not me, I am an ardent believer in evolution.
Then you should also believe life can be special without a religion attached to it. The reasons and answers for critiques are there to provide solace maybe, but all religions have these. Christianity is not special in this regard. There is just no sufficient reasoning to think one religion is more right than another. And nothing the bible or any other religious text says gives credence to that assumption.
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Well-Known Member
I respect your religion, however, dispite the similtudes I am a Christian and our belief will inevitably differ. He was a prophet and one of his responsibilities was to bring mankind unto God, however, there was so much more to his mission then preaching.

I thank you for that.

But I didn't use the Quraan in our discussion, I was quoting the bible to show you these points.
I think you are wrong. Yes I have faith in God but Christ is the intercessor to God. It is through Christ that Salvation is obtained. We pray to God in the name of Christ. Christ atoned for the sins of all mankind. He died on the cross for us and was resurrected so that we may all receive salvation in his name. It is therefore logical that we should have faith in Him who saved us and God Himself agreed when He said

Mathew 17:5 King James Version (KJV)

While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him.

He did not say hear me he said hear his son in whom we must have faith. It is a fundamental part of the plan of salvation decided before the world was. But I believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost equally.

It is right though, Jesus did say in

28 Then said Jesus unto them, When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then shall ye know that I am he, and that I do nothing of myself; but as my Father hath taught me, I speak these things.

However, note what he said "I do nothing" He does nothing less He confirms it with the father, but it is He that does it and not the father. God wrote the play but Jesus Christ is the leading actor. It is in Him that we must have faith.

Mathew 17:5 King James Version (KJV)

While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him.

Why then do believers find no fault in the Bible. Take 1 Timothy 3:16 and I apply your insistence on Jesus' divinity when I can interpret 3:16 to say: 1) "Mystery," "designates the secret that was hidden in divine wisdom during previous centuries and only revealed in Messianic times, i.e., that the redemption of all men is accomplished by Christ and is attained through union with Christ." JBC[57:21:9]. 2) "Flesh," "meaning human nature." 3) "Vindicated," [Justified] "meaning just," "[not] the usual Pauline meaning of purified from sin,"JBC[57:21:9]. 4) "Spirit," "The justice and divinity of Christ were manifested in a special way through the operation of the Holy Spirit in the glorious resurrection of Christ." JBC[57:22:16].

The manifestations of God are represented by the prophets. Jesus represented a manifestation of God, as a prophet, in the "flesh," as the "mystery," justified by the Spirit (God's "hidden divine wisdom") "taken up into glory" ("the visible manifestation" NAB1970, John 1: 14.)

The "Spirit" is represented by Genesis 1:27 where, the Image of God, is the Spirit. That Spirit has been with mankind from the beginning of the Creation story. The Prophets spoke of what is in the heart. Jesus is no different and if you pay close attention to the above quotes you too will see that what Jesus imparts to Christianity is no different than what the Bible says we were created as, as the image of God.

Your faith is in God. Your belief is in Jesus. What you know about Jesus is far more than what you know about God. Your belief in Jesus is just that, a belief. If you have faith in God then you have faith, hope that, there is a salvation. But then, you cannot say what salvation would be for you. Is there a heaven? Is there a hell? Where are these mythological realms? What is a heaven or a hell? What is salvation? I could give you a metaphysical.

Instead, I direct you to study Paul Tillich's theology. Start with his books, not his theology. Look him up on the internet. Google Tillich and, whatever you hope to find some answers too. You will most likely discover that he has addressed the question. Tillich, the greatest theologian of the last century, maybe for all time.
It is true that I cannot prove to you that God lives, however, if the cookie jar is empty and your little boys mouth is covered with cookie crumbs that it was him who had them. Our cookie crumbs for the God jar is all around us and throughout the universe. Circumstantial evidence that makes a good case for divinity. Scientist are desperate to disprove it but any level headed rational person would look at the evidence and see God. It is only the closed minded numpties who refute what is perfectly logical.

Science is as close to proving the universe comes from nothing as Thomas Aquinas was saying that there is a Cause and an Effect. Atheist' and Christian's ask the same questions.


You really are an obnoxious bigot aren't you
No, I am one of the least prejudiced people you will ever run across. But once you have proven yourself to be a fool, I do not tend to pull my punches.
who is only capable of bad-mouthing anyone who disagree with him.
Many people who disagree with me do so honestly, but some are just fools, I am quite capable of bad-mouthing the fools ... in fact I see it as my duty to humanity.
You never debate you just berate.
I can debate, I can berate, I an even agitate! I have a well developed suite of skills, which barrel you receive is completely dependent on how you conduct yourself ... I do not suffer fools gladly.
Every thread you get involved with is debased with your judgemental and sanctimonious clap trap as you try and exalt yourself above every poster you confront through trampling on good honest people who make you look like a venemous troll.
I really do dislike having to respond to derisive language that features misspelled adjectives, it makes me feel dirty. Please, please, get yourself a spell checker, they are available free. We all have an occasional typo, that's going to happen, but you raise misspellings to the main course.

Anyway ... me? Sanctimonious? Hardly.

I do not present with moral superiority.

I am not the one with the Holy Spirit of God gushing from every orifice.

I am not the one who plans on living forever in an incorruptible body.

Hmmm ... who is that one? Oh that's right, meet King Serene the Sanctamonius!

I do not know why Christians engage in debate with you when your Post is always negative and crass.
I do not know either.

You're a Christian (or so you claim, even if you don't act like one), you engage in a poor reflective shadow of a debate with me, you've not put me on "ignore."

Why is that, I'd guess you better qualified to explain why you are here than anyone else is.
Your logic is that you do not believe in God so nobody else should.
No, the likelihood of a god is passing small ... that's true. But if you want to believe in god, knock yourself out, but don't get in my face about it or I will kick your ***.
You are as dictatorial as Saddam Hussein was.
Saddam Hussein? Did he kick your *** before I did?
My advice to Christians on here is to avoid any exchange with someone like you who is such a huge lost cause.
Err ... lets' see you do as you say not as you do you damned hypocrite.
You are here to denigrate and offensively abuse Christian whilst trying to fool us into believing you are a scientist who teaches in a college,
No, I'm here engage in a useful dialectical with educated and intelligent people who have similar interests. If in the process I can amuse myself shooing a fool away, that just a minor bonus.

And ... yes I am a scientist. No I did not teach at a college. I taught at a graduate research school attached to a major state university.
God help us and the students you teach if that hogwash is true.
Too bad your god can't help you, 'cause its all true ... honest to god!
Get a life loser.
Got one, thanks, and it's been very, very good to me.
The crock is in your inability to perceive anything spiritual. You give all atheists a bad name with your dishonesty, vile mouth and bigoted denegration when it would be just as easy to talk with decorum. The old sailor displaying itself. Maybe you miss your mates at sea.
Was that aimed at being an anti-gay canard ... come on, you can do better than that.
What a liberty and insult to all scientists to include yourself withing their ranks.
[/quit]You're becoming unintelligible, liberty" withing? Get control of your emotions (if you are able).
How can you include yourself amongst good decient scientists who strive to make our world a better place to live.
As you say, by striving to make this world a better place, just as I am doing at this very instant.
You are a blight on the scientific community and should be excluded from their fraternity before you damage their reputations with your lack of scientific knowledge and inability to talk to others using manners.
I know that you'd love to censor me, to shut me up by fiat, that's that's your style. I welcome your posts and want you to have every chance possible to expose yourself ... that works so much better.
I am convinced that you an embarrassment to all scientists to whom you claim your arrogant knowledge and intellect.
I don't think that you have the affiliations or credentials to decide if I am an embarrassment to all scientists, besides, right now I think I'm doing pretty well at being an embarrassment to a handful of hateful so-called "Christians."
By their fruits they will be known. Thus far the fruits are bitter and disgusting to the taste.
Then try not to swallow.
Why do you insist on turning Christianity into a science project. Not everything has to pass the scientific method in order to be true.
'cause it all is a "science project." When you use Christian principles to go to the moon or the bottom of the sea, when you can show that Christian principles provide the same sort of predictive power as science, then you can talk ... till then you'd do better to listen.
That is just your bigotry and bias.
Neither bigotry nor bias, except against fools who are no longer funny.
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Well-Known Member
It is true that I cannot prove to you that God lives, however, if the cookie jar is empty and your little boys mouth is covered with cookie crumbs that it was him who had them. Our cookie crumbs for the God jar is all around us and throughout the universe. Circumstantial evidence that makes a good case for divinity. Scientist are desperate to disprove it but any level headed rational person would look at the evidence and see God. It is only the closed minded numpties who refute what is perfectly logical.

Sure the universe does seem like it was created, forgetting about the multi-verse ideas, but that has no bearing on ancient mythology copied from Egyptian, Roman and Greek mythology being actually true.
Horus had a virgin mother as well as many other mythologies, and redeemer, carpenter demigods were popular in late B.C. .A "created" universe does not mean these myths are real.


Lambaster of the Angry Anti-Theists

But your punches reflect on your persona, weak and frail having no substance.

Many people who disagree with me do so honestly, but some are just fools,

Ah, so this abhorrence that besets you is not uniquely dispatched just to Christians then. You seem accustomed to being disagreed with. Well that explain alot.

I am quite capable of bad-mouthing the fools ... in fact I see it as my duty to humanity.

That is not a trait to be proud of, it portrays you as having a narcissistic sociopathic character disorder and a bigot.

I can debate,

Not on this forum you don't

I can berate,

Yes, you have that ability

I an even agitate!

Only by your presence here. Typo there I see. People in glass houses

I have a well developed suite of skills, which barrel you receive is completely dependent on how you conduct yourself ... I do not suffer fools gladly.

Not true, you put up with yourself. I would hardly call a nasty mouth a skill. It is the reason for so many poeple disagreeing with you.

I really do dislike having to respond to derisive language that features misspelled adjectives, it makes me feel dirty.

I do not know if you are physically dirty but your mouth is.

Please, please, get yourself a spell checker, they are available free. We all have an occasional typo, that's going to happen, but you raise misspellings to the main course.

Ah, more of your school yard tit for tat.

Anyway ... me? Sanctimonious? Hardly.

I do not present with moral superiority.

Yes, you do.

I am not the one with the Holy Spirit of God gushing from every orifice.

No, I can never see you having the Holy Ghost.

I am not the one who plans on living forever in an incorruptible body.

But you will end up hoping for one as you lie on your death bed awaiting eternal darkness as you weep in fear.

Hmmm ... who is that one? Oh that's right, meet King Serene the Sanctamonius!

Sticks and stones

You're a Christian (or so you claim, even if you don't act like one), you engage in a poor reflective shadow of a debate with me, you've not put me on "ignore."

I have now

Why is that, I'd guess you better qualified to explain why you are here than anyone else is.

Partly to kick your ***, so far I do that in every post to you.

No, the likelihood of a god is passing small ... that's true. But if you want to believe in god, knock yourself out, but don't get in my face about it or I will kick your ***.

You wish.

Saddam Hussein? Did he kick your *** before I did?

When did you do that. I must have missed it in the garbage you post here whilst I was laughing.

Err ... lets' see you do as you say not as you do you damned hypocrite. No, I'm here engage in a useful dialectical with educated and intelligent people who have similar interests. If in the process I can amuse myself shooing a fool away, that just a minor bonus.

Then when do you intend to put down your thesaurus and start. Thus far all I have seen is Christians, like Robert, whooping your *** as you make a hasty retreat whimpering as you go.

And ... yes I am a scientist. No I did not teach at a college. I taught at a graduate research school attached to a major state university

Yea right, and God is our father in heaven. You are a wannabe who is quite obviously a intellectual nobody.[/QUOTE]
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But your punches reflect on your persona, weak and frail having no substance.

Ah, so this abhorrence that besets you is not uniquely dispatched just to Christians then. You seem accustomed to being disagreed with. Well that explain alot.

That is not a trait to be proud of, it portrays you as having a narcissistic sociopathic character disorder and a bigot.

Not on this forum you don't

Yes, you have that ability

Only by your presence here. Typo there I see. People in glass houses

Not true, you put up with yourself. I would hardly call a nasty mouth a skill. It is the reason for so many poeple disagreeing with you.

I do not know if you are physically dirty but your mouth is.

Ah, more of your school yard tit for tat.

Yes, you do.

No, I can never see you having the Holy Ghost.

But you will end up hoping for one as you lie on your death bed awaiting eternal darkness as you weep in fear.

Sticks and stones

I have now

Partly to kick your ***, so far I do that in every post to you.

You wish.

When did you do that. I must have missed it in the garbage you post here whilst I was laughing.

Then when do you intend to put down your thesaurus and start. Thus far all I have seen is Christians, like Robert, whooping your *** as you make a hasty retreat whimpering as you go.

Yea right, and God is our father in heaven. You are a wannabe who is quite obviously a intellectual nobody.

Dude! You need to go back and read your own posts, and the things YOU have been saying to people whom don't agree with you.



Admiral Obvious
But your punches reflect on your persona, weak and frail having no substance.
Ah, so this abhorrence that besets you is not uniquely dispatched just to Christians then. You seem accustomed to being disagreed with. Well that explain alot.
That is not a trait to be proud of, it portrays you as having a narcissistic sociopathic character disorder and a bigot.
Not on this forum you don't
Yes, you have that ability
Only by your presence here. Typo there I see. People in glass houses
Not true, you put up with yourself. I would hardly call a nasty mouth a skill. It is the reason for so many poeple disagreeing with you.
I do not know if you are physically dirty but your mouth is.
Ah, more of your school yard tit for tat.
Yes, you do.
No, I can never see you having the Holy Ghost.
But you will end up hoping for one as you lie on your death bed awaiting eternal darkness as you weep in fear.
Sticks and stones
I have now
Partly to kick your ***, so far I do that in every post to you.
You wish.
When did you do that. I must have missed it in the garbage you post here whilst I was laughing.
Then when do you intend to put down your thesaurus and start. Thus far all I have seen is Christians, like Robert, whooping your *** as you make a hasty retreat whimpering as you go.
Yea right, and God is our father in heaven. You are a wannabe who is quite obviously a intellectual nobody.
I do not know which is sadder...
That you have your *** handed to you repeatedly, or that you have no idea that you have your *** repeatedly handed to you.


It's just the Black Knight syndrome once again. Is that not where it always ends with fringe Christians that can't play well enough with others to even belong to a sect or cult with it's own name and creed