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Faith in Christ is Completely Logical


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
No it was not.
I seem to recall that it was..... but I ain't going to go looking for it. Either way, you have something coming from nothing,. that is the possible science answer. You don't think that is problamatic, considering it was you that brought this analogy up. The room is empty but you come out with a Rolex. That I think is a problem. What is it, magic?!?


You have to stop confusing the term ''rational people'' with ''atheists''. That is saying that believers cannot be rational. Francis Collins is a scientist and a believer, he seems to have his head screwed on alright to me
And I suspect that he'd be appalled at the crap you try to foist off on the folks here.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.
Why not give us an answer: Where does everything come from? Is it nothing? I don't know? Is it the multiverse? What makes you think there is no God? Considering billions believe, why argue with them so much? Do you argue with them because you can't see something physical? Are you a materialist? Where are your arguments why you don't believe?

Instead of the normal cop out that you don't have to give any, but we do, why not show something. After all, the only reason we are saying these things to you is because you come out with statements and questions in the first place. Yet you do not appreciate the full argument. You have to consider the whole and not just the parts.

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
I seem to recall that it was..... but I ain't going to go looking for it. Either way, you have something coming from nothing,. that is the possible science answer. You don't think that is problamatic, considering it was you that brought this analogy up. The room is empty but you come out with a Rolex. That I think is a problem. What is it, magic?!?
He presented the idea of an empty room. Since Rolex's in theory at least actually do exist, you are correct in the understanding of the argument that he was making, whether intentionally making that argument or not.


I seem to recall that it was..... but I ain't going to go looking for it. Either way, you have something coming from nothing,. that is the possible science answer. You don't think that is problamatic, considering it was you that brought this analogy up. The room is empty but you come out with a Rolex. That I think is a problem. What is it, magic?!?
No, we come up with having found you in yet another lie, or was it just a a reading comprehension problem ... either way, NO!


But you don't walk out of the room with any sort of watch or even any indirect evidence, you can't even tell anyone what time it is.
He's saying the room in empty. You're saying that since we don't know what is in the room there must be a gold Rolex in there. He's saying the room is empty, you're saying if he can't tell you what is in there then there must be a gold Rolex in there. It seems to me that it is incumbent upon you to show everyone the Rolex.

No, it is an almost perfect analogy, you are desperate for there to be something there, but I can look into the room and see that there is nothing there. So then you have to claim that it is a supernatural gold Rolex that only those who believe in supernatural gold Rolexs can see, yet when I ask you to demonstrate it's existence, you can't even give me indirect evidence such as telling me the correct time. The extended analogy works even better ... thanks.

No, we come up with having found you in yet another lie, or was it just a a reading comprehension problem ... either way, NO!

Here is every post, not in order, in which I used the word Rolex or in which the word Rolex appeared in a quote that I used in a post.

I repeat ... you are now a proven liar.
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Active Member
It is spiritually discerned my friend, whether you like it or will accept it or not. Therefore it is known.

If we surgically removed all the unsubstantiated claims from your contributions to this forum, I'll bet we could bury the totality on a floppy disk.

If you don't know the answer, don't tell me mine is wrong

All you've really got is an Argument From Ignorance. Pure and unvarnished. Observe:

http://www.logicalfallacies.info/ said:
"Arguments from ignorance infer that a proposition is true from the fact that it is not known to be false."


(1) No one has been able to disprove the existence of God.


(2) God exists.

How apropos that their go-to example is exactly the sort of stuff that you're shoveling here!

That is what you have, blind faith in something natural somehow bringing about everything.

That shows how much you know

I have not asserted such. Please desist from making more wild claims that I have, OK?

It is a definition of a word which obviously you don't accept. The prefix ''super'' only means above or beyond like supermodel or supercool etc

Oh really? Kind of like how The Old Testament has been superseded by The New Testament?

The inner witness is proof. To you it is not as you have not received it. It is personal, and fool proof.

So the "inner witness" is "personal proof?" You're conceding that it is totally subjective and not at all demonstrable?

One does not prove God exists

Or in your case: "One does not even remotely persuade that God exists."

as I keep telling atheists, and you refuse to accept.

You're willing to advocate a belief in what you've already conceded is an unprovable belief? And you have the nerve to label skepticism as "blind faith?"

God proves not man.

Premise A: "God proves not man."
Premise B: "Robert Evans is a man."
Conclusion: "Robert Evans Proves Not."

That was remarkably easy! No wonder your arguments are so unpersuasive!

Thank you for providing the argument against your continued participation in this debate.

Your continued participation will only cement the notion that you're either unable or unwilling to follow your own advice.

You will never accept this argument because, if you do, you have no argument.

I refuse to even accept it as an argument. It's nonsensical.

So you keep making a metaphysical argument into a physical argument, knowing then that you are an argument, however false. It won't do, sorry. You need to understand and accept what you are arguing.

So you're asserting that God exists physically? Do you have a test for that?

And as for paper bags, one is either saying it is intelligence or it is not

"The fallacy of false dichotomy is committed when the arguer claims that his conclusion is one of only two options, when in fact there are other possibilities. The arguer then goes on to show that the 'only other option' is clearly outrageous, and so his preferred conclusion must be embraced."

... or they don't know, hence the paper bag.

Either I accept your false dichotomy, or wear a paper bag over my head? This is the heart of your pseudo-argument? This is the best you can do?

Q. - What makes you think you deserve to sit at the Big Table with the adults? Your arguments are strictly card-table pabulum.

Your rudimentary ideas are not sufficeint to deal with it.

I'm not sure you'll hear this from up there on your high-horse, but "sufficient" is spelled s-u-f-f-i-c-i-e-n-t.

Thanks for playing.

there was sin before the univese as sin is error, and error is the reason we are here.

There was sin before the universe? What existed before the universe? Wait. Let me rephrase that:

What does your "Inner Witness" tell you existed prior to the creation of the universe?

To support your radically unorthodox assertion, you'll now need to cite some scriptures that state that there was anything but God existing prior to his creation of the universe ... and then you'll need to cite some scripture that asserts that God is sinful.

Because that is exactly what you've reduced your own argument to. Incredible.

Each realm is separate though, so this universe would still be seen as cle--

No. No more silliness from you. One error at a time.

Please cite some scripture that asserts that ANYTHING BUT GOD existed prior to his act of creation and also cite some scripture that supports your assertion that God is sinful.

Or ... you might just concede that you've been whistling theological "Dixie" all along and be done with it.



False question. One is through intelligence and one through luck and magic (the atheist universe it seems). There is no other answer, though I stand to be corrected if you think you have an answer.

You've still failed to explain how your belief in creation ex nihilo differs from "luck & magic."

As I said: One error at a time, please!
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Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
haha.... right, okay. So ignore nearly two thirds of the planet.... that makes sense. If you can't see it, it doesn't exist, right? So you don't believe in the big bang or evolution then! I shall wait for the obvious answer.
You can see physically the big bang. It's radiation mapped already by NASA and evolution has already been observed physically occurring. There however is no physical God anywhere else cept inside your heads manifesting as a thought which is where it will certainly remain as thoughts, and expressed by you and other people like yourself who are privy to the ideological concept of God as somehow being something more than it really and actually is.

You can however be an embodiment of your thoughts by acting out your ideological view of God by speaking on what you think is Gods behalf, and in turn roleplaying to achieve the physical effects you desire and claiming such actions are Gods own hand, and therefore a form of physical proof.

God is completely dead without human action unlike the aforementioned, where human involvement is not required at all to give credence to processes like the big bang and evolution.


Active Member
Any ideas where everything coemes from yet? or is it I don't know?

Absolute certainty is obnoxious. However, you've contributed admirably to my suspicion that your personal answer is the wrong one.

In any event, I've concluded that (based on your own argument) your continued participation in this debate is superfluous:

God proves not man.

Who knows? Perhaps God will prove to be more persuasive than his self-appointed terrestrial proxy?


By the way ... my "rudimentary idea" of our language tells me that "comes" is spelled c-o-m-e-s.


Its nice fried or grilled, well done, beautiful.
You have a boat it seems.
As for the spamming, if you don't want to read it, don't read it. You make too much out of it.

- WE - don't make too much of it.

It is against the rules here. These people need to go to the rules page and read it.



Veteran Member
Premium Member
It seems to me living and non living things are cooperating like a project. Living things cooperate within a system. That system of cooperation I call GOD. I think you do not have a name for it. What is it's name? It's name is not evolution because that word describes only a very minor part of it all.

Someone said a physical God is nonsense. I agree.


Active Member
Classic mistake. You are looking for metaphysical evidence in physical terms. Clearly if you do that, you've won, but that is just a false argument. Thus the rest of your comments are void.

Translation: "I can do nothing except claim to know what I'm talking about ... my fingers are in my ears ... la-la-la-la-la!"


Active Member
Someone said a physical God is nonsense. I agree.

Question #1: Is a non-physical god any less nonsensical? Please explain. Thanks.
Question #2: Is a non-physical god able to interact with reality in a physical way? If so, please explain.
Question #3: Is "physical non-existence" better than actual existence? Please explain.

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Veteran Member
Premium Member
Question #1: Please explain how a non-physical god is less nonsensical. Thanks.
Question #2: Is a non-physical god able to interact with reality in a physical way? If so, please explain.
Question #3: Is "physical non-existence" better than actual existence? Please explain.

Am I suppose to pretend you care?